
Twenty-four solar terms: Cultural self-confidence flowing in every Chinese genes

China Weather Network News On the evening of February 4, in the countdown to the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics, the countdown to the twenty-four solar terms was integrated with ancient poems and proverbs, presenting the splendid mountains and rivers of the land of Shenzhou and the cool and heroic posture of the ice and snow athletes, making netizens exclaim that "every frame is wallpaper" and passing on the "Chinese romance" to the world. Where do these poems and proverbs come from? What is the cultural significance of the twenty-four solar terms?

Poetry and song + traditional calendar = the most Chinese countdown!

February 4, China's Spring Day. In the evening of the same day, the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics grandly opened, with the twenty-four solar terms of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity as the countdown, starting from the "rain", the flow of the solar terms, to the settlement of "Lichun", and integrated with ancient poems and proverbs. This ingenious countdown design not only cleverly echoes the 24th Winter Olympics this year, but also perfectly combines traditional Chinese culture and modern aesthetics to show the long history of Chinese culture.

China Weather Network conducted an exclusive interview with Song Yingjie, chief expert of meteorological services of China Meteorological Administration, vice president of China Weather 24th Solar Terms Research Institute, and anchor of CCTV News Network Weather Forecast (first), interpreting the climatic characteristics and cultural meanings behind these classic poems of solar terms.

Rain: Sneak into the night with the wind, and the moisturizer is silent.

Quote from the Tang Dynasty poet Du Fu's "Happy Rain on Spring Nights". Rainy season is the season when the probability of rainfall begins to be higher than the probability of snowfall, and gradually enters the first rainy season and the "cultivatable weather". Spring rain quietly comes with the wind in the night, quietly and silently moisturizing everything on the earth.

Twenty-four solar terms: Cultural self-confidence flowing in every Chinese genes

Sting: Spring thunder, all things long.

This folk proverb tells of the mid-spring season, when spring thunder breaks and everything recovers in parts of the south. Of course, what really awakens the hibernating animals is not the sound of thunder, but the silent warming.

Twenty-four solar terms: Cultural self-confidence flowing in every Chinese genes

Spring Equinox: The spring breeze is like a distinguished guest, and it will be prosperous as soon as it arrives.

From The Spring Wind by Yuan Ming in the Qing Dynasty. The spring wind is like the distinguished guests we have been waiting for for a long time, the spring wind sends warmth, all things recover, and everything in the spring flourishes as if from the "nobles" to help, this "noble person" is the spring wind. The spring wind is the "dynamic" behind the emergence of everything in the poet's mind.

Twenty-four solar terms: Cultural self-confidence flowing in every Chinese genes

Qingming: It rains a lot during the Qingming Season.

From the Tang Dynasty poet Du Mu's "Qingming", it is almost the "endorsement" poem of Qingming in people's minds. In the new green time, the rain is wet, which is the climate normal in the southern region.

Twenty-four solar terms: Cultural self-confidence flowing in every Chinese genes

Gu Yu: The wind and rain wash a city of flowers.

This sentence is from the Song Dynasty poet Huang Tingjian's "See Twenty Brothers Advocate and Huazi Manxing Five Songs". "Falling gossamer in March, the wind and rain wash a city of flowers." Unknown East Guo Qingming Wine, what is like West Window Valley Rain Tea. "In the spring season when the flowers are flying and falling, people are intoxicated by the aroma of wine, tea and poetry.

Twenty-four solar terms: Cultural self-confidence flowing in every Chinese genes

Li Xia: Heaven and earth begin to intersect, and all things are beautiful.

From the Ming Dynasty Gao Lian's "Eight Notes on Zunsheng", "On the day of Mengxia, the heavens and the earth began to hand over, and all things were shown together." "It means that in the early summer, the breath of heaven and the breath of the earth have an intimate interaction, and everything is flourishing.

Twenty-four solar terms: Cultural self-confidence flowing in every Chinese genes

Small full: As for this, the small is full.

Wu Cheng of the Yuan Dynasty wrote "The Seventy-Two Waiting Solutions of the Moon Order", "Xiao Man, in the middle of April." The little one who is full, the thing is as small as it is full. "It means that at this time the grain of the crop's grain is not full but will be full, the wheat autumn is coming, and the summer harvest is in sight.

Twenty-four solar terms: Cultural self-confidence flowing in every Chinese genes

Mangzhong: The family wheat rice is beautiful, and the song is long everywhere.

From the Song Dynasty poet Lu You's poem "Shi Yu", "Shi Yu and Mango Seeds, all four fields are planted with seedlings." The family wheat rice is beautiful, and the song is long everywhere. This poem vividly explains the rapid switching between summer harvest and summer seed, the busyness of "small full of rushing to the sky, mango seed rushing to carve", and the self-appreciation and joy of people after the wheat harvest.

Twenty-four solar terms: Cultural self-confidence flowing in every Chinese genes

Summer Solstice: The green reed still contains powder, and the round lotus begins to disperse.

From the Tang Dynasty poet Wei Yingwu's poem "Summer Solstice Summer Escape North Pool". In the summer solstice and the summer heat alternate between the summer solstice and the small summer, it is the phenological period when the lotus flowers are open, and bamboo and lotus give people a cool mood.

Twenty-four solar terms: Cultural self-confidence flowing in every Chinese genes

Small summer: the lotus wind sends aroma, bamboo dew drops clear sound.

From the Tang Dynasty poet Meng Haoran's poem "Summer South Pavilion Huaixin Da". Write "lotus" to qi, write bamboo to "sound", people in the lotus wind and bamboo dew given the aroma and sound, taste the summer tranquility.

Twenty-four solar terms: Cultural self-confidence flowing in every Chinese genes

Summer: The night of the opening of the katsura wheel, when the fireworks shine in the air.

From the Tang Dynasty Yuan Shu's "Yong Twenty-Four Qi Poems in the Middle of June". In the hot season, "rotten grass is fireflies", and people enjoy the summer sunset with bright moons and fireworks.

Twenty-four solar terms: Cultural self-confidence flowing in every Chinese genes

Li Qiu: The night is as cool as water, sitting and watching the morning glory Vega.

From the Tang Dynasty poet Du Mu's "Qixi". People look forward to the new autumn "cool breeze and faith", in the season of autumn and Tanabata superimposed, look up at the stars, the mind wanders.

Twenty-four solar terms: Cultural self-confidence flowing in every Chinese genes

Summer: Plant one millet in the spring and harvest 10,000 seeds in the autumn.

From the Tang Dynasty poet Li Shen's "Mercy Nong". As far as the natural climate is concerned, the summer is the season when the heat of the summer stops; in terms of agricultural conditions, the summer is the season when the grain is ripe. Just as the so-called "summer and annual scenery", the millet planted in spring has finally become the valley of autumn ripening.

Twenty-four solar terms: Cultural self-confidence flowing in every Chinese genes

White Dew: Dew from tonight white, the moon is the hometown of Ming.

From the Tang Dynasty poet Du Fu's "Moon Night Remembers Her Brother". In the mid-autumn season, when the day is still hot, the dew is cold at night, which gives rise to nostalgia.

Twenty-four solar terms: Cultural self-confidence flowing in every Chinese genes

Twenty-four solar terms: both "international" and "grounded"

In the international meteorological community, the twenty-four solar terms are hailed as "China's fifth major invention". In 2016, it was officially inscribed on UNESCO's Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

The twenty-four solar terms are the knowledge system and applied practice formed by the ancient Chinese people by observing the annual movement of the sun and understanding the laws of the season, climate, and phenology of the year.

Song Yingjie, who participated in the planning meeting of the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics as an expert, said in an exclusive interview, "As a world-class intangible cultural heritage, the twenty-four solar terms are not metaphysics, but cultural wisdom with scientific quality. It has a circle of solar terms that transcends national borders, and some solar terms are even the universal language. We chat in international places, and talking about solar terms is often like an 'ice-breaking' topic like chatting gas. "The concept of the unity of heaven and man, the attitude of living in harmony with nature, and the scientific spirit of exploring the laws of nature have been concentrated in the twenty-four solar terms.

At the same time, the twenty-four solar terms have a close and vivid side. Song Yingjie said that many folk songs and proverbs are catchy, and what each solar term should eat, what should be planted, what should be seen, and what should be paid attention to are included in the twenty-four solar terms. As he put it, "The twenty-four solar terms are filled with the rain and dew of science and the fragrance of culture." Both in our daily lives at home, but also in our poetry and faraway places. It is both a particularly popular science and a particularly homely culture. ”

The "China Weather And 24 Solar Terms Research Institute" promotes the inheritance and development of China's excellent traditional culture

In order to better build the mainland's excellent traditional culture inheritance system and carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture, under the guidance of the China Meteorological Administration, on June 27, 2019, the "China Weather • 24 Solar Terms Research Institute" jointly sponsored by the Huafeng Meteorological Media Group of the China Meteorological Administration and the Meteorological Publicity and Science Popularization Center of the China Meteorological Administration was officially established.

Song Yingjie, who is also the vice president of the Institute of Twenty-Four Solar Terms, believes that the "Twenty-Four Solar Terms" is a complete knowledge system and application system formed by the ancient Chinese people according to the laws and changes of weather, climate and phenology according to the sun anniversary, and has long been immersed in the cultural genes of Chinese. In recent years, around the excellent traditional culture of "twenty-four solar terms", the institute has carried out a series of basic research, application and dissemination, actively promoted the integration of climate and climate change scientific research and the "twenty-four solar terms" culture, and promoted the inheritance and development of natural science and the wisdom of China's excellent traditional culture.

From the special establishment of a research institute to do special research and cultural dissemination of the 24 solar terms to the stunning debut of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, from the intangible cultural heritage of the human race to the daily life of the people at home, the 24 solar terms condense the industrious wisdom of the Chinese people and the profundity of Chinese culture. Excellent culture carries not only the ancestors' experience and perception of life, but also the enduring spiritual wealth of the Chinese nation.

The twenty-four solar terms reflect a deep cultural self-confidence. "From now on, yangchun should have feet, and the spirit of a hundred flowers and rich grasses." Twenty-four solar terms, with rigorous scientific quality, profound cultural connotation, long history accumulation, we always attach warmth and respect to this. (Image from the live broadcast signal of the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics.) )

Source: China Weather Network

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