
"Quanzhou, this is the city you want to go to at least once in your life!"

Quanzhou is the first batch of historical and cultural cities in the country, it can be said that each scenic spot in Quanzhou is permeated with a historical atmosphere and has the mark of historical inheritance.

Bai Yansong once said, "Quanzhou, this is the city you want to go to at least once in your life!" "On the second day of the Chinese New Year, I followed the footsteps of Yan Ting, a journalist from Quanzhou, and walked around Quanzhou together.

"Quanzhou, this is the city you want to go to at least once in your life!"
"Quanzhou, this is the city you want to go to at least once in your life!"
"Quanzhou, this is the city you want to go to at least once in your life!"

Walk into Qingyuan Mountain and collide with history

Quanzhou party, Yan Ting first came to the Qingyuan Mountain originated in Qin, Qingyuan Mountain Laojun Rock carved in the Song Dynasty, back screen Qingshan, with a smile, Lao Jun statue is 5.36 meters high, covers an area of 55 square meters, is China's largest existing and highest artistic value of Song Dynasty stone carvings.

"Quanzhou, this is the city you want to go to at least once in your life!"

Reporter Yan Ting

There is a saying in Quanzhou that if you can touch Lao Jun's nose, you can live to 120 years old; if you touch Lao Jun's eyes, you can live to 160 years old. But because it is now a World Heritage Site, we are definitely going to protect it. But we can still see that Lao Junyan is a mascot in the hearts of generations of Quanzhou people.

Stroll along the golden coastline and wander through the ancient city

Quanzhou has Fushan, naturally there is also Fushui, Chongwu Coast is one of the eight most beautiful coastlines in China, and there are 12 charming golden beaches distributed on its coastline.

"Quanzhou, this is the city you want to go to at least once in your life!"

In addition to looking at the sea, there is also a must mention of chongwu ancient city. The ancient city of Chongwu was actually built during the Ming Dynasty to resist the Wukou, which has a history of more than 600 years. In 1988, it was also listed as a national key cultural relics protection unit.

"Quanzhou, this is the city you want to go to at least once in your life!"

With the ancient city wall as the dividing line, on the one hand is the bustling town life, on the other hand, the quiet and elegant seaside scenery, and it has become a living museum that perfectly integrates history, culture and tourism.

Cross the "Five Mile" Anping Bridge to relive the 800-year history

In July 2021, "Quanzhou: World Marine Trade Center of Song and Yuan China" was included in the World Cultural Heritage List, which was built in the Song Dynasty and the Anping Bridge, which has a history of 884 years, is also one of the 22 sites.

"Quanzhou, this is the city you want to go to at least once in your life!"

Located in Anhai Town, Jinjiang City, Anping Bridge has a total length of 2255 meters, and in ancient times, it also had the reputation of "no bridge in the world", and was the longest girder stone bridge in the world in the Middle Ages. In ancient times, building a bridge was actually a very hard thing, so people cherished it and arranged for General Shi to guard it here, which has a history of more than 800 years.

"Quanzhou, this is the city you want to go to at least once in your life!"

General Shi also had a rumor that in the early years, there were thieves who wanted to transport General Shi out, but before the transport, a whirlpool suddenly occurred at sea, and the thieves did not dare and immediately sent General Shi back. Therefore, in the local area, everyone also called it "General Who Refuses to Go to The Stone".

Anping Bridge means that the four seas are rising and peaceful, the eight directions are quiet, there is always someone outside to guard our land, let us feel happiness, in happiness ~

Nanyin: The oldest surviving ancient Han music

Quanzhou was one of the starting points of the ancient Maritime Silk Road, and Quanzhou must be said to be Nanyin, one of the oldest surviving music species in China. Reporter Yan Ting also took this opportunity to visit the backstage of the Quanzhou Art Garden Heritage Center.

Nanyin originated in the Tang Dynasty, has a history of more than 1,000 years, and can be said to be the oldest surviving Han ancient music.

Gaojia Opera: National Intangible Cultural Heritage

Yan Ting said that in addition to Nan Yin, in her childhood impression, every festive season, especially the New Year, the village will invite the opera team to perform. When she was a child, she didn't know what to sing at all, she just felt very happy, and when she grew up, she understood that it was called Gao Jia Drama.

Gaojia opera is a traditional drama in Quanzhou, originating in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, with a history of more than 400 years, and was also included in the list of national intangible cultural heritage in 2006.

"Quanzhou, this is the city you want to go to at least once in your life!"
"Quanzhou, this is the city you want to go to at least once in your life!"
"Quanzhou, this is the city you want to go to at least once in your life!"
"Quanzhou, this is the city you want to go to at least once in your life!"

Willow-colored gold tender,

Pear blossoms are fragrant with snow.

"Quanzhou, this is the city you want to go to at least once in your life!"

It is understood that Gaojia opera now often enters the campus to perform, and through various performances, sows the seeds of excellent traditional culture to the hearts of the people, especially young people. In the process of children's growth, it becomes their precious historical memory.

"Quanzhou, this is the city you want to go to at least once in your life!"

Craftsmanship, passing on ancient techniques

When it comes to the cultural symbols of Quanzhou, we have to mention Quanzhou puppets.

"Quanzhou, this is the city you want to go to at least once in your life!"

Jiang Bifeng, a national non-hereditary inheritor, inherited his family's craft and learned art from his father in 1964. The puppet heads he made are mainly palm puppet heads, which are relatively small in size and the production requirements are relatively fine.

National non-hereditary inheritor Jiang Bifeng

The production process inside is mainly three categories, the first is carving, the second is polishing and repairing, and the third is color painting. In fact, carving is the most difficult, because there are many kinds of shapes for carving.

Jiang Bifeng said that there are no drawings in the process of making puppets, and they can only be written down by memory. In his generation, plus more than 100 kinds of his own creations, there are now more than 400 kinds of puppet head shapes.

"Quanzhou, this is the city you want to go to at least once in your life!"

Sometimes in order to create a new modeling and design activity organ, Jiang Bifeng stayed up all night, carved it and started it all over again, which is a common thing, just to be able to complete a perfect work.

"Quanzhou, this is the city you want to go to at least once in your life!"

In the art of puppet performance, there must be a head, and the head is its soul, so it is necessary to create a good and vivid work to perform on the stage, and the audience will see it at a glance.

"Quanzhou, this is the city you want to go to at least once in your life!"

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