
【New Year grassroots】Lanzhou Municipal Museum held a "New Year gift" activity

China's Gansu network on January 26 (this network reporter Zhang Lanqin) Golden Bull resigned the old year, Fuhu ushered in the new year. In order to enrich the spiritual and cultural life of Lanzhou citizens during the Spring Festival, create a festive and peaceful festival atmosphere, and combine the theme of the Gansu Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism "Winter Olympics over the New Year, Spring Green Jade Gate Pass" 100-day and 100-day Winter Olympics activities, this morning Lanzhou Museum held the "Our Festival , Spring Festival" series of activities "Send calligraphy spring into the countryside, into the community to welcome the Winter Olympics theme cultural activities".

【New Year grassroots】Lanzhou Municipal Museum held a "New Year gift" activity

At the scene of the event, bells, Yan Bin and Han Jun of the Gansu Provincial Recitation Association performed recitations, and the guqinists performed live guqin performances; in the exhibition hall, the small volunteers under the leadership of the docents carried out the "treasure hunting tour" of cultural relics excavated from the Baiyi Temple Pagoda; the Special Wen Hanfu team also brought a Hanfu display, which will continue to bring Hanfu display and ancient style market to the citizens in the Lanzhou Museum Courtyard during the Spring Festival, so that everyone can feel the charm of the national costume and the strong atmosphere of the New Year in the museum.

【New Year grassroots】Lanzhou Municipal Museum held a "New Year gift" activity

Li Hengbin, director of the Institute of Calligraphy of Lanzhou University, Ma Guojun, former president of the Gansu Book Court, Chai Lin, director of the Gansu Sanmu Bicycle Museum, and other calligraphy masters were invited to the scene and splashed ink to send spring leagues and lucky characters to the citizens. The scene was full of joy and ink. With the help of volunteers, the Spring League was dried one by one, carefully rolled up, and delivered to the hands of the citizens. A pair of spring leagues and a "blessing" word have both the blessings of retiring the old and welcoming the new, the vision of peace and auspiciousness, and the expectation of a better future.

【New Year grassroots】Lanzhou Municipal Museum held a "New Year gift" activity

This social education activity not only allowed Lanzhou citizens to feel the charm of calligraphy, but also helped the children to establish a sense of understanding traditional festivals and loving traditional culture. It is understood that the Lanzhou Museum will continue to play a public cultural and educational function in the future, combined with the conditions of the new era, inherit and carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture, and help the construction of "exquisite Lanzhou" with cultural development.

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