
Why did the maintenance coupons given by SAIC Volkswagen disappear "out of thin air"?

The maintenance coupon given by SAIC Volkswagen disappeared "out of thin air", is it really not in line with the conditions, or is there "something else"? The complainant, Ms. Gao, wants an explanation!

Why did the maintenance coupons given by SAIC Volkswagen disappear "out of thin air"?

Network diagram

In December 2019, Ms. Gao bought a Tuyue at the Runhua SAIC Volkswagen 4S store, and at the time of the first insurance, Ms. Gao was told that the manufacturer had given two maintenance coupons for her car, unlimited time, used at any time, activated at any time, and then showed it to Ms. Gao. Ms. Gao is naturally very happy to have such a discount, she told the program group that she remembers clearly, the two coupons are in the membership menu of SAIC Volkswagen's public account.

However, the happy days are always short-lived, in July and August 2020, Ms. Gao entered the store again for maintenance and found that the gifted maintenance coupons could not be found. At this time, the clerk informed that it may be caused by a system upgrade, and uploading the driving license purchase invoice can be applied for again.

Why did the maintenance coupons given by SAIC Volkswagen disappear "out of thin air"?

Ms. Gao, who did not know the situation, also said that she was "emotionally stable" at this time, and as a result, after operating as required, the maintenance coupon still did not appear. After a long period of communication, Ms. Gao learned that the manufacturer believes that Ms. Gao's car was purchased in 2019, which does not meet the scope of this gift of maintenance vouchers, even if Ms. Gao's license plate is only hung in January 2020!

In response to this problem, the program team contacted saic motor Volkswagen manufacturers, and the other party said that it had recorded feedback later, but as of press time, no staff had replied to the matter.

In response to Ms. Gao's question, many netizens said that they had also experienced:

Why did the maintenance coupons given by SAIC Volkswagen disappear "out of thin air"?
Why did the maintenance coupons given by SAIC Volkswagen disappear "out of thin air"?
Why did the maintenance coupons given by SAIC Volkswagen disappear "out of thin air"?
Why did the maintenance coupons given by SAIC Volkswagen disappear "out of thin air"?

Even SAIC's latest tram series has encountered similar problems:

Why did the maintenance coupons given by SAIC Volkswagen disappear "out of thin air"?

This wave of operations by SAIC Volkswagen is difficult to understand, and rights protection reporters are still following up.

Progress of Previous Cases:

On Monday, the owner of the car, Mr. Yuan, reflected to the program group that the platinum members promised to sell have not been given, and after communication, the current 4S store promises to maintain it in accordance with the platinum membership standards, and when it is time to renew, Mr. Yuan can pay for the purchase of platinum members.

If you have a problem with the car, you can call our complaint number in time, 053182954520 or 15105311031 complaint number. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 1031 Car Rights Protection Hotline, defend your rights! More rights protection videos can be viewed through Douyin and the video number "FM1031 Jinan Traffic Radio".

Why did the maintenance coupons given by SAIC Volkswagen disappear "out of thin air"?

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