
[Sniper] The only sniper in the world's military history is the only one Chinese and is the first in the list is the protagonist of this film - Zhang Taofang. In the Battle of Shangganling used 400 in a month

author:De Pot Guy


The only sniper in the world's top ten snipers in military history Chinese and is the first in the list is the protagonist of this film - Zhang Taofang.

In the battle of Shangganling, 214 American soldiers were shot with 400 rounds of ammunition in a month, not using sniper rifles but mosin nagans equipped by the former Soviet Union for cavalry. At that time, the military commander Pi Dingjun did not believe it, and sent two staff officers to the front line with a pair of leather boots to confirm, and finally the shoes were left, and Zhang Taofang not only became a sniper but also became a pilot of the Chinese Air Force.

Remember that the last time I touched the gun was still the 2014 Binjiang Reserve target, the Type 95 automatic rifle, one round seven one round eight four rounds nine four rounds ten, more than a thousand people shot the target with a total score of 91 rings to win the first place, that is has been retired for 24 years, and never played the Type 95, as the most dick soldier of the Chinese 32720 unit of the People's Liberation Army in that era, the military quality is still OK, after all, it is the soldier brought out by Yu Youshou Chen Gongyu.

Far from it, the movie is still very good-looking, the Chinese version of saving the big soldier Ren, telling the story of the Olympic shooting competition, the contestants by the Sichuan fifth class and the United States headquarters of the duel, although there is no Watergate Bridge big scene, just a simple encounter, and all are newcomers, as a war movie is still OK, but the level of the old strategist daughter director still needs to be greatly improved.

"Sniper" currently has the highest rating during the Spring Festival and is worth a look.

For the first time, I felt that Sichuan dialect could be used as a Chinese.

[Sniper] The only sniper in the world's military history is the only one Chinese and is the first in the list is the protagonist of this film - Zhang Taofang. In the Battle of Shangganling used 400 in a month

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