
Use mail as a medium to tell the story of the Beijing Winter Olympics

Use mail as a medium to tell the story of the Beijing Winter Olympics

The "Winter Olympics Ice Festival" personalized stamp roll is the first time that the stamp paper is printed on rice paper stamp paper, and the ancient painting theme of the innovative use of invisible perforations is used to personalize stamps. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li He

In every inch, the grand winter ice and snow culture of ancient China is combined with the cultural elements of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, which is the scene depicted in the personalized stamp long roll product of the "Winter Olympics Ice Frolic Festival" jointly released by China Post and the Beijing Winter Olympic Games Organizing Committee.

As the exclusive supplier of the official postal service of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, China Post has given full play to the role of Chinese stamps as a "national business card" and the characteristic brand advantages of China philatelic stamps, and is committed to using postal mail as a medium to tell the story of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, and has issued 5 sets of 18 sets of Commemorative Stamps of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games and various related philatelic products.

A few clean windows in the service hall, new modern equipment, philatelic products, postcards, parcel delivery and other postal services are readily available... China Post has set up a total of 16 postal service points in Beijing, Yanqing and Zhangjiakou, and is welcoming guests from all over the world with a new look.

During the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, China Post will set up punch card activity points at the theme post offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu and other cities to promote the theme post office culture and related Winter Olympic postal products. Set up a pop-up store in Beijing for the "Postal Train to the Winter Olympics" to create more experience scenes through on-site activities and provide consumers with a better experience.

According to reports, in order to comprehensively guarantee the service of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, China Post has formulated a strict service guarantee work plan, implementing closed-loop processing, separate receiving and sending, handing over special personnel, and transporting alone to ensure network security operation and build a solid defense line for delivery security.

Reporter: Zhao Wenjun

Source: Xinhua Viewpoint

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