
Of the four heroes whose strength exceeded the standard, Liu Chan was one of them, and the top of the list was too strong to be true!

Each version has a lot of tweaks, some heroes will be greatly weakened, but there are also particularly strong heroes who have come out, and the S26 season is no exception. In this season, it is difficult for shooters and mages to score points, and many people jokingly say that dogs do not play in these two positions. Although there are exaggerated elements, it also reflects the embarrassing situation of these two C bits from the side. Relatively weak naturally strong, the following is up to me to take stock of the four versions of the heroes who seriously exceed the standard.

Fourth place: Liu Chan

Of the four heroes whose strength exceeded the standard, Liu Chan was one of them, and the top of the list was too strong to be true!

I believe that this season, many of the small partners who play the ranking have learned the horror of Liu Chan, although Liu Chan is an auxiliary, but the output ability and control ability are ridiculously high, he can easily beat the crispy half of the blood after a set of skills, and what is more terrifying is that after buying the ice heart, the clip can almost indefinitely release a skill to chase people. As long as you have one skill in the team battle, you can put two one-skill hits on the opposite C position twice, and the second skill can cause stun once, and there is also a group slowdown effect during the release of the big move. Bringing a flash of Liu Chan to the opposite side is no less powerful than any assassin. To be honest, Liu Chan is definitely the best T1 assist to get started. Moreover, liu Chan had almost no natural enemies except that he could be restrained by Zhuang Zhou.

Third place: Zhong Wuyan

Of the four heroes whose strength exceeded the standard, Liu Chan was one of them, and the top of the list was too strong to be true!

Zhong Wuyan is also a dark horse, not only has a thick body, but also has a powerful output and group control. Thanks to the double damage caused by the second skill center, as long as you buy a black cut, Aunt Zhong can hit the crispy skin with a set of skills. Nowadays, she basically takes the road of confrontation, but personally I think that Zhong Wuyan is best to play the wild position, because after playing the wild Zhong Wuyan's economy and experience, the lethality is even greater, and it may just be a hammer opposite the opposite and explode in situ. Even if it doesn't deal fatal damage, with its control ability, you can make your teammates replenish the knife.

Second place: Sun Ce

Of the four heroes whose strength exceeded the standard, Liu Chan was one of them, and the top of the list was too strong to be true!

Wing road Sun Ce is basically invincible at the first level, his passive is to increase his own armor when attacked, and every six seconds of general attack can restore his health. Not only that, Sun Ce's damage was also high, driving a big move full of maps to hit people, and a big ship rushed towards the crispy skin, and it only took two seconds for them to evaporate. Although Sun Ce is very strong, but it is not easy to play well, a skill needs to prejudge the enemy's position to control the enemy, flashing Sun Ce can also hit the opposite side of a surprise, but there is no hundreds of hammers at all. And in addition to operation, it is also necessary to have a strong consciousness support. Therefore, the comprehensive evaluation of Sun Ce can only rank second.

Number one: Secret letters

Of the four heroes whose strength exceeded the standard, Liu Chan was one of them, and the top of the list was too strong to be true!

The secret letter is definitely the first version of the hero who exceeds the standard, please allow me to elaborate. This season's Blood Devil Fury has been enhanced, and Secret Letter is a hero who relies on the output of general attacks, because it is highly suitable for this equipment, and Secret Letter can greatly improve the output ability after buying this equipment.

Of the four heroes whose strength exceeded the standard, Liu Chan was one of them, and the top of the list was too strong to be true!

Summoner skill is recommended to take sprinting, because the damage to the line of soldiers in the early stage of punishment is reduced, as long as you reach the fourth level, you can drive unlimited invasion of the opposite wild area, if the situation is not right, you can also open the sprint and a skill at the same time, and the opposite side can not even touch your hair. The wild area opposite is your home, which can not only compress the economy of the enemy's wild, but also strengthen yourself, why not enjoy it? Sprinting secret letter, incredibly happy, just like the blood combination, there are three classes of warrior, Taoist, mage for you to choose, each class has its own highlights, play very happy.

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