
Apple iOS update, new emoticons caused controversy

Emoticons and memes are communication tools in the current digital age, and many people have a large number of emoticons and emoticon pictures, which are very straightforward and easy to understand with emojis and emojis, and are more infectious than words.

Apple iOS update, new emoticons caused controversy

Due to different personal needs and preferences, some Internet companies will update their expressions from time to time and add new expressions, and some people will also make their own expressions. However, not all expressions can be recognized by everyone.

Apple unveiled a new iOS update on Thursday, but it sparked some controversy over apple's introduction of a "pregnant man" emoji in the iOS 15.4 beta.

Apple iOS update, new emoticons caused controversy

In fact, pregnant emojis are not new to some people, as they are part of an update launched by Emojipedia in September 2021. But the difference is that Apple's "pregnancy" meme was launched as part of the iOS 15.4 beta. iOS 15.4 will be available to all iPhone users later this year.

Apple's move sparked controversy.

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