
In the next 7 days, wait and see how it changes, go with the flow, work hard, and look forward to the future of several major constellations

Introduction: The horoscope of this issue says that the topic brought to you is that in the next 7 days, wait and see how it changes, go with the flow, work hard, and look forward to the future of several major constellations. So let's go straight to the topic!

First, Libra

This new moon is very important to you because it is related to your career and prestige, usually only once a year, the new moon heralds a new beginning, but this new beginning contains impulses and mediation, such as conflicts between budgets and resources, leading to things that can only be stacked by manpower.

In the next 7 days, wait and see how it changes, go with the flow, work hard, and look forward to the future of several major constellations

Second, Scorpio

The new moon is coming, somewhat subtle, subtle, and the subtlety is that the new moon hedges against Pluto, Pluto is one of your guardian stars, and the impulse means that you have to run around, or travel far, or encounter major changes in your studies or career, and fortunately, you can creatively alleviate and solve many problems. These two days should pay attention to the body, and pay attention to the road conditions when driving.

In the next 7 days, wait and see how it changes, go with the flow, work hard, and look forward to the future of several major constellations

Third, Sagittarius

Take care of yourself! This new moon has some momentum, it is recommended that you pay attention to the risk, whether it is physical health risk or financial risk, some people have been charged a lot of fees, it is recommended that you be cautious when borrowing money, lending and other acts of increasing leverage, some people may face disputes over interests or property losses.

In the next 7 days, wait and see how it changes, go with the flow, work hard, and look forward to the future of several major constellations

Fourth, Capricorn

The new moon comes to your relationships, partnerships, clients and other personal relationships, which is naturally the focus of the near future, this new moon affects Pluto, and you are heading to Pluto in Capricorn, it feels like burning your body, I suggest you get along with the people around you, in case you are dragged into the water, be good at using your mind and eloquence to get out of the siege.

In the next 7 days, wait and see how it changes, go with the flow, work hard, and look forward to the future of several major constellations

5. Aquarius

The new moon reminds you to be in good health. If you are busy at work and work more overtime, you must pay attention to rest and do not force yourself. The new moon will also bring a new beginning of work and lifestyle, the beginning of the new work may be driven by the leader, which will catch you off guard, and even be very troubled, no way, people have the final say, fortunately the other party recognizes your value.

In the next 7 days, wait and see how it changes, go with the flow, work hard, and look forward to the future of several major constellations

Sixth, Pisces

For people with children, children are the theme of this new month, you may be busy with your child's education, at the same time, I suggest that you are not so aggressive when it comes to children, you can educate your children well and impress them in a more tolerant way. For those who don't have children, it is recommended to invest time and energy in writing, writing and learning in the near future, some people may be more playful, hang out with friends, and if you are unlucky, do not take desperate actions.

In the next 7 days, wait and see how it changes, go with the flow, work hard, and look forward to the future of several major constellations

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