
The two girlfriends are pregnant at the same time, and after giving birth to a baby, one becomes younger and the other becomes "old", the difference is in the husband

One pregnant ugly three years! After some women become pregnant, their appearance changes dramatically, and they are so ugly that they are amazing. But there are also women who are well maintained after pregnancy, not only did not become ugly, but also became much more beautiful.

Two girlfriends are pregnant at the same time, one is favored like a princess, and the other is angry like an old woman

Ms. Lin and Ms. Sun are girlfriends, and the two are two months apart and have been pregnant with the baby. But the same is a woman, but the gap between the two after pregnancy is quite large! After Ms. Lin became pregnant, she was particularly favored, and her husband came home on time every day after work, helped Ms. Lin wash clothes and cook, and also cut apples to feed her, and coaxed his wife to be happy.

The two girlfriends are pregnant at the same time, and after giving birth to a baby, one becomes younger and the other becomes "old", the difference is in the husband

Until after giving birth to a baby, Ms. Lin has hardly been angry, let alone depressed, and her life after childbirth has been quite smooth, and her recovery is relatively fast. In the second month after giving birth, Ms. Lin was as tall as ever, even looking younger than before she became pregnant.

Ms. Sun's situation is different, she began with morning sickness, she was nagged by her husband: "I know vomit all day long, which affects other people's appetite." When she didn't sleep well at night, as soon as Ms. Sun turned over, she would be scolded by her husband: "Don't sleep, get out, go outside and toss." ”

If Ms. Sun is unwell and does not want to work, her husband will also point out Sang Huai: "The upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked, your laziness is ancestral, right?" ”

The two girlfriends are pregnant at the same time, and after giving birth to a baby, one becomes younger and the other becomes "old", the difference is in the husband

Ms. Sun's husband, who was damaged by her mouth, was as angry as a crazy woman, but she did not dare to get angry, afraid that she would hurt the child in her stomach. Probably depressed for too long, Ms. Sun's state is very bad, after giving birth to a baby for a few months, she is still very old on the outside. In order to distract herself, Ms. Sun made an appointment with Ms. Lin to meet.

The two met again, one like an unmarried girl and the other like a middle-aged woman. When Ms. Lin dressed up, she wore her husband's newly purchased clothes and went to Ms. Sun's appointment, but Ms. Sun looked sallow and had a different body shape, and only then did she meet and sit firmly and complain. At first glance, it feels like two people from two worlds.

The two girlfriends are pregnant at the same time, and after giving birth to a baby, one becomes younger and the other becomes "old", the difference is in the husband

This time, Ms. Sun directly called out that she had married the wrong person, and her image had been ruined. Ms. Lin also realized that her own beauty was not only her own credit, but also her husband's credit. It turns out that when women are pregnant, the performance of their husbands is very important.

Why is it important for a woman to have a husband's performance during pregnancy?

1 After a woman becomes pregnant, her mood is changeable and she needs enlightenment

During pregnancy, most women are full of red light, which is a factor in hormone fluctuations in the body. In addition, the level of human chorionic growth prolactin in pregnant women is more obvious than before pregnancy, which affects the changes in neurotransmitters in the brain that regulate emotions. Therefore, pregnant women look good, but their mood is easy to be depressed.

The two girlfriends are pregnant at the same time, and after giving birth to a baby, one becomes younger and the other becomes "old", the difference is in the husband

This requires the husband to be on the side and relieve the emotions of the pregnant mother in time. If the husband does not help, and always loves to add fuel to the fire, the pregnant mother's mood will be worse, and the appearance will be more "ugly".

2 Morning sickness is severe and requires dietary care

Some pregnant women have severe morning sickness and need a very regular diet, which requires more help from their husbands. After all, sometimes pregnant women vomit, the mood is not good, people are too lazy to move, may not eat. Especially from the fifth week of pregnancy, some pregnant women may even vomit inexplicably, even vomiting when eating, and people are naturally getting lazier. If the husband can take care of it in time, the pregnant woman can quickly supplement nutrition after vomiting, the body is healthier, and the pregnant woman's appearance and body can be better in the future.

The two girlfriends are pregnant at the same time, and after giving birth to a baby, one becomes younger and the other becomes "old", the difference is in the husband

Pregnant and baby, this is really not a person's thing, if the husband can care more about the wife, give the wife more care and comfort, the wife's heart is warm, the feelings of the two people can also be closer. More importantly, the wife is physically and mentally happy, gives birth to a healthy baby, and then recovers like a girl, which is the best of both worlds, and everyone is happy!

Therefore, during the wife's pregnancy, the husband insists on doing these two things, the better the husband does, the more beautiful the wife is after giving birth.

First thing: After the wife became pregnant, the husband tried to help with the cooking

When women get married, most of them take on the responsibility of cooking at home. However, during a woman's pregnancy, the husband should take the initiative to take on the responsibility of cooking at home and swap roles with his wife. Because in this stage, most pregnant women can not smell the smell of oil smoke, easy to vomit, the husband is more considerate, the wife eats more regularly, the mood is better, and in the future, she can recover better and become more beautiful after childbirth.

The two girlfriends are pregnant at the same time, and after giving birth to a baby, one becomes younger and the other becomes "old", the difference is in the husband

The second thing: after the wife is pregnant, the husband tries to chat with the wife as much as possible

Diet can provide pregnant women with the nutrition needed by the body, and the husband can chat with pregnant women more, which can provide pregnant women with spiritual happiness. A husband who comes home on time, every day to accompany pregnant women to chat and talk, tell some interesting stories, such a man even if he is usually disliked, the wife will directly add full points this time.

The two girlfriends are pregnant at the same time, and after giving birth to a baby, one becomes younger and the other becomes "old", the difference is in the husband

One pregnancy can be a lifetime. Taking advantage of the wife's pregnancy, the husband should perform well, strive to make the wife more beautiful after childbirth, and make the small family more warm, which is the responsibility and obligation of the husband, and it is also the embodiment of women marrying people.

Interactive topic: Why do you think some pregnant women have become ugly after giving birth, and some pregnant women have become beautiful after giving birth? Does it have a lot to do with your husband?

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