
Dialogue with the young guarantor behind the "epidemic prevention package": May every household have a good year

author:China News Network
Dialogue with the young guarantor behind the "epidemic prevention package": May every household have a good year

Lili Cao (right) purchases and unloads goods with colleagues. Courtesy of Lili Cao

(New Year at the grassroots level) Dialogue with the young guarantor behind the "epidemic prevention gift package": May every household have a good year

Hangzhou, February 6 (Zhang Yuhuan, Wei Yanran, Zhang Yudi) "Take you to see the 'Spring Festival Dinner' in the hangzhou isolation area, winter bamboo shoots, braised pork belly, freshly cut beef..." In a short video on the social platform, Hangzhou citizen Feng Hailing is facing the camera to "announce the name of the dish", and on the table is a Taoist dish with balanced nutrition.

The raw material of this "big meal" is the "epidemic prevention gift package" sent by the government to Feng Hailing's home. During the Spring Festival, the epidemic in Hangzhou has re-emerged, how can the people in the quarantine area successfully celebrate the festival? The reporter of China News Network talked to two "post-95" young security workers to understand the epidemic prevention and supply work during the Spring Festival and the stories of this group of "ordinary people".

Dialogue with the young guarantor behind the "epidemic prevention package": May every household have a good year

The picture shows the scene of packaging materials in the fresh logistics base. Courtesy of Wu Xiaofang

"Do your best to make everyone have a good year"

Walking into the fresh logistics base of Hangzhou Lianhua Huashang Group in Hangzhou Gouzhuang, sugar oranges, garlic, potatoes and other materials in "tons" as the unit of measurement fill the parking area. Under the tent in the middle of the night, the lights are bright, and the busy supply staff is rushing to work overnight to "epidemic prevention gift package".

It is understood that Hangzhou Lianhua Business Group, as an emergency material response support unit in Zhejiang Province, needs to pack an average of tens of thousands of materials and 10,000 breakfasts per day.

Wu Xiaofang, deputy director of the receiving team of the logistics base of Hangzhou Lianhua Commercial Group, told reporters that they were divided into groups of 12 to 15 people, and packed and distributed the materials in accordance with the needs of "two-day one match, three-day one match, and one day one match".

The 24-year-old girl in front of her is already an experienced nurse.

"When I first supported the epidemic in Shangyu, Shaoxing, I faced two major problems: insufficient manpower and insufficient venues."

Wu Xiaofang said that later the team tried to "borrow" the central square and parking area of the warehouse for storing supplies, which greatly increased the venue. Immediately after that, the company also sent personnel to Wu Xiaofang, and the supply guarantee work gradually got on the right track.

Chinese New Year's Eve night was supposed to be a family reunion day, but the nurses worked until two o'clock in the morning the next day.

"Chinese New Year's Eve is the last day of the Spring Festival stockpiling, but also the largest amount of day, this time added a lot of temporary orders, the workload has been overloaded, so our dinner will be casually pulled twice." Wu Xiaofang said.

During the packing process, the reporter noticed that Wu Xiaofang would put the potatoes with soil on the lowest layer of the gift bag, and then put the fragile materials into the top layer after filling the sauce duck, steak, seafood and other items. "This not only ensures that other materials are clean, but also ensures that other dishes will not be easily crushed." Wu Xiaofang said.

"This week, we worked from morning to three o'clock in the morning almost every day." Wu Xiaofang said that she can do her part to bring a touch of warmth to people in the epidemic area, and also make the work that was originally somewhat mechanized more meaningful.

Dialogue with the young guarantor behind the "epidemic prevention package": May every household have a good year

The picture shows the scene of packaging materials in the fresh logistics base. Courtesy of Lili Cao

"Guarantee a 'vegetable basket' that fills the people"

"A pound of pork, a pound of beef, a pound of vegetables, a pound of steamed buns... Packed, next bag. At the beginning of the Year of the Tiger, when the families were reunited, Cao Lili, the "post-95" procurement director of the Fresh Commodities Procurement Center of Hangzhou Lianhua Huashang Group, also threw herself into the work of fighting the epidemic and ensuring supply.

At that time, it was the peak of the Spring Festival return to her hometown, and Cao Lili, who had already purchased a ticket to return home, resolutely refunded the ticket. "This round of epidemic just in time for the Spring Festival, the work of ensuring supply is very critical, we must ensure that the people's 'vegetable basket' is full, so that they can rest assured that the New Year." She said.

"On time", "sufficient quantity" and "abundance" are their procurement principles, and once the materials are in place, this group of people immediately throws themselves into the work of sorting and packing the materials. There are 15 kinds of items in each serving, including meat, poultry eggs, vegetables, fruits, staple foods, etc., which can meet the family's three-day diet.

According to Cao Lili, the daily sorting and packing time is almost more than 16 hours, and the longest night is more than 20 hours in a row. "There are really not enough people during the New Year, and if we do one more hour, we can let a few more families get supplies a day earlier."

While working all night, they also gained surprises and emotions.

"One morning in the early hours of the morning, we were still busy packing and everyone was a little exhausted. At this time, the snow suddenly fell in the sky, and we all began to sing, 'The first snow of 2022 is a little more meaningful than ever'..." Recalling the scene of that night, Cao Lili's tone was very brisk. The mechanical working atmosphere on the "assembly line" was broken by laughter, and the enthusiasm for work warmed the cold winter nights.

Here, Cao Lili and her colleagues are worried about the people who are anxiously waiting for supplies, and on the other hand, her family is also worried about her.

"My family often sends me messages to let me pay attention to rest, and also mails the duck from my hometown to let me boil soup to make up for it." They were very supportive of my work. Cao Lili said that Chinese New Year's Eve night, she used ingredients sent by her family to make a hearty Chinese New Year's Eve meal for herself.

After interviewing the two young security staff, the reporter also contacted Feng Hailing, a Hangzhou citizen who posted the "New Year's Dinner" on the social platform.

"On the first day of isolation, there were no materials at home, and the 'epidemic prevention gift bag' was like sending charcoal in the snow, and there were red scarves, 'Fu' characters, Spring Festival, etc., which made people feel a strong New Year atmosphere." Feng Hailing said.

Peace of mind is my hometown. Chinese New Year's Eve meal carries Chinese's greatest wish for the New Year - reunion. For them, although they are not around their families at the moment, "a good year for every family" is a common wish – and it is equally satisfying to realize this wish for others. (End)

Source: China News Network

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