
Will the Earth stop spinning? What happens when the Earth stops spinning?

author:Garlic talk about science

The Earth was born 4.5 billion years ago, and it has been in a state of rotation since its birth.

The formation of the earth originated from a huge disk of material, the gravitational action of the sun continues to gather material at the same time, the material continues to collide and merge, gradually forming planets such as the earth.

The rotation of the Earth is very stable, rotating every 23 hours and 56 minutes, and it takes about 1 year to rotate around the sun, and since the Earth has basically no resistance in space, the Earth can continue to rotate through inertia.

But the existence of the moon, so that the rotation of the earth has resistance, the lunar surface is uneven, so it will have a different gravitational effect on the earth, and then produce tidal locking, the moon about every 50,000 years, so that the earth's day extends by 1 second. So it is possible for the Rotation of the Earth to stop, but the process is very slow.

Will the Earth stop spinning? What happens when the Earth stops spinning?

How the Earth Stops Spinning:

The tidal locking of the moon can indeed allow the earth to gradually slow down the rotation speed, in addition to the moon, scientists believe that the launch of the earth's rocket will also slow down the rotation speed of the earth.

More and more frequent space exploration missions, the need to launch a large number of launch vehicles into space, in order to save the fuel required by the rocket, when the rocket is launched, it will use the speed of the earth's rotation, so as to reach the required speed as soon as possible and get rid of the gravitational effect of the earth.

According to the conservation of kinetic energy, the launch of human rockets, that is, the transfer of the earth's rotation energy, more and more rocket launches will eventually slow down the earth's rotation speed significantly.

Will the Earth stop spinning? What happens when the Earth stops spinning?

Asteroid impacts in the universe are also potential disruptors.

If a larger asteroid hits Earth, it is possible that the Earth will change its rotation mode as a result, and asteroid impacts often occur at the beginning of the formation of the solar system. Astronomers believe that the "reverse rotation" of Venus and the "lying down" rotation of Uranus are all caused by the impact of the asteroid.

If the Earth's rotation stops, what will we go through?

Will the Earth stop spinning? What happens when the Earth stops spinning?

Earth stops spinning:

The earth's cessation of rotation is generally a slow process, and due to gravity, things on earth are not thrown into space.

But the earth that stops rotating can only rely on the rotation to produce changes in the position of the sun's illumination, and the human day will become a year, day and night will last for half a year, due to the continuous exposure of the sun, the temperature difference between day and night will become very large, thus affecting the earth's climate.

Will the Earth stop spinning? What happens when the Earth stops spinning?

The increase in temperature difference between day and night can cause strong winds on Earth, warm air blowing to the cold side, and the encounter of different winds in different directions may cause unprecedented hurricanes.

The harsh changes in the climate will greatly reduce the quality of human life, but as the earth's rotation stops, the liquid metal in the earth's core will also stop rotating, which will reduce the strength of the earth's magnetic field, and even cause a large area of holes in the earth's magnetic field.

The radiation of the sun and the radiation of the universe will directly act on surface life, causing various adverse effects, and many animals that rely on magnetic field navigation will gradually get lost and tend to become extinct.

Will the Earth stop spinning? What happens when the Earth stops spinning?

For astronomers, if the earth stops rotating, then for a long time, only the same starry sky can be observed, and the observatory on the earth can only observe in one direction for a long time.

The time of the earth will be longer, and the long days and nights will also make the creatures change, this process requires the adaptation of the organisms, and it is possible to give birth to a completely new species, but the earth that stops rotating is really not suitable for the reproduction of life.

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