
A real and touching story of a mother fighting cancer, after watching the tears

author:I wasn't lonely on the road that year

It's a true story. That winter, I went home to run errands. I heard my mother say that someone in the village has passed away in the past few days and is going to help. Because the village is not big, as long as there are red and white happy things, every family has to go to help. I casually asked who it was? My mother's answer surprised me. Because I remember her as a strong village woman, this year is more than fifty years old, dark hair is always neatly tied, wearing a cooking scarf tied around her waist, and the whole village knows that her family's meal is ready. Big grinning personality, often joking with people. She was one of the few village women I had a good impression of.

A real and touching story of a mother fighting cancer, after watching the tears

I smoked a cigarette and asked my mom what was going on? My mom sighed: It's a disease, a cancer, and it's been been around for years. I was a little surprised: is she a cancer patient? It doesn't look like it at all. My mom started telling me her story: the year before, she had a stomachache and went to the hospital for a check-up. The result came out, the cancer was terminal, and there was no cure! His husband was not reconciled, and asked several doctors. They all said that they were no longer cured, and they would not live for more than half a year at most. She didn't cry when she knew, packed her bags and went home, saying that she wouldn't be cured of anything! My son just got married, and there is no money in the family, and it is not curable to say that, so why not spend that unjust money? Save money for grandchildren! Her family couldn't help her, so they had to go home...

A real and touching story of a mother fighting cancer, after watching the tears

So they went home, and she was like no one else, she should eat, drink, and do the same work. When eating, the sweat of the body flowed down the clothes, and the pain continued to eat. Someone asked her if she hurt so much and you could eat? She said: It hurts it, I eat mine! What's not to eat! Everyone laughed, maybe in her eyes it was like a joke made to her by God.

In fact, everyone understands that she is trying to hold her grandson. Almost half a year is approaching, and the doctor says that the day is not a few days away. She said: No, I haven't done anything bad in my life! God give me this disease is unreasonable! He owes me two years' worth of life! I have to live enough for those two years. Later, it became more serious, her family took her to the hospital for surgery, the doctor took a picture of it, and directly said to go home. You don't have to run to the hospital, take some medicine, how long you can last. Back at home, she often rolled around the yard in pain, scolding while gnawing, saying that God owed her two years of life! In this way, she really survived until her daughter-in-law gave birth to a child, and her daughter-in-law was also very angry and gave birth to a big fat boy. Give her beautiful, everyone says how much their grandson can eat, how fat! She joked to others: I have to last until the child is one year old! Or often hear her at home scolding God owes her life... The whole village heard this scolding, and those who did not know thought that her family was quarreling. Later, she said to the people in the village: Go to the hospital to get medicine, heard the doctor say that there is a woman, did not check the body in advance, and then found that the cancer is terminal, I directly stood at the door and asked him, are you talking about me? The doctor was stunned and said directly that you are still alive? She succeeded in making people on the street laugh again. It was as if she were telling someone else's story, which had nothing to do with her.

A real and touching story of a mother fighting cancer, after watching the tears

Finally she lasted a year, the child was one year old, and the child learned to call Grandma. She was hilarious and showed off in front of the whole village. She said, "I said God owes me my life, and if you ask him, he'll have to pay me back!" I have to live until my grandson goes to school this time! ...... She couldn't hold on after all this winter. Call her husband and children to start arranging the aftermath, so that he can find another one in the future. Let his children take the eldest grandson well... When it came, he asked his son to open the closet. Her son was dumbfounded when both wardrobes were opened, and the two cabinets were full of handmade clothes and quilts, as well as hundreds of insoles. She said that this was her grandson's cotton clothes from one year old to seven years old, and the clothes she bought were not good, or the cotton she made at home was warm. I originally wanted to get you a few sweaters, but now it seems that I have no chance. Insole you two save some use, can be used for a few years... The two of them lay in front of the bed crying for a long, long time.

That winter, I also went to help, and everyone in the village was present. Looking at her portrait, the corners of her mouth rose slightly, as if she heard her say again: I said god owes me my life, look for him to ask him to return to me...

A real and touching story of a mother fighting cancer, after watching the tears

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