
Why are many pregnant mothers now reluctant to do obstetric examinations?

Why do more and more pregnant mothers not want to have a maternity check-up?

Why are many pregnant mothers now reluctant to do obstetric examinations?

First, I think the hospital pit money. Some ma ma believe that the obstetric examination is a gimmick for the hospital to pit money, that the hospital is for profit, and the "angel in white" has become rare.

Obstetrics and Gynecology Specialists: If mothers are worried about the quality and credit of the hospital, it is recommended to choose a regular large hospital with guarantees.

Obstetric examination can not only check the child's physical development, but also detect whether the pregnant mother's body has abnormalities as soon as possible, which is beneficial to both adults and children.

Why are many pregnant mothers now reluctant to do obstetric examinations?

Second, it is useless to be persuaded by those around you. The older generation or girlfriends around them often say that when there was no technical condition such as obstetric examination in the past, healthy children were still born, and now that the living conditions are so good, the children born by hemp will not have problems, so there is no need to do obstetric examinations.

Obstetrics and gynecology experts: It is unscientific to divide whether to participate in obstetric examinations based on the good conditions and poor conditions of the times, and the people at each stage are different, and each person's physical functions and environment are also different.

Why are many pregnant mothers now reluctant to do obstetric examinations?

Third, the obstetric examination is too tossed. Some pregnant mothers themselves are already very tired during pregnancy, and if they go to the maternity examination with a big belly, they feel tired when they think about it.

Obstetrics and gynecology experts: if the obstetric examination is close, the distance can be done many times, and if the distance is far from convenient, the date can be selected under the guidance of the doctor. For queuing, you can avoid the peak period and be registered by the family to queue up first to minimize unnecessary trouble.

4. Others. There are also a small number of mothers who have some other reasons, such as not knowing about the obstetric examination, thinking that it does not matter if the examination is not examined.

Obstetricians and Gynecologists: Obstetrics and gynecology checks are voluntary rather than mandatory, and mothers can choose a suitable means of waiting for delivery.

As a doctor, in fact, it is especially recommended that mothers bravely do obstetric examinations, which can not only ensure their own physical condition, but also check the baby's condition in advance.

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