
Shandong Art Museum Spring Festival special exhibition family celebration, the Year of the Tiger cultural creation is very attractive

Qilu Evening News Qilu one-point reporter Liu Yuhan

How to open the Spring Festival holiday in the form of culture and art? Going to an art museum to see an exhibition is a good choice. During the Spring Festival of the Year of the Tiger, many parents brought their children to the Shandong Art Museum to experience the visual feast of art, while cultivating sentiments, but also entertaining and educating.

The Shandong Art Museum has officially reopened since the third day of the Lunar New Year (February 3), and according to Yao Yundong, deputy director of the Shandong Art Museum, the number of visitors to the museum during the Spring Festival holiday is between 3,500 and 4,000 people. "The audience was enthusiastic, and the audience was mainly family-oriented, and most of them were parents bringing their children together."

Shandong Art Museum Spring Festival special exhibition family celebration, the Year of the Tiger cultural creation is very attractive

Yao Yundong also introduced the exhibition situation during the Spring Festival of Shandong Art Museum. "There are high-level academic exhibitions in the museum, such as Wang Keju's "Yellow River" exhibition, which attracted a large number of visitors. There are also children's exhibitions for the Chinese New Year, which are loved by children and parents. We also took out the collection of works at the bottom of the pressure box, and specially planned the "Landscape of Language" exhibition in conjunction with the Spring Festival, which was welcomed by many art lovers. ”

In the A1 exhibition hall on the first floor, the exhibition "Yellow River - Wang Keju" gave the audience a great visual shock, and a long scroll of 100-meter oil painting attracted the audience's stop and admiration, which was the 161.6-meter oil painting long volume "Yellow River" completed by the artist Wang Keju after four years of work. The long scroll starts from the source of the Yellow River" "Xingsu Hai" and is painted all the way to the mouth of the Yellow River, and the galloping lines and brilliant colors are freely transformed in the picture, and the scenery of different seasons, different regions and different sections of the river is presented in a concentrated manner, which is very visually shocking. At the same time, the tents and jeeps used by Wang Keju in the sketching process along the way were also displayed in the exhibition hall, so that the audience felt the hardships of his trekking and painting along the way, sitting on the ground under the tent, and also becoming a unique rest place for parents and children.

Shandong Art Museum Spring Festival special exhibition family celebration, the Year of the Tiger cultural creation is very attractive

Located on the mezzanine floor, "Innocence and Childlike Fun, Imagining the New Year - Shandong Art Museum Children's Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition" was loved by friends. This exhibition exhibits more than 1,000 children's calligraphy and painting works, including gouache paintings, watercolor paintings, Chinese paintings, calligraphy, drawings, comprehensive materials and other forms. Although the children are in different ages and have different artistic expression methods, they use their innocent vision and brilliant colors to paint the beauty of nature in their eyes, showing their imaginative artistic imagination and aesthetic perception.

Shandong Art Museum Spring Festival special exhibition family celebration, the Year of the Tiger cultural creation is very attractive

"Landscape of Language - Exhibition of Freehand Oil Paintings in the Collection of Shandong Art Museum" is a concentrated presentation of abstract, expressive and freehand works of Shandong Art Museum since 2011. The core theme of the exhibition is "Landscape of Language", and the works focus on the discussion of the relationship between the ontological order of language, some works are deeply studied in the field of abstract art, some works are explored in the painterliness of materials, and some works are committed to the expression of figuration. In addition to the representative works of well-known artists at home and abroad, there are many works from the current art emerging, of which post-90s artists account for about 30%, which fully demonstrates the forward-looking collection concept of Shandong Art Museum and the care for young artists.

In addition to the exhibition, the cultural and creative products of Shandong Art Museum are also indispensable highlights. Yao Yundong said that combined with the theme of the Spring Festival in the Year of the Tiger, the Shandong Art Museum specially designed a number of cultural and creative products, such as notepads, erasers, bookmarks and other stationery, as well as mobile phone cases and ornaments of the Zodiac series. "The sales of cultural and creative products during the Spring Festival holiday are several times that of usual, and the children especially like it."

Shandong Art Museum Spring Festival special exhibition family celebration, the Year of the Tiger cultural creation is very attractive

Behind the audience's enjoyment of the exhibition is the service guarantee of the museum staff during the holiday. In addition to the staff on duty, more than a dozen volunteers joined the service queue. Yao Yundong said that most of these volunteers are middle school students or college students. "The volunteers alleviated the pressure of the art museum's work reception during the Spring Festival, and through volunteer service, the students also increased their understanding of the museum and art expertise, learned the concept of volunteer service, and exercised the practical ability of organization and coordination."

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