
urgent! The two women in Dalian gave birth before they could enter the delivery room

urgent! The two women in Dalian gave birth before they could enter the delivery room

At about 17:00 on February 8, the emergency room of the Second Hospital of the University of Medicine welcomed two newborns, and one pregnant woman came to the hospital with a full uterine opening and had to "give birth on the spot" in the emergency room. Another woman gave birth at home and was taken to the hospital with her umbilical cord still unbroken. Doctors remind that pregnant women with second or third births are more likely to have a situation of emergency delivery when giving birth, and special attention needs to be paid to preparing in advance so as not to bring harm to newborns and mothers.

The two women were taken to the emergency room on the front and back feet

"Doctor, my daughter-in-law is about to have a baby!" At about 16:46 on February 8, a man pushed a flat cart into the emergency room of the Second Hospital of the University of Medicine, and a pregnant woman on the flat car had a tight brow, a painful face, and a high and bulging abdomen. Emergency nurses immediately entered the rescue state, it is understood that the mother is 39 weeks pregnant + 5, immediately after the water at home was sent to the hospital, the examination found that the membrane premature rupture is accompanied by regular contractions, the uterine opening has been fully opened, and it is possible to give birth at any time. In order to better protect the safety of mothers and newborns, Wu Xueying, the head nurse of the emergency department, immediately decided to send the mother to the standby isolation single room and organize the preparation for local delivery. A few minutes later, obstetricians, midwives, neonatologists, and pediatric emergency physicians arrived at the emergency room. The obstetrician gives fetal heart rate monitoring, assesses the state of the mother, disinfects the cloth, guides the patient to breathe, and assists the doctor in preparing for delivery, but because the fetal heart fluctuates at 90-100 times per minute, there is fetal distress, and perineal resection is performed to end the delivery as soon as possible.

At about 17:05, a baby boy came into the world. Newborns are suffocated after delivery and are bruised all over the body. The medical staff quickly warmed them, cleaned the airways, and after active and effective neonatal resuscitation, with the full cooperation of various disciplines, the newborn turned the crisis into safety.

Before the medical staff present could breathe a sigh of relief, there was another cry for help outside the house. "The pregnant woman was born prematurely at home 30 minutes ago, and the child's umbilical cord has not been broken!" The obstetrics and neonatal departments quickly assessed the situation of adults and children, only to see that the premature baby weighing more than 3 pounds was short of breath, bruised around the mouth and limbs, not yet broken, and the maternal placenta was not delivered. Everyone quickly placed the mother and child in another isolation room, and after timely and proper disposal, the premature baby was also out of danger. Subsequently, the two newborns were sent together to the neonatal intensive care unit for further observation.

The harm of improper handling of emergency delivery is not small

It is understood that these two patients are two-child mothers. Obstetrician Liu Jiaxin introduced that pregnant women from the initiation of regular contractions to the delivery of the fetus for no more than 3 hours is called emergency delivery, and pregnant women with second or third births are more likely to have this condition when they give birth. If not handled properly, it can have serious consequences for both the mother and the baby. Emergency delivery is a high risk factor for postpartum haemorrhage, and it is also easy to cause severe lacerations of the perineum, and even the damage of the sphincter leading to fecal incontinence; fetal distress, intracranial hemorrhage, trauma, neonatal asphyxia, etc. may be caused to the baby.

In order to avoid this situation, pregnant women should ensure regular obstetric examinations so that doctors can keep abreast of the health of pregnant women and fetuses. If the expectant mother has a history of emergency labor (including family history of emergency labor) or a high risk of emergency birth, she should be hospitalized in advance on the advice of a doctor to give birth; near the expected date of delivery, try not to go far, and be accompanied by a family member. Once abdominal pain, red and other maternity signs appear, especially pregnant women with second or even third births, be sure to seek medical treatment as soon as possible. Peninsula Morning News, 39 degrees video reporter Huang Fengtong Picture from the interviewee

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