
Penny_Horoscope for February 7-13, 2022


The third time, they say, is the most glamorous, and since December 30, Mercury has connected to Pluto for the third time, you can finally sign on paper. Four planets currently occupy the area of career and life goals, so your problems related to your ambitions at this stage stand out. Companies may consult you and hope to work with you in the future, or those in power may be at the heart of your progress. And Venus in this group, there may be a period of affair. Let's get started.


The challenging astronomical spectacle of last week is over, and now you can regroup and figure out the way forward, or you can focus on other things, maybe the things that will give you more joy. Mercury's encounter with Pluto is the third and last in a six-week cycle, so you should be able to put the situation in bed. On the other hand, a trip or project that was cancelled or postponed may now be back on the negotiating table. Maintaining long-term goals is critical because while dealing with recent developments may require immediate solutions, what those solutions mean to your long-term goals is truly important. Think long-term.


Finances are again within the scope of the discussion, this time due to the return of the Mercury-Pluto conjunction. Mercury has returned to the skies above Pluto since Dec. 30, possibly to solve the problem and possibly spark some heated discussion. Now that you should know the facts and figures, as well as those involved, it's time to continue with these discoveries. Then, you may be dealing with a new problem, despite its roots in the past. Money may not be the focus of all Geminis, and love is in it, but again, the theme of the conversation is already complete: the time for action has arrived. It has been done, but may also need cleaning.


Mercury has a third and final connection to Pluto in just six weeks, so you might associate this with what's going on since Christmas. When the two planets combine, you dig deeper into the answer, which can be an uncomfortable process. Since this union takes place in the area of the relationship, a business partnership or intimate relationship may be within the framework. Can differences of opinion be resolved? Have these problems risen to the point where they could not be overcome? Or are you waiting for someone to make a decision? It's time to find out. Delve into the details.


Maybe once again experiencing the pain of déjà vu. Mercury and Pluto meet for the third time since the end of 2021, reminding you of the past and the unresolved situation. Considering that the past few weeks have caused a lot of questions, it seems that you can't move on just by going back in time. Still, Mercury is right on you right now, so you can make progress, though it may depend on your concessions to others or giving up effort. It's hard to accept that things can't change, at least for now, but when you change, new possibilities emerge. Sometimes things can't be changed.


Your pragmatic nature will come in handy. Now is not the time to let emotions get in the way of getting things done. Some situations can be handled, although not in a familiar way - you will have to open up new areas. (If the door is already closed and it doesn't make sense to hit it with your head, you need to find a new opportunity.) We are temporarily blind when we don't expect a certain progress, or even when we think it might be a possibility, but once the dust settles, other options emerge. This time they will do the same.


This could be the third luck or the end of the party. Well, maybe not the end of the party, but the end of pushing for an impossible result. At least for now, in its present form. You may be in one situation or another over the past few weeks, but by the end of February, things should stabilize and you'll see both sides. Mercury's connection to Pluto is the third and final of this cycle. It provided a final opportunity to discuss the issues and reach a satisfactory conclusion. You are the "queen" of compromise, so don't lose your crown now.


Does it make sense to postpone "evil" moments? A situation where almost everything is available may no longer benefit from flying pots and pans. At least leave it alone, but it would be better to let it go. You don't give up on the status quo, you just declare victory and leave. After disappointment there is life. Not every Scorpio person can feel this pain. Mercury's third conjunction with Pluto in six weeks may lead to a very satisfactory conclusion. However, in the process, you may have to give up something. Declare victory and leave.


You may have all the necessary motivation and enthusiasm to make your efforts successful, but the path to success is not without obstacles. This week, Mercury-Pluto suggests that past problems are on the rise again, or that facts and figures need to be revisited. It can be frustrating to be held back by red tape, or someone to meddle in the work, but if something is overlooked or dismissed as unimportant, then it needs to be addressed so that you get the end result you want. If nothing else, be prepared to listen to those who need to be heard. Turn obstacles into opportunities.


You will continue to be in the midst of a period of the year, and many things must be resolved before you can continue to execute on the plan you have made for 2022. It seems that you have just solved one problem and another problem has come. However, this will not always be the case. Discussions that took place late last year could return to the negotiating table, and this time the conclusion should be final. In some ways, there is no point in blaming, and you have to look at where you and others involved are now. If you are still polarized and no one wants to change your position, you will score the score. The time for the conversation was over.


One or more cases may no longer be a problem now. You know what is, even if you're not sure where you're going from here. There's no point in trying to redraw the map at this point: you need to absorb what has already happened and explore your options. Mercury and Pluto combine for the third and last time in six weeks, so any discussion would be heated but not necessarily unsatisfactory. (When everything is made public and there's nothing to hide, there's a huge sense of relief.) Next week's full moon brings the end and fulfillment. Release it.


While you may not want to get involved in something controversial, avoiding it will not only push it farther, but it will be more difficult to sort when it comes up again. It could be that one or more people have very different ideas about a situation, whether it's a business project or a personal relationship, and it's holding you back. At the very least, you should express your true feelings now. In contrast, you may be in a difficult place, plagued by a project or a relationship that has ended and a new beginning can begin. Truth is the most important thing.

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