
Great Wall Motor's high-end sedan brand exposure internal code BC

Recently, the "BC Brand 2022 Regional Activity Execution Company Bidding Project" released on the electronic bidding platform of Great Wall Holdings shows that Great Wall Motors will release a new brand within the year, the internal code name BC, there is news that Great Wall Motors is currently preparing a new high-end car brand, and the project is currently in the channel image design and sample store building related work.

Great Wall Motor's high-end sedan brand exposure internal code BC

It is understood that Great Wall Motors launched two sedan models in the early 2010s, namely the Tengyi C30 and the Tengyi C50. However, due to the mediocre market response, Great Wall Motors suspended the car project after successively withdrawing from the market.

However, at last year's post-IPO communication meeting of Weipai Mocha, senior leaders revealed some information about the new car. Officials said that the price of the first car is in the range of 150,000-200,000 yuan, different from the mainstream mid-level cars such as Accord and Tianlai in the market segment, the shape of the first car will be specially created for young consumer groups.

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