
A person chatting with you like this is actually rejecting you, don't take the initiative anymore

A person chatting with you like this is actually rejecting you, don't take the initiative anymore

Feelings need to run in both directions, one person's love can only be called wishful thinking, and only two people can achieve a love.

Some people in the pursuit of love, often lose themselves, obviously do not feel the love of the other party, but still lie to themselves, and then insist on it, but persist to the end, did not get the love you want.

In fact, whether a person loves or not, it will be shown from the details, take the chat thing, if he does not want to chat with you, or always has a ride to perfunctory you, and even half-hearted, then you should understand that his mind is not on you.

At this time, what you have to do is not to ask him why he is doing this to you, but to withdraw directly from this relationship, not to let him continue to hurt you, and not to take the initiative to chat with him.

If your love does not get a response, then continuing to continue is also to let others see the joke, so you have to remember that a person chatting with you like this is actually rejecting you, don't take the initiative anymore!

A person chatting with you like this is actually rejecting you, don't take the initiative anymore


Always perfunctory to you

The person who loves you will never be perfunctory, in his heart, you are the most cherished person, in order to love you, he will give everything to pursue you, rather than casually perfunctory you.

Two people chatting, he has always taken the initiative, he will treat your every chat with heart, and will also look for topics you like, rather than talking to yourself, whether you like it or not.

If a person is always perfunctory to you in the process of chatting, you say three sentences, he may only reply with an "um" or "received", and slowly you will not want to talk.

You may want to try harder, but in the end it is often disappointed, and you know in your heart what is going on, it is nothing more than not loving enough, but you are not willing to admit it.

So, when you meet someone who is always perfunctory, forget it, and stop lying to yourself.

A person chatting with you like this is actually rejecting you, don't take the initiative anymore


Never replied to you

There are also some people, you sent a message today, left and right just can't wait for a reply, you think the phone is broken or no signal, have been holding the message waiting for his reply, but in the end it is disappointed.

People who don't reply to you, you don't have to hope anymore, if he wants to reply to you, he has already replied, don't say that he may not see such words, most people now do not leave their mobile phones, even if they can't see it now, there will always be a time to see, where will there be a situation that can't be seen all day?

There's only one reason he doesn't reply: he doesn't love you, so your waiting is meaningless in his eyes, and he even feels that you are doing it, and he did not force you.

In fact, his non-reply means rejection, then you don't have to wait any longer, there is no use waiting, you can't wait for someone who doesn't love you, just like waiting for a ship at the airport.

A person chatting with you like this is actually rejecting you, don't take the initiative anymore


Half-hearted when chatting

If you like a person, you will become very serious, even if it is a chat, you will treat it with your heart, and you will not chat here and do other things over there.

Only those who don't love you will feel that it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if it's not just a chat, and so on, he will play with himself first, and then he will talk to you well.

On the surface, he is chatting with you, in fact, he is still playing a game with another mobile phone, or brushing the circle of friends, commenting on others, you can't wait for his reply, and think he has something to do, but in fact, he didn't take you to heart.

If you find that he is careless in his chat, don't continue, there is no point in talking to people who have no heart for you.

A person chatting with you like this is actually rejecting you, don't take the initiative anymore



Sometimes, rejecting a person is as simple as looking at the process of chatting and you can understand a few points.

If he's always half-hearted when chatting, or always perfunctory, and may not even reply to you, then you stop making excuses that he just doesn't have time, the truth is that he doesn't love you, he will do this to you.

When you learn this truth, don't deceive yourself anymore, but bravely leave him, and don't stupidly take the initiative to find him, which will only disappoint you again.

For people who don't love you, leaving is the best choice, just let each other bridge back to the bridge, the road back to the road, each safe!

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