
The difference between the pregnant belly "upper and lower pregnant" is large, and the baby's gender is related?

Careful observation of the pregnant woman's stomach will find that the shape of the pregnant woman's stomach is not the same, some pregnant women's stomach is close to the stomach, from the side is seen upwards, such a belly is pregnant;

Some stomachs are down, and from the side, they are slightly hanging down, which is lower. The upper and lower pregnancies are the different positions of the fetus in the womb of the pregnant mother.

The difference between the pregnant belly "upper and lower pregnant" is large, and the baby's gender is related?

What is the difference between the upper and lower arms except that they are different in appearance?

1. Moms have different body shapes.

The place where the upper pregnancy bulge is below the stomach, and the distance from the pregnant mother's pelvic bone and the buttocks is relatively far, so the pregnant mother's pelvic bone is not enlarged by the fetus, and the hip change will not be too obvious, so the pregnant mother who is pregnant from the rear is not very good to see the pregnancy.

Pregnant mothers are just the opposite, because the bulge is closer to the pelvic bone, so the pelvic bone will be enlarged by the fetus, the buttocks will be slightly wider, and the mother will have a little delay when walking, and it will be easy to find pregnant.

2. The impact on the mother's life is different

When the pregnant mother's belly gradually becomes larger, the influence of the upper and lower pregnancies on the mother will be greater. Because of the squeezing of the stomach, the mother is prone to vomiting.

The place where the lower pregnancy squeezes is the bladder, the effect is urination, the pregnant mother goes to the toilet very frequently, and the pregnant mother who is pregnant will have a feeling of falling in the abdomen, and it will be easy to feel tired when walking.

The difference between the pregnant belly "upper and lower pregnant" is large, and the baby's gender is related?

3. Mom's food intake is different

Because the upper pregnancy squeezes the stomach, so the mother's stomach becomes smaller, eating and eating a little will feel full, pregnant mothers eat less, it is easy to lack nutrition, eating less will also lead to the mother's small strength, often feel tired.

The amount of food for pregnant mothers will not decrease, and will become better and better as the baby develops. The above is the influence of upper and lower pregnancy on pregnant mothers.

What are the risks to the development of the fetus in the upper and lower arms?

Risk of getting pregnant:

1. Lack of nutrition: Due to the lack of appetite snacks, pregnant mothers are not easy to take in rich nutrition, and it is difficult to provide rich nutrition for the growth of the fetus in the abdomen, so the fetus is prone to lack of nutrition.

Recommendation: Mothers should choose nutritious foods when eating, and can eat multiple times a day to ensure the nutrition needed for their own and fetal development.

2. Hypoxia

The upper pregnancy is close to the mother's chest cavity, and there is also a certain squeeze on the mother's heart and lungs, which causes the mother to breathe easily and causes the fetus in the body to lack of oxygen, affecting the baby's health and the development of the heart and lungs.

Suggestion: The mother who is pregnant can be equipped with an oxygen machine at home, and when the breathing is not smooth, the oxygen inhalation measures can be taken, or the mother often goes to a place where there is fresh air to take a walk and breathe fresh air.

The difference between the pregnant belly "upper and lower pregnant" is large, and the baby's gender is related?

Risks of pregnancy:

1. The fetus is too large: Generally speaking, the fetus conceived is good to produce, so some pregnant mothers have heard about this matter, regardless of the big food and drink, the result is that the fetus is too large, causing certain dangers to the birth.

Suggestion: Mothers keep their mouths shut, take a reasonable diet, as long as they meet the baby's nutritional needs.

2. Poor development. Pregnant mother is very hard, because of the feeling of falling, it is difficult to walk in the later stage, coupled with squeezing the bladder, frequent toilets, which leads to poor rest for the mother, which will eventually affect the development of the fetus.

Recommendation: Mom should rehydrate less 3 hours before going to bed at night to ensure adequate sleep at night.

Whether it is up or down, pregnant in October, the mother is always the hardest, but for the healthy birth of our baby, the mother must have a comprehensive understanding of the pregnancy knowledge.

How did you feel when you were pregnant?

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