
What should parents do if they want to change? 丨Expervescent interviews

Recently, it is located in the Yanji community

Youth Growth Center - Shu House

Launched the "Troubles of Youth" series of interviews

Focus on "Adolescent Psychology,

Parent-child relationship" and other topics

Analyze confusion and share your thoughts

What should parents do if they want to change? 丨Expervescent interviews

The topic of today's interview is

"What should parents do if they want to change?"

Student Shu Qing

What should parents do if they want to change? 丨Expervescent interviews

I think there are some parents who want to change themselves, but they don't know how to do it.


What should parents do if they want to change? 丨Expervescent interviews

Parents themselves can read some books on parent-child relationship, and they can also look at books on husband and wife relationship, psychology, etc., to improve themselves and slowly find a way.

What should parents do if they want to change? 丨Expervescent interviews

That is to say, parents have to learn in various ways.

What should parents do if they want to change? 丨Expervescent interviews

Yes, parents are also first-time parents, and there will definitely be a process of learning and growth.

Xiaoru Li is an associate professor at the Department of Psychology, Fudan University

I think that when the child grows up, his status will gradually rise in the family relationship, unlike when he is young, the parent seems to have the "supreme" right to decide what the child wants to eat, wear, and do. But children should also know that in fact, in this relationship, the increase in your strength and your sincere and scientific attitude will eventually have an impact on your parents.

From the perspective of parents, many times they are not at ease with their children because they feel that their children have not done a lot of things to reassure themselves. If the child has seriously thought about it once, and has the ability to execute, and has made the result, then the parent's evaluation of the child will change, which is the "balance" between the parent and the child, just like the two sides of the seesaw, you are constantly telling the parents with facts, results, and actions that you have grown up and you need more rights.

What should parents do if they want to change? 丨Expervescent interviews

What is Shu House

Shuwu is the first community youth growth center in China that focuses on peer psychological support and care for the growth of adolescents, and is committed to improving the "trinity" education mechanism of school, family and society, paying attention to the growth and life of teenagers in the community, cultivating teenagers to establish a positive attitude, and creating a transitional space linking family and school, which belongs to the spiritual harbor of adolescents.

What should parents do if they want to change? 丨Expervescent interviews

"ShuWu" strengthens the concept of "community community", and builds seven major spaces such as zero house, infinite space, bamboo dragonfly station, lollipop hall, Sanssouci Island, No. 18 tree house, and PIE according to local conditions, guiding young people to feel the meaning of life and enlighten a better future in the "micro world" of the community.

What should parents do if they want to change? 丨Expervescent interviews

"Shuwu" takes middle and high school students as the main service objects, accompanied by professional psychologists, cultivates the emotional management and stress management ability of minors, focuses on improving the psychological resilience of minors in a stressful environment, and actively solves the troubles and troubles of parent-child relationship in adolescence.

The worrier around the teenager

Psychological counselors around parents

"Troubles of Youth" series of interviews

It will be launched online one after another

Stay tuned

Text: Ge Xiaoling Jin Yiping

Video: Lu Danfeng Song Xiaoxiao

Editor: Wu Baixin

*Please indicate that the reprint is from the official WeChat of Yangpu, Shanghai

What should parents do if they want to change? 丨Expervescent interviews

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