
Appetizing recipes for expectant mothers in February

Recently, pregnant mothers' appetites are getting worse and worse, so try these healthy appetizers!

Lotus root lean cereal porridge

The content of carbohydrates in lotus root is not very high, and vitamin C and dietary fiber are relatively rich, pregnant mothers eat lotus root more can nourish yin, moisturize, and calm the spirit. Lean meat is rich in phosphorus, potassium and sodium, and the iron content is particularly high, which can effectively alleviate symptoms such as dizziness and shortness of breath caused by iron deficiency anemia. Cereal is rich in fiber and vitamins, which can supplement nutrition and promote gastrointestinal motility. This porridge is rich in nutrients, rich in aroma and easy to absorb.

Appetizing recipes for expectant mothers in February

Ingredients: 50 grams of rice, 30 grams of lotus root, 20 grams of lean pork, corn kernels, goji berries, cereals, minced green onions, salt.

Directions: Wash and soak the rice for 30 minutes, wash the lotus root and cut into thin slices, slice the lean pork, wash the goji berries.

Put the rice in a pot and add the right amount of water to boil to make a porridge.

Blanch the lotus and corn kernels, and then blanch the meat slices as well, and put the blanched lotus slices, corn kernels, and meat slices, together with goji berries and cereals, into the porridge and cook for five or six minutes.

Finally, season with salt and sprinkle with chopped green onion.

Banana milk strawberry soup

This porridge is light and elegant, sweet and sour, and is a good appetizer. Bananas are rich in soluble fiber, which can help digestion, promote gastrointestinal motility, and improve constipation. Bananas also have a certain effect on relieving insomnia or emotional tension. Milk is rich in calcium, zinc and magnesium, and has a calming effect on sleep.

Appetizing recipes for expectant mothers in February

Ingredients: 1 banana, 250 ml of milk, 30 g of fresh strawberries.

Directions: Wash the fresh strawberries and cut into chunks. Peel off the outer skin of the banana and place it in a bowl and crush it into a puree. Place the milk and banana puree in a pot and cook slowly over low heat for 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Add the strawberry cubes to the pan.

Sweet and sour appetizing fruit porridge is very popular with pregnant mothers.

Perfect Father-to-be Training Camp: Make a kind of appetizer porridge that she likes according to the preferences of pregnant mothers, I believe that it can relieve pregnant mothers' morning sickness at the same time, so that she and the fetus are very moved.

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