
When kidney stones find you, the body or there are 6 manifestations, check in time to avoid causing uremia

With the change of national economy and dietary structure, the incidence of kidney stones shows an upward trend, according to statistics, the incidence of kidney stones in mainland China is about 1%-3%, and the incidence of coastal and southern China is higher, up to 5%-10%.

And if not treated in time, kidney stones will gradually increase, and cause corresponding complications, such as kidney pain, hydronephrosis, thereby seriously endangering kidney function.

Therefore, in recent years, people have paid more and more attention to kidney stone disease, after all, this will not only affect the kidneys, but also affect other organs, such as the body's detoxification system and digestive system, which may seriously lead to uremia.

Of course, whether specific kidney stones will cause uremia also needs to be analyzed in detail.

When kidney stones find you, the body or there are 6 manifestations, check in time to avoid causing uremia

In the case of severe kidney stones, it may lead to uremia, especially the obstruction caused by complex and large numbers of kidney stones, and there are stones that are too large or too much water, so that the kidneys are inflated like balloons, which will lead to long-term substantial atrophy of the kidneys, affecting kidney function, and increasing the creatinine index, which will inevitably be complicated by uremia.

Therefore, if there are kidney stones, we must attach great importance to it, especially to achieve early detection and early treatment, then when the body sends out 6 kidney stone prompts, it should be paid attention to.

When kidney stones find you, the body or there are 6 manifestations, check in time to avoid causing uremia

First, hematuria

Hematuria is a common symptom in patients with kidney stones, which fall into the urinary system, scratching the renal pelvis and ureteral mucosa, causing damage to capillaries in some areas.

In general, patients with kidney stones have hematuria that is visible to the naked eye or hematuria under a microscope, and hematuria symptoms worsen once the patient is physically active.

When kidney stones find you, the body or there are 6 manifestations, check in time to avoid causing uremia

Second, infection symptoms

If kidney and ureteral stones swallow infection, pus purulent urine is present, accompanied by symptoms such as fever, low back pain, chills, frequent urination, urgency, and pain.

Third, urinary tract obstruction

When both kidneys have stones, it can lead to obstruction of both urinary tracts, even if one kidney is stone obstruction, as the disease progresses, it can lead to reflex urinary tract closure on the other side.

When kidney stones find you, the body or there are 6 manifestations, check in time to avoid causing uremia

Fourth, low back pain

About 75% of patients with kidney stones will have low back pain, especially large stones, which are mainly blunt when moving through the renal pelvis, and as the condition progresses, it may cause obstruction of the renal pelvisal junction.

The pain begins in the lower back and radiates along the ureter to the bladder, usually for a few minutes, but may last for several hours, and some patients may have pallor, sweating, and prostration.

When kidney stones find you, the body or there are 6 manifestations, check in time to avoid causing uremia

Fifth, kidney pain

In general, the symptoms of patients with kidney pain mainly occur in the back, and severe pain occurs suddenly after exercise or at night, which will make patients restless and painful.

The main cause of this condition is caused by kidney stones blocking the renal pelvis or ureter during excretion, and after the pain, some patients will have the appearance of stones discharged with urine.

Sixth, renal insufficiency and lumbar spine mass

Obstruction due to one kidney stone can lead to hydronephrosis and progressive renal insufficiency, and bilateral or solitary kidney stones can cause obstruction, severely causing hydronephrosis and lumps in the lumbar or epigastric region.

When kidney stones find you, the body or there are 6 manifestations, check in time to avoid causing uremia

Kidney is one of the important organs of the human body, we must pay attention to it, in daily life, should do more exercise to promote blood circulation, diet to eat less unhealthy foods and drinks, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, promote gastrointestinal activity, but also drink more water, accelerate body detoxification, promote body metabolism.

Pay more attention to these aspects, you can prevent the occurrence of kidney stones, but if you have such a disease, you don't need to worry too much, go to the hospital immediately for treatment, and actively cooperate with the doctor, you can completely cure the disease.

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