
Langyi was blown down, CCTV roll called, SAIC Volkswagen fell into a "word of mouth crisis"!

Just stepped into 2022, SAIC Volkswagen Langyi was exposed to "reduction" rumors! It is reported that as of now, a number of Langyi car owners have complained to the CCTV Central Broadcasting Network, and saic-Volkswagen's 2021 Langyi model has problems such as "reduction", lack of functions and inconsistent publicity of manufacturers and 4S stores. It is puzzling that after being complained about, the vast majority of car owners get replies such as "missing core" and "not a quality problem". In this regard, the official response of the SAIC Volkswagen brand is: it is under investigation.

Langyi was blown down, CCTV roll called, SAIC Volkswagen fell into a "word of mouth crisis"!

Complaints one after another, Volkswagen Langyi was exposed to the "reduction" of the car machine

According to the Central Broadcasting Network, a Langyi owner purchased a Langyi model model in September 2021 with the model of 2021 280 TSI DSG Comfort Edition. The new car was driven for less than half a year and there were various failures, including 8 black screens on the dashboard, fortunately there was no danger. After inspection, the owner found that the problem was in the "reduction" of the car machine.

Langyi was blown down, CCTV roll called, SAIC Volkswagen fell into a "word of mouth crisis"!

Car owners who suffered from "reduction" said that in the official publicity of SAIC Volkswagen, the Langyi model supports the smart car connection system, so it can connect to CarPlay and other functions through the SAIC Volkswagen super APP. But the model he is driving does not carry the original car machine, uses the "Android system" car machine, can not connect to CarPlay, and does not have the MOS system advertised by the public.

Langyi was blown down, CCTV roll called, SAIC Volkswagen fell into a "word of mouth crisis"!

Coincidentally, a female car owner also encountered such a problem, she said that in addition to Carplay can not be used, even the most common fuel consumption and kilometers and other data can not be viewed. When she reflected the problem to the dealer, the reply was that "the main engine factory only gave two batches of supply, one batch of connected vehicles and the other batch did not."

Langyi was blown down, CCTV roll called, SAIC Volkswagen fell into a "word of mouth crisis"!

Referring to the information of a domestic complaint website, SAIC Volkswagen Langyi has recently been complained about in a number of cases, of which more than half of the complaints believe that there is sales fraud and parts disputes in Langyi models. According to the analysis of relevant legal industry insiders: the functions advertised on the official website should be available when they are actually delivered, otherwise it is fraudulent for the purchaser. Even if there are objective factors such as lack of cores, it is necessary to communicate with users in advance, otherwise there is also a suspicion of fraud.

Langyi was blown down, CCTV roll called, SAIC Volkswagen fell into a "word of mouth crisis"!

Lack of core becomes the main reason, SAIC Volkswagen is once again trapped in the "word of mouth crisis"

Earlier, we repeatedly mentioned the keyword "missing core". As we all know, compared with traditional cars, today's cars are more comprehensive in terms of vehicle system and intelligent auxiliary driving, so the demand for chips is also greater! Although the Volkswagen Langyi that has been delivered is also loaded with a large screen of the car machine, because of the lack of chips, the overall experience is difficult to meet user expectations, and it is inevitable that the stuttering and black screen will be inevitable!

Langyi was blown down, CCTV roll called, SAIC Volkswagen fell into a "word of mouth crisis"!

As a "big seller" of SAIC Volkswagen, Langyi's sales in the brand also account for a large proportion. It is not difficult to see from the annual list previously released by the Association that in the past 2021, the cumulative sales of Volkswagen Langyi reached 432035 units, although it fell by 3.8% compared with the same period in 2020, but the model still occupies the second place in the car market! Therefore, the "reduction" on Langyi will inevitably further reduce the use of chips.

Langyi was blown down, CCTV roll called, SAIC Volkswagen fell into a "word of mouth crisis"!

In fact, this is not the first time that SAIC Volkswagen has had a "reduction" rumor! In the 2019 China Insurance Research Institute crash test, Tiguan L and Passat scored at the bottom in the "frontal 25% bias collision test", which is generally believed to be caused by the "reduction" of materials in the industry. After the outbreak of the incident, savoy-Volkswagen's market sales also suffered a devastating blow due to the collapse of sales of Tiguan L and Passat models.

Langyi was blown down, CCTV roll called, SAIC Volkswagen fell into a "word of mouth crisis"!

According to the data, SAIC Volkswagen's cumulative sales in 2021 were 1.242 million vehicles, down 17.50% year-on-year. In fact, this is not the first time that SAIC Volkswagen's sales have declined, referring to the sales information of the past few years, in the period from 2018 to 2020, saicutical Volkswagen's cumulative sales were 2.0651 million units, 2.0018 million units and 1.5055 million units, respectively. Behind the three painful losses of the "pin crown", it reflects the "word-of-mouth crisis" of consumers.

Langyi was blown down, CCTV roll called, SAIC Volkswagen fell into a "word of mouth crisis"!

The pattern of the automobile market has changed, and the automobile market has ushered in a new inflection point

On the one hand, there is an increasing shortage of automotive chips, on the other hand, there is a constant subversion of the sales model, and all kinds of signs are showing that the automotive industry is about to change its days! According to industry estimates, in 2021, when there is a general shortage of cores, global automobile production will be reduced by about 4.5 million units. In addition to traditional car companies such as Volkswagen, Toyota and Honda, new car-making forces such as Weilai, Ideal, and Xiaopeng are also facing such problems.

Langyi was blown down, CCTV roll called, SAIC Volkswagen fell into a "word of mouth crisis"!

In order not to affect sales, many car companies have formulated emergency production strategies, including adjusting production priorities and purchasing chips directly from chip manufacturers. For example, some car companies will change and adjust the configuration of the car, and even models such as Volkswagen Langyi have a state of reduced allocation. But in any case, car companies are selling more cars, after all, at the car experience level, the number of chips will directly affect the driving experience of consumers.

Langyi was blown down, CCTV roll called, SAIC Volkswagen fell into a "word of mouth crisis"!

The production volume mentioned earlier, let's talk about sales volume! With the change of consumer demand for cars, consumers have also undergone more or less changes at the level of car purchase. Specifically, unlike the traditional dealer model, contemporary consumers tend to feedback more efficient direct sales model, such as Tesla, Weilai and other brands are more typical examples, compared to the traditional car companies' 4S store sales model, this model reduces the intermediate links between consumers and manufacturers, can further improve the communication efficiency of both sides.

Langyi was blown down, CCTV roll called, SAIC Volkswagen fell into a "word of mouth crisis"!

Not only that, at the level of user reach, the direct sales model is more dominant than the distribution model. Especially today, when the digital wave hits, car companies can also use a variety of tools to better and more comprehensively analyze the needs of their own users, and carry out targeted sales and sales. For traditional car companies such as SAIC Volkswagen, if they do not adapt to the times and make changes, it will eventually be themselves who will be eliminated!

Langyi was blown down, CCTV roll called, SAIC Volkswagen fell into a "word of mouth crisis"!


Since officially landing on the domestic market in 2008, Volkswagen Langyi has been favored by consumers with its outstanding cost performance! However, with the successive "upper positions" of Xuanyi, Civic, Corolla and other models, the competitiveness of Langyi has gradually declined! The exposure of this allocation reduction incident will undoubtedly once again reduce the reputation of Langyi models in the hearts of consumers, which is fatal to Langyi and SAIC Volkswagen!

Of course, standing at another level, in addition to dealing with the word-of-mouth crisis of Langyi, SAIC Volkswagen also needs to pay attention to the change and optimization of marketing channels. After all, in today's great changes in consumer demand, only by better catering to the user's car buying and car experience, the brand can develop better!

For SAIC Volkswagen, it is imperative to quickly give langyi car owners an explanation and regain the trust of consumers!

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