
Russia's new generation of ship-to-air missile vertical launch system 3K96 "fortress". It seems that compared with the previous Reeve rotary hair hanging system, this bomb load is much smaller. #导弹 #

author:Tea Xiaobao

Russia's new generation of ship-to-air missile vertical launch system 3K96 "fortress".

It seems that compared with the previous Reeve rotary hair hanging system, this bomb load is much smaller.

#导弹 #

Russia's new generation of ship-to-air missile vertical launch system 3K96 "fortress". It seems that compared with the previous Reeve rotary hair hanging system, this bomb load is much smaller. #导弹 #
Russia's new generation of ship-to-air missile vertical launch system 3K96 "fortress". It seems that compared with the previous Reeve rotary hair hanging system, this bomb load is much smaller. #导弹 #
Russia's new generation of ship-to-air missile vertical launch system 3K96 "fortress". It seems that compared with the previous Reeve rotary hair hanging system, this bomb load is much smaller. #导弹 #

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