
Which regimen of three generations of IVF has a high success rate

IVF ovulation induction is a very important link, the quality of the stimulation effect directly determines the quality and quantity of eggs obtained, and has an impact on the final pregnancy outcome. BeiLai Fertility Center said that there are many kinds of IVF ovulation promotion programs, we may not know much, thinking about which ivory baby program has a high success rate to choose which program, but in fact, the ovulation promotion program can not be chosen by itself, but by the doctor according to your situation to develop.

Which regimen of three generations of IVF has a high success rate

Which IVF regimen has a high success rate

Since you can't choose your own ovulation promotion regimen, you can always know which IVF regimen has a high success rate, right?

First of all, we need to know that in the IVF ovulation promotion program, there are long programs, ultra-long programs, short programs, antagonist programs, and microstimulator programs. These different ovulation induction regimens can help you to stimulate the follicles to get the number of follicles needed to do IVF.

Which regimen of three generations of IVF has a high success rate

Secondly, regarding the question of which IVF regimen has a high success rate, in fact, there is no fixed answer to this question, because different IVF ovulation induction regimens will have their own corresponding applicable patients.

For example, the IVF long program is a program with a relatively high success rate for patients with young age and ovarian function comparison. However, if it is an older patient with decreased ovarian function, the success rate may be very low.

Finally, we know that only the most suitable ovulation stimulation program for patients is an IVF program with a high success rate. If it is not suitable for use of patients to promote ovulation, then it will affect the effect of their own ovulation induction, which will affect the success rate of their own IVF.

Which regimen of three generations of IVF has a high success rate

In short, it is uncertain which ivory program has a high success rate, because each program is different, the applicable population and situation are different, there is no comparison, and only the one that suits oneself is the best. During the IVF process, the doctor will formulate a suitable plan according to each person's situation, and everyone should follow the doctor's advice.

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