
Why should China allow Tesla to build a factory for the first time

On July 10, 2018, Tesla signed an investment agreement with the Shanghai Municipal Government and the Shanghai Lingang Management Committee for a pure electric vehicle project, and Tesla will build a Tesla Gigafactory integrating R&D, manufacturing, sales and other functions in the Lingang area, which marks the official settlement of tesla gigafactory in China. This is The first wholly foreign-owned vehicle manufacturing project in China and Tesla's first overseas factory.

Why should China allow Tesla to build a factory for the first time

The Shanghai Municipal Government signed a Gigafactory agreement with Tesla

Anyone familiar with China's automotive industry knows that there are no wholly-owned car manufacturers in China. In China, it is either a pure Chinese car brand, such as Haval, Geely, Chery, JAC, Wuling... Either pure import cars, such as Maserati, Maybach, Rolls-Royce and other luxury cars; or joint venture cars, such as Volkswagen, Hyundai, GM, Nissan, Toyota...

This is because China's auto industry started late, and in order to protect its own auto industry, we refuse foreign auto companies to enter China alone to set up factories. In this way, foreign car brands with better performance, better quality control and stronger comfort can only take the road of import if they want to enter China. The state through the increase in tariffs, resulting in the price of imported cars is extremely high, the general user can not afford to consume, instead of buying their own cars, so as to better protect the country's automobile industry, and hope that their own cars can develop rapidly under this protection policy, and even catch up with the world's advanced level.

Helplessly, we lag behind the automobile industry of the world's advanced countries too much, almost half a century, so although Chinese hard-working and serious study, our automobile industry has never been able to catch up with advanced countries such as the United States, Japan and Europe, and finally had to adopt Sino-foreign joint ventures to produce automobiles.

Then the advent of smartphones.

We entered the era of smartphones and the world almost synchronously, here we have to mention an important mobile phone brand - Apple.

Apple's first generation of mobile phones swept the world as soon as they appeared, because this smartphone is so good to use, a small mobile phone can do almost all the things that a computer can do. Soon, traditional mobile phone giants Nokia, Motorola and other brands collapsed.

Although the Apple mobile phone is not afraid of the cold in the winter of old Beijing - the hat is covered, it is not entirely produced by Apple. An Apple mobile phone has about 450 parts, if all produced by Apple, does not meet the requirements of the precision division of labor in modern industrial society. The investment is too large, the management is too bloated, the capacity is too low, and there is no guarantee that every part will be the best and cheapest in the world. Therefore, Apple has all the parts packaged to hundreds of suppliers around the world, of which the famous Foxconn produces related parts for Apple, and Apple only needs to assemble the parts produced by each factory and it is done.

Why should China allow Tesla to build a factory for the first time

At that time, because of China's demographic dividend and huge market, Apple, Foxconn and other companies have built factories in China. The factory was built in China, and the suppliers of upstream products needed for the production of the factory blossomed everywhere in China. With the development of time, the technology has gradually matured, and almost all the parts needed by Apple can be produced in China. Seeing this, everyone should understand that since almost all the parts required to assemble an Apple mobile phone can not only be produced in China, but also the best in the world, so we assemble these parts and change the name, is its performance similar to Apple?

The answer is yes!

Yes, domestic mobile phone brands such as Huawei, Xiaomi, vivo, and OPPO have grown up in this context. Therefore, Apple's establishment of factories in China not only did not squeeze China's mobile phone industry, but greatly accelerated the development of China's smart phone industry. If it were not for the SUPPRESSION OF THE US IMPERIALISM, Huawei would have pulled Apple off the horse long ago and become the chief helmsman of the world's mobile phone brands - this is really not bragging.

Soon there was an Apple of new energy vehicles - Tesla!

If you think about it, why should we introduce the world's best new energy vehicle Tesla, and give him so many discounts, especially allowing him to build a factory? Are you not afraid of his impact on the mainland's new energy automobile industry?

When Tesla motors were introduced, the Shanghai government signed a VAM agreement with them. There are two provisions in the agreement: first, the Shanghai Gigafactory must pay 2.23 billion yuan in taxes per year from the end of 2023; second, Tesla must localize the supply chain to 100% within 3 years of the agreement taking effect.

If Tesla cannot complete this condition, then the Shanghai municipal government will not only force the recovery of Tesla's Shanghai Gigafactory, but also require Tesla to invest 14.08 billion yuan in capital expenditure in the Shanghai Gigafactory in the next 5 years.

Today, Tesla's revenue in China has grown by more than 100% for two consecutive years. Tesla's revenue in China was $2.979 billion in 2019 and $6.662 billion in 2020. Revenue in the Chinese market in 2021 was $13.844 billion.

Judging from this data, Tesla's completion of the VAM agreement is basically to probe the bag, unless the United States arranges for The Buddha to clear Tesla's factory in Shanghai, tesla can complete the agreement with its eyes closed.

So why should we use such a big offer to help Tesla build a factory? Are you afraid that Tesla will make less money? Certainly not, and our leaders are not crazy. Is that Tesla's future $2.23 billion in taxes per year? We're also less short-sighted.

What's that picture?

Note the second clause of the VAM agreement, "Tesla must localize the supply chain to 100% within 3 years of the agreement going into effect"!

How similar! An ancient and modern model of long-term line fishing for big fish!

So have you found that now domestic new energy vehicles have sprung up like mushrooms, ideal, Xiaopeng, Weilai, Roewe, Dongfeng... Everyone you chase me, quality control is getting better and better, the prospect is full of hope!

So who is most likely to challenge Tesla's authority in the future and become China's next Huawei?


BYD also started to do fuel vehicles, but as in the case of other domestic cars, there has not been much improvement, and it can only crawl in low-end cars. As soon as the outlet of new energy vehicles appeared, BYD immediately took the lead and positioned the future in the direction of new energy, and the grasp of this strategy can be said to reflect the foresight of BYD's decision-makers. Subsequently, BYD pressed another treasure right, that is, to firmly grasp the battery technology of new energy vehicles!

For new energy vehicles, battery life, charging is the most concerned about people, the so-called unmanned concept of completely belongs to Gu Ailing to buy swimsuits - not much use. If a driver is asleep in the driver's seat and the car is running wild in the wind, I think it's probably the driver who is crazy.

If you think about it, the reason why Huawei was necked by the U.S. dika is because Huawei's "5G" is the first world-leading technology Chinese since 1840, once Huawei's 5G goes out, the future communication network will be the world of Chinese, which is the scientific and technological hegemony of the U.S. imperialism, and the White People of Ansa cannot accept it at all. It is a pity that Huawei or China did not solve the core of the mobile phone as soon as possible - the chip, resulting in the final withdrawal of the US imperialists. Although Huawei has not fallen, it is also difficult and the future is uncertain.

On the other hand, BYD, as soon as it came up, grasped the core of new energy vehicles - the battery firmly, and the poison of its vision can be seen.

The latest ranking of global power battery companies in 2021 is released, and the top ten are: CATL Times, LG New Energy, Panasonic, BYD, SK On, Samsung SDI, Zhongxin Airlines (AVIC Lithium Battery), Guoxuan Hi-Tech, Envision Power, and Hive Energy.

BYD's battery is the fourth in the world and the second in China, which shows its status.

Why should China allow Tesla to build a factory for the first time

BYD's lithium iron phosphate battery plant in Brazil

Secondly, the largest single market for new energy in the future must be China, BYD has been deeply cultivated for many years, and a series of models represented by dynasties have long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the next cruisers, aircraft carriers, destroyers and other models will definitely firmly hold the heart of Chinese straight men.

Since 2020, BYD Auto has released the blockbuster news of blade batteries, and has passed on the success report in order to solve the pain points of new energy vehicle endurance.

This is BYD's latest breakthrough in the field of new energy vehicles.

At the heart of BYD's blade battery change is space utilization. In this regard, the utilization rate of the traditional power battery from the battery cell to the module is about 80%, and the module to the battery pack is also occupied by the connected parts and the internal skeleton, and the utilization rate is only about 50%. In other words, the capacity of the battery cell only accounts for about 40% of the total volume of the battery pack.

The BYD blade battery is directly composed of battery packs from the battery cell, which is equivalent to some snacks with independent packaging in life, removing the "independent packaging" of the module, and the "dry goods" are naturally more. This structural design further squeezes the space of the battery pack, so that the proportion of battery cell capacity in the entire battery pack has come to about 60%. This 20% difference makes up for the innate lack of lithium iron phosphate in terms of energy ratio, directly making the battery raw materials and volume unchanged, bringing about an increase in energy density (after the group) and cruising range, which can be compared with the ternary battery.

In 2021, BYD's cumulative sales of new energy vehicles were 593,700 units. As of December 2021, BYD has sold more than 1.5 million new energy vehicles and reduced carbon dioxide emissions by more than 8.92 million tons, equivalent to planting 750 million trees.

Why should China allow Tesla to build a factory for the first time

This is the summary of global new energy vehicle sales in 2021, BYD still firmly bites Tesla, the most reassuring thing for us is that by-one, the core of BYD - "battery", in the hands of Chinese, I don't have to worry about the US empire in the future to pinch BYD's "dan".

One Huawei has temporarily slowed down the pace of galloping, countless Huaweis will go up against the wind, and the self-improvement character of the Chinese nation determines that we will never be willing to live under the people. Our goal is the sea of stars, how can those young people understand our ambitions!

Come on, BYD, and look forward to the day when you raise your eyebrows for Chinese!

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