
People are old, if the wife and children take a step first, no matter how sad you have to do 3 things

People are old, if the wife and children take a step first, no matter how sad you have to do 3 things

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No one can hide from life, old age, illness and death, which is difficult to face and accept, but it cannot be escaped no matter what. I love a word called "No Disease", which is probably the best way I can think of to leave. No pain, end of life, and leave with dignity.

However, those who leave leave may not be able to accept it calmly.

Especially for the other half, it may be a big blow, after all, they have been together for so many years, and they have long become an inseparable part of each other's lives. One of them is gone, and the one who is alive will spend the rest of his life in endless thoughts and loneliness.

But there must always be someone to go first, if you are old, the old partner takes a step first, then no matter how sad you are, you must do the following three things, this is for your own good, but also your future protection.

People are old, if the wife and children take a step first, no matter how sad you have to do 3 things

One: Take care of your emotions

Some people, after the loss of their loved ones, fall into long-term pain and silence, and are depressed and unhappy all day.

Some people simply become depressed, lose their expectations of life, and think about going with him all day. For him, the time to live is not a kind of happiness, but a helpless persistence, and the torment of gritting his teeth and patience.

After the other half left, sadness is inevitable, but there is no mountain in the world that cannot be passed, only a heart that cannot be put down. In the face of irrepressible sadness, controlling it and accepting him can reassure the children and the other half who are one step ahead.

Adjusting your mindset is adjusting yourself.

I am blessed, but I am lost. Everyone has the day to leave, but before that day comes, please adjust your mindset properly and embrace this changing day with an indifferent attitude.

Cultivate a hobby, find an interest, go with the flow, and let the peace sweep through the body.

People are old, if the wife and children take a step first, no matter how sad you have to do 3 things

Two: Take care of your body

The body is the foundation of everything, and only by taking care of your body will there be more possibilities in life. If your wife is gone, you must love yourself and live well, because at this time you are living with the wishes of two people.

In the morning, you can practice tai chi in the community, or walk a large circle slowly, move your muscles and bones, and breathe some fresh air. Look at the morning sun, how to pass through the gap between the white clouds, and then through the leaves, a wisp sprinkled on the body of pedestrians, warm in the hearts of passers-by.

Then go to breakfast to relieve the fatigue of exercise.

After lunch, you can ask friends to play chess, play mahjong, use your brain, and exercise your thinking skills. People are old, all aspects of the reflection is easy to become sluggish, sometimes thinking will gradually fall into speech, read more books and newspapers, exercise the mind with friends, but also very conducive to health.

As the saying goes: Walk a hundred steps after a meal and live to ninety-nine.

After eating, go downstairs for a walk and dance the square dance, which can not only help digestion, but also sweat and release the pressure of the body. In the midst of beautiful music and emotionless movements, regulate physical and mental stress to have a healthy physique.

The body is the capital of the revolution. At all times, we must allow ourselves to have a healthy state of mind and body, because with health, we have the capital to fight against some of the impermanence of this world.

People are old, if the wife and children take a step first, no matter how sad you have to do 3 things

Three: Take care of your savings

When people are old and their wives and children are gone, whether their children are filial piety or not, they must take charge of their own savings, because this is the confidence and guarantee of your life.

There are too many fraudulent means now, but the ability of the elderly to keep pace with the times is objectively still far from that of young people, so it is inevitable that scammers will find an opportunity to take advantage of it and blackmail it fiercely.

Therefore, the elderly must act cautiously, treat any need to transfer and withdraw money, be suspicious, and be careful of routines. For those who come to the door for free to measure blood pressure, or sell miracle drugs, also keep their distance.

Spring evenings often play some, because the children have not been around, the old man feels very lonely, so he is dependent on the door-to-door sales of drugs, and some old people even know that it is a scam, and resolutely jump into the pit of the sketch.

This is also to warn the elderly and pay attention to protecting their savings.

Hard work all my life, do not dare to eat too expensive things, do not dare to wear high-end clothes, just in order to be able to have some money when they are old, have money to see when they are sick, and their children encounter difficulties and reach out to help. Therefore, to protect money is to protect the ability to resist risks.

People are old, if the wife and children take a step first, no matter how sad you have to do 3 things

Everyone will have a day to go, everything is open and look down, and you can live a lot easier in the days to come. If your wife and children go first, you have to live well, because only in this way can he really feel at ease.

After all, if the person who goes first is you, you also hope that he can be well, and it is the same reason for his heart to heart.