
Why is it that if the development of myopia is not controlled, it may be passed on to the next generation? In fact, myopia is a process of "quantitative change to qualitative change", and the truth of this can start with the occurrence of myopia. #

author:Wang Jiangqiao Ophthalmologist

Why is it that if the development of myopia is not controlled, it may be passed on to the next generation? In fact, myopia is a process of "quantitative change to qualitative change", and the truth of this can start with the occurrence of myopia. #预防近视 #

Under normal circumstances, a person's eyes tend to have a certain degree of hyperopia after birth, and with the development of the eye, the symptoms of hyperopia are generally maintained until about the age of 6. After that, the eyes return to normal zero. After the age of 6, if the eyes are frequently used excessively or incorrectly, and there are eye traumas, it may lead to myopia. However, if myopia occurs before the age of 6, it is often mostly related to heredity.

Of course, it is not that myopia will be passed on to the next generation, and there is a rough measure in the middle, which is the process from "quantitative change to qualitative change". Usually, the myopia of children before school is often low, and the low degree here refers to the degree of myopia below 200 degrees. After that, myopia will accumulate in a certain period of time, from low to moderate, the range of moderate myopia is 300 degrees - 600 degrees; however, moderate is not the limit of myopia, it will also develop from the middle to the height, the height refers to more than 600; but to the height is not the end, myopia also has a super height, the super height is often more than 800 degrees. Myopia develops along a trapezoidal pattern from low to moderate to high and then to super-height. So what does this have to do with heredity?

In recent years, according to ophthalmic clinical case studies, there is a significant genetics of high myopia, and the common genetic patterns include autosomal dominant inheritance and autosomal recessive inheritance. From the perspective of the incidence of the disease, the current clinical high myopia can be manifested as simple high myopia and high myopia diseases, which have their own genetic patterns. From the perspective of eye refractive conditions, it is affected by a variety of factors, among which the length of the eye axis, corneal refractive, and crystal position have an important impact on it. However, the pathogenesis of high myopia is not yet clear, and it can generally be manifested as prolongation of the eye axis, sclera abnormalities, and retinal and vitreous degeneration. The Sorb study found that multiple genes that determine the length of the eye axis and multiple genes that determine the diopter of the cornea play a decisive role in high myopia.

The development of myopia from low to high is a "quantitative change", and high myopia is likely to be inherited to the next generation, and naturally evolves into "qualitative change". The "quantitative change" to "qualitative change" of myopia is a red flag, not only for genetics, but also for the patient himself. High myopia is more likely to have complications than mild myopia, including: "glaucoma, macular degeneration, retinal detachment", etc., and they are blinding.

The problem of myopia cannot be underestimated, and it is not only responsible for one's own eyes, but also for the next generation. Awareness of prevention and control is the key.

Why is it that if the development of myopia is not controlled, it may be passed on to the next generation? In fact, myopia is a process of "quantitative change to qualitative change", and the truth of this can start with the occurrence of myopia. #

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