
3 million Mercedes-Benz big G on the road, the license plate is 5 Chinese characters, netizens: bump into it to play?

License plates are a necessary condition for vehicles to be legally on the road, and some car owners do not have a license plate after buying a car or buy a smuggled car without a license plate, and these owners may be opportunistic and make a fake license plate. Now major cities on the mainland have bred some counterfeit license plate merchants, and the sale price of a fake license plate is as low as a few hundred yuan.

3 million Mercedes-Benz big G on the road, the license plate is 5 Chinese characters, netizens: bump into it to play?

Someone saw a special Mercedes-Benz G63 on the streets of Anhui, this SUV had three logos hanging on the tail, and the license plate was also fake. Judging from the pictures posted by netizens, the trunk of the Mercedes-Benz G63 hangs three mercedes-benz circular car logos, of which only one is true, and the other two logos are installed by the owner privately.

The Mercedes-Benz G63 has a more peculiar license plate, with a yellow license plate with 5 words written on it, "Just don't go up." "Passers-by see the Mercedes-Benz license plate said that the Mercedes-Benz owner is too bold, after buying the car not only does not go to the license plate, but also blatantly hangs up this fake license plate, is this not waiting for the traffic police to check?

3 million Mercedes-Benz big G on the road, the license plate is 5 Chinese characters, netizens: bump into it to play?

Some car owners joke that they really want to crash into it and play, and passers-by have this idea because the front car does not hang the license plate according to the requirements, and the traffic police may send the car to take the main responsibility after causing the traffic accident. Later, everyone thought about it, this Mercedes-Benz G63 was priced at a price of up to 2.47 million, and the landing price was close to 3 million, and no one dared to really crash into it.

3 million Mercedes-Benz big G on the road, the license plate is 5 Chinese characters, netizens: bump into it to play?

Not long after, when the traffic police checked the car, they found this Mercedes-Benz G63, and the traffic police saw at a glance that the license plate of this car was unusual, so they stopped the owner of the car on the side of the road for investigation. The owner of the car told the traffic police that his license plate had not been completed, so he used a temporary license plate.

After the traffic police checked the temporary license plate of the owner, they found that the temporary license plate had expired, and the traffic police judged that the owner of the car forged the license plate of the motor vehicle, detained the motor vehicle on the spot, deducted 12 points, and imposed a fine of 2,000 yuan on the owner. Mercedes-Benz owners hung up fake license plates just because it was fun, he did not expect that his practice would actually bring such serious consequences, and he felt very regretful after being detained by the traffic police.

3 million Mercedes-Benz big G on the road, the license plate is 5 Chinese characters, netizens: bump into it to play?

How are there penalties for changing the number plate of a counterfeited motor vehicle?

According to Article 96 of the Mainland Road Traffic Safety Law, the relevant departments shall seize and detain the motor vehicle if the driver forges or changes or uses the forged and changed motor vehicle registration certificate, number plate, and driving license, and imposes a detention of not more than 15 days, and imposes a fine of between 2,000 and 5,000 yuan, and if the number plate of the motor vehicle is forged, 12 points are deducted at a time.

3 million Mercedes-Benz big G on the road, the license plate is 5 Chinese characters, netizens: bump into it to play?

Although the Owner of Mercedes-Benz bought a new car, the temporary license plate has passed the expiration date, and the owner must hang up the regular license plate. The owner did not hang a legal license plate as required, but hung a fake license plate, and the content of the license plate also had a provocative meaning, so the traffic police would be punished heavily.

In the process of traffic police inspection, it was found that many car owners have forged and changed the number plate of the motor vehicle, some car owners bought a smuggled car, the vehicle can not go through the process on the plate, the owner can only hang a fake license plate on the road. Other owners use decks to avoid fines for violations.

3 million Mercedes-Benz big G on the road, the license plate is 5 Chinese characters, netizens: bump into it to play?

Editor's Comments:

Traffic police have been practicing the skill of fire-eyed golden eyes for many years, and it is easy to see the authenticity of the license plate. Many car owners use fake license plates only to avoid illegal fines, but they did not expect to be found by the traffic police to deduct all 12 points on the driver's license, and also impose high fines, which is more than worth the loss. I hope that everyone will abide by the traffic rules and never use fake license plates.

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