
Dice test | see how your career fortunes will be for the next 3 months

In the blink of an eye, the New Year's holiday is over, some people have not yet come out of the holiday syndrome, and some people are already working hard for work. It doesn't matter what kind of person you are, but as long as you still need to work for a day, you still can't escape or want to know where your career fortunes will go next.

A new year and a new beginning, everyone always has different expectations and plans for the cause, but can it be realized immediately as long as you hope? Obviously not. Sometimes, we need the guidance of the stars, such as in the here and now.

Dice test | see how your career fortunes will be for the next 3 months

The old rule, calm down and meditate on the question, take a screenshot intuitively, and see which three patterns belong to you. (Pull down to see the answer)

Dice test | see how your career fortunes will be for the next 3 months

(Note: Do not try to ask a problem multiple times before it is resolved)

What does the chosen pattern mean? Let's take a look at the answers


Dice test | see how your career fortunes will be for the next 3 months

With this answer, you'll be particularly vulnerable to relationship troubles in your career over the next three months.

Mars in the 7th house makes you easy to show impulsiveness in interpersonal communication, especially Mars also falls on the loud sign of Gemini, which has a sense of loss, so it is particularly easy for you to get out of the mouth. In the next three months, whether it is looking for a job, changing jobs, changing jobs, or continuing to shine in the original job, once you need to face communication or cooperation with people, you need to think clearly before you start talking.

Especially when you're emotionally agitated, or even disagree with others, impulsive speech will only lead to not-so-good results in what you're doing. Some impulses please stay in your heart, interpersonal relationships are the focus of your career for the next three months, although it will bring you distress, but it will also hone you, so that you understand the importance of speaking carefully in interpersonal relationships.


Dice test | see how your career fortunes will be for the next 3 months

With this answer, you will be more likely to go to a dead end in your career in the next three months.

The 10th house is the career house, the strict and strict Saturn will bring pressure to your career, and your work pressure will be greater in the next three months; Saturn also falls in its weak Aries, Aries as a bestial sign, it is easy to make you more impatient. When pressure and impatience go hand in hand, people will become only concerned about the immediate and ignore the long term, so step by step to force you into a dead end, making you feel pain.

But there is no work without pressure, what you need to consider is not the work pressure itself, nor is it to avoid pressure completely - some people will choose to change jobs or change careers at this time, of course, there are people who keep their positions, but no matter which choice, if you just avoid pressure and change or stick to it, your choice will not actually be successful. What you need is to think clearly about your needs and planning and then work hard, and you also need more flexibility at work, not to let yourself fall deeper and deeper in painful emotions, resulting in every road not working.


Dice test | see how your career fortunes will be for the next 3 months

With this answer, you will experience unexpected changes in your career in the next three months.

Uranus is an alien planet that symbolizes reform or great change, and the 12th house is so hidden and deep, and the Uranus that created the constellation Capricorn makes the reform or great change seem more sudden. In the next three months, sudden unemployment and sudden success have a chance to happen, good or bad, because it often happens suddenly when you don't expect it.

Therefore, people who work well should have some vigilance in peace and danger, it may not necessarily exaggerate to make you suddenly lose your job, but it may make the work that would not have problems suddenly appear; for people who want to find a job, it may suddenly get an offer, but it is not an ideal company or an ideal job, and there may be people who suddenly have an accident when they get an offer before the door, resulting in a sudden loss of opportunity; and for people who want to change, such as wanting to change jobs, changing careers, etc. You may also encounter unexpected things during the period, good or bad, you need to be prepared for everything, do not take it lightly. In short, in the next three months, no matter what challenges you face in terms of career, you need to plan for the worst in advance.


Dice test | see how your career fortunes will be for the next 3 months

Get this answer, and you'll have more good luck in your career in the next three months.

Jupiter is a big auspicious star, landing in its 11th house of joy, greatly increasing its strength; at the same time, falling on the humanoid constellation Libra shows that in the next three months, it is easier for you to get help from others and get good luck in your career. In addition, Jupiter is also inherently symbolic of money, and the 11th house is also related to income, so you are also prone to encounter good things like a salary increase or a bonus. So the next three months is when you are trying to self-motivate, want to be promoted, job hopping, changing jobs, looking for a job, etc., show your friendliness and self-confidence, do not hesitate to help others, often get better popularity and interpersonal help, and it is easy to be seen by superior leaders and bosses.

Therefore, this good fortune needs to be obtained through interpersonal relations and hard work, rather than lying down and waiting for the pie to fall from the sky - although the 11th house is also related to the pie falling from the sky, but this Jupiter is in the humanoid constellation, so if you want this pie in the sky to fall right in your pocket, you need the help of "people".


Dice test | see how your career fortunes will be for the next 3 months

With this answer, you will have to give more patience in your career for the next three months.

Although Mercury is young and active-thinking, it falls on the silent Cancer crab and falls in the stable 4th house, fortunately, Mercury is not in a bad state, but it also means that in the next three months, your career development will be relatively low-key or even obscure, and you need to face it with more patience. Maybe you want to soar or try to hit a target in one shot, but during this time, you can't easily achieve your goals.

Whether you want to find a job, change jobs, promote, change jobs, or change careers, start a business, etc., it is not that you will eventually hope to fail, but before you can do something, you often need to make more preparations, you will have some changes that only you understand and know, and precipitation will also make you more powerful. Because of this, it is easy for you to often have a sense of nostalgia, and some people will doubt whether they are too mediocre and deny themselves, in fact, you are only prone to losses during this time, and those big and small setbacks, although not necessarily difficult to solve, will wear down your patience a little.

But these are your challenges in the next three months, sink your heart to tirelessly improve and self-improvement, patience can not rely on others to do the work, ready to drip through the stone.

Welcome to the comment area to share your answer yo, I wish you all a good start and a smooth work!

Dice test | see how your career fortunes will be for the next 3 months

This article is written for the resident astrologer, only represents the personal views of the astrologer, the picture comes from the Internet, if it involves copyright issues, please contact us.

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