
Her depression and bipolar condition were complex, and after 57 hours of psychological intervention, she achieved drug withdrawal!

The number of words is approximately 8198 words

Reading time: about 8 minutes

Sections of this article:

01. Under deep hypnosis, infant memory emerges

02, the last drug was also withdrawn

03, the mother's unintentional wrong education hurt her

04. After recovering, she decided to continue her studies abroad

Yesterday, we shared the in-depth psychological intervention process of Liu Ke, a depressed/bipolar patient, and briefly introduced her growth background and illness.

Liu Ke did not like to communicate with his peers since kindergarten and had serious social barriers. After failing the middle school entrance examination, she enrolled in an international class, and after 3 years, she studied abroad, but she encountered setbacks abroad, and had serious emotional and sleep problems, and had to take a break from school to return to China.

Her family took her to peking university sixth hospital for treatment, she was first diagnosed with moderate depression, then changed to bipolar disorder, and has been taking medication.

Although his mood stabilized, Liu Ke's social function was still difficult to recover, and he could not resume studying or participating in work. Parents are very anxious.

After our psychological intervention under systematic deep hypnosis in the previous stage, Liu Ke's emotional symptoms were greatly alleviated and he began to reduce the drug.

But in the process, we found that behind her social impairment, it can be divided into multiple specific problems. For example, she always suppresses her emotions; she does not understand and is unwilling to express her thoughts;

She always swallows her anger when she encounters unfair treatment; she loves to avoid problems, and she is reluctant to face difficulties.

In the second half of the psychological intervention, we concentrated on overcoming these mental and psychological problems, and finally combined her interests and ideals to plan her life.

What excited her parents the most was that Liu Ke originally refused to go abroad to complete her studies, and her parents lost their temper when they mentioned her. But when the psychological intervention was nearing the end, Liu Ke actually said that he was going to consider returning to school, and his parents were overjoyed!

Lucy discovered an infantile trauma when using deep hypnosis pathological memory repair technology (TPMIH) to deal with Liu Ke's problem of "always suppressing his emotions".

Liu Ke "saw" that he was about 4 or 5 months old at the time, sucking on a pacifier in his mouth. She recalls that at that time, she often longed to be hugged by adults, so she cried loudly. But her mother always did not understand, and after the coaxing was ineffective, she had to put a pacifier in her.

The nipple suddenly triggered the baby's sucking reflex, and she sucked. But in fact, her real needs were not met, but the pacifier blocked her mouth and could not cry. But this time the mother misunderstood, thinking that the doll cried because she wanted to suck the pacifier, so often Liu Ke cried, and the mother gave the pacifier.

Her depression and bipolar condition were complex, and after 57 hours of psychological intervention, she achieved drug withdrawal!

The image comes from the Internet

That is to say, Liu Ke's psychological needs at that time were not only not met, but also unable to cry, unable to express and release unpleasant emotions.

Afterwards I asked Liu Ke's mother. Her memories are different from Liu Ke's implicit memories.

She said that at that time, she actually knew that the child wanted to be held, so sometimes she would hug up and coax, but sometimes she couldn't get busy, and she would give a pacifier to comfort, "Really not every time to the pacifier."

Could it be that mom lied? I think it is unlikely that Liu Ke's implicit memory "lied".

Scientific research has confirmed that memories of children or earlier can be wrong, and that "adult memories of events two years of age or earlier may represent the fiction, condensation, and construction of early events, as well as the current concerns and stories of early events heard" (LYynnet al., 2003, p. 42).

But this is not to say that children deliberately fabricate lies, but that their memories are indeed so, and the negative effects of this pathological memory are objectively present.

Therefore, for this situation, we will not emphasize that this is the fault of the parents, but the child does feel psychological damage and pain, this traumatic event must still be repaired under deep hypnosis, and guide the child to rationally and objectively understand the trauma at the level of consciousness.

This isn't the first time we've used deep hypnosis to discover pathological memories of infancy in individual cases.

Another real-life example is when dealing with another patient's problem of crying and excessive fear of heat, and found that when she was just a full moon, adults dressed her too much, and she cried hot and cried, but she could not express it, and her family was in a hurry.

After she cried for a long time, the family realized that she was too hot, and as soon as she lost her clothes, she stopped crying. Confirmed by the child's mother, this memory is real.

So, many people say that what happened in infancy, do you have a memory? We believe that there is a level of implicit memory. Although the memory of the specific plot may not be completely accurate, the feelings and emotions at that time will be stored at the level of implicit memory, gradually precipitated, and constantly activated and consolidated.

There are many traumas about Liu Ke's suppression of her emotions, such as peeing her pants in elementary school, her mother did not comfort her, and also trained her, and asked her not to cry, nor to talk, otherwise it may be a beating. She said: "In the future, when you are sad, you can't help but endure it, otherwise it will lead to very painful consequences!" ”

There is also one related to Dad. In her second year of junior high school, the study task was very intense, and her parents asked her to play with her mobile phone for only 20 minutes a day. At one point she put down her phone and started writing her homework, but it didn't go back to its place, just casually resting on her desk.

At this time, Dad pushed the door in, found the phone lying on the table, and said very angrily: "Haven't you just played with the phone?" How to play again! ”

Liu Ke didn't play, but she didn't know how to explain, just coldly said: "I didn't."

The father thought that his daughter's attitude was very insincere, which represented a weak heart and cunning, and he was so angry that he smashed the mobile phone on the spot. Liu Ke was very depressed and angry, but he also habitually suppressed it.

Under deep hypnosis, she said: "I am so aggrieved, I have said that I have not seen, my father also dropped my mobile phone, and I will never explain it again, it is useless!" ”

But she overlooked the fact that her answer and attitude were indeed misleading. If I could explain it patiently, Dad would probably believe it.

Afterwards, Liu Ke's father said that his daughter grew so big, he had lost his temper with her once, and he did not expect to form psychological trauma at once! He regretted that he had wrongly blamed his daughter.

In fact, clinical research has found that many patients have similar psychological trauma, parents are not doing it properly, but children also have deficiencies, resulting in fierce conflicts between the two sides. But for their own shortcomings, children often do not remember, but also lack of self-reflection awareness and ability, they blindly blame parents. Therefore, it is very meaningful to restore the details and truth under deep hypnosis.

Liu Ke's subsequent psychological trauma is similar to the situation, when misunderstood, she does not know how to express, and sometimes explains it but adds fuel to the fire, which is one of the reasons why she frequently encounters interpersonal conflicts and setbacks. This, in turn, exacerbates her social fears, creating a vicious circle.

After this deep hypnosis, Liu Ke said that he had gained a lot. Moreover, before, she felt that her chest was always very depressed, and there was a feeling of something blocking, "Now that her chest is comfortable, it is all at once!" ”

So why can't she express herself well? That's the problem with the next deep hypnotic treatment.

Hypnotherapist Lucy and Liu Ke had an in-depth exchange and summarized the reasons why Liu Ke could not express himself well, mainly as follows:

One is that she has not expressed herself for a long time and lacks skills;

Second, she vaguely feels that she does not need to express so much, others should be able to understand, or it does not matter if they do not understand;

The third is that she is subjectively unwilling to express it and thinks it is useless.

Deeply hypnotized, Lucy found the psychological traumatic events behind the problem.

When she was young, Liu Ke's grandmother and grandfather often quarreled, and she was so scared that she went under the table and shouted: "Don't argue anymore." But the old man ignored her at all, and the more noisy he became, the more fierce he became.

Liu Ke felt fear in his heart, and there was nothing he could do, "What I said was like a fart, no one cared at all, and if I didn't say it later, it would be useless to say it."

There is also a traumatic event that is intriguing. When she was about 5 years old, Liu Ke's parents were busy at work, often leaving her at home with a bunch of toys, including building blocks, house suits, dolls, etc.

Under deep hypnosis, Liu Ke "saw" that he had set up the props of the family at that time, and brought a few dolls to play roles, the plot was particularly rich, and he played very devotedly, but he did not speak.

Her depression and bipolar condition were complex, and after 57 hours of psychological intervention, she achieved drug withdrawal!

Generally girls have played the family is while playing, while reading lines in their mouths, between the characters you come and go, why does 5-year-old Liu Ke not speak? Lucy noticed this unusual point and guided her to continue her search for answers.

Liu Ke remembered, she said, originally she had played at home is also talking, but once, she was self-directed and acting happily, and a big bug suddenly crawled out of the corner, which scared her a lot!

Young children are prone to more naïve cognition under extreme emotions, and Liu Ke at that time thought: "My privacy is known by bugs, and what I say is overheard!" "She's uncomfortable.

Later, when she played with dolls again, her mouth did not speak, but only silent thoughts in her heart. Over time, she developed an unconscious misconception that many things don't need to be said and others will know, just like playing with family in her head.

Another traumatic incident was caused by Liu Ke's mother. Liu Ke reached adolescence and had her own little secrets, and she began to write a diary and add a lock to prevent others from peeking.

But her mother pried open the lock and peeked, found that her daughter had written something about "suicide", and then trained her fiercely, and did not allow her to cry.

Liu Ke regretted it very much, "I scolded myself in my heart for being sick, and the diary was locked." In the end, it was peeked at! What ideas will be had in the future, one can not say, two can not write! ”

After this deep hypnosis and subsequent intensive cognitive psychological intervention, Liu Ke realized that there are actually many naïve and wrong concepts behind his reluctance to express, which can easily lead to interpersonal conflicts.

We also informed our parents of the trauma, and they all acknowledged that it was true, they were more aware of the mistakes they had made, and their sense of self-reflection, change and improvement was stronger and more targeted.

Deep psychological intervention has been carried out so far, Liu Ke's sleep quality has been very good, and he has not raised any questions in this regard. But she said that one day she had pain in her heart and didn't sleep well.

We thought there was something organically wrong with her heart. But she said it was because she had had a terrible nightmare the night before, dreaming that there was a lot of snow around her, and she was alone, cold and scared. When I woke up, my heart was very unwell and I was uncomfortable at the end of the day.

This sounds less like an organic lesion and more like somatization discomfort caused by a psychological problem. In response to this problem and dreams, hypnotherapist Lucy found specific traumatic events under deep hypnosis.

The first trauma occurred on the plane when she was studying abroad.

When many children study abroad, they will have some uneasiness about the unknown in their hearts, but more is excitement and longing. But Liu is not, when she first sat on the plane going abroad, she was very wandering and confused. She made a request to the flight attendant in English, but the other party did not understand it and asked several times in a row.

Liu Ke suddenly began to think disastrously, "I originally thought that my English was very good, but others couldn't understand it!" How do I live abroad? How to take a class? ”

On the flight, she hardly stopped worrying, fearing, and thinking wildly. In layman's terms, it's a bit like scaring herself, and in the past ten hours, her negative emotions and catastrophic thinking have caused a lot of psychological trauma to herself.

Her depression and bipolar condition were complex, and after 57 hours of psychological intervention, she achieved drug withdrawal!

The second trauma occurred during my sophomore year, also during my study abroad. She took the bus to go shopping, but got lost on the way back. It was night, very cold, almost minus ten degrees, and the mobile phone was so cold that it could not be turned on.

Liu Ke is very afraid, mobile phone can not be used, can not contact people, surrounded by white snow, even passers-by can not see, "I think I may freeze to death on the road, I regret it, how can I choose to come to this country." 」

About an hour later, Liu Ke came across a stopped bus and returned to his residence with the help of the driver.

There are many, many superimposed psychological traumas about this nightmare and heart pain, a total of 12, and this deep hypnosis pathological repair was carried out for more than 4 hours.

Most of the trauma is due to her lack of adaptability, bullying, or her mother's illness that she cannot take care of.

Later, every time she left her hometown to board an international flight at the end of her vacation, Liu Ke was very sad in her heart, "I knew that I would come back, but going to study abroad was like going to the battlefield, which was particularly depressing."

In fact, in terms of Liu Ke's independent ability and personality characteristics in high school, she is not too suitable for being too far away from home or studying abroad. During the deep psychological intervention, she also recognized the problem and regretted her decision in high school a little.

But we guided her to understand that after systematic and deep psychological intervention, she will become more rational, mature, independent and more resistant to stress.

When she is ready, she can go abroad to continue her studies. At that time, she had transformed and was no longer the same person she used to be.

After the psychological intervention for this problem, Liu Ke said happily that he could not lift his spirits about anything after the illness, but now, the hobbies seem to be slowly returning, "I have a little feeling for the things I liked before!" ”

We were happy and told her that previously positive emotional experiences were "weighed down" by psychological trauma, and that after the trauma was repaired, memories of positive emotional experiences surfaced. Liu Ke was very happy.

After this trauma repair, I completely stopped her medication with one last daily lithium carbonate.

As we said in yesterday's article, Liu Ke said that he was timid and afraid of things since he was a child. But based on clinical experience, it is likely that this personality trait is not innate, but has suffered superimposed psychological trauma.

Liu Ke did not quite agree, "Can timidity and fear be caused by trauma?" Some people are born like this, right? ”

Lucy, a hypnotherapist, explained to her, "The situation you're talking about is not impossible. But as far as you're concerned, I think it's likely that there's psychological trauma behind it."

Lucy also gave her some examples, such as our patient Zhennan, who suffered a lot of superimposed psychological trauma, introverted and timid, which was an early sign of her mental disorder, but her mother did not pay much attention to and guide her.

Although Liu Ke is still half-convinced, out of high trust in hypnotherapist Lucy, she is willing to undergo pathological memory repair under deep hypnosis again.

This test, not trivial, about the "mystery" that she was bullied in kindergarten but did not tell her parents, suddenly "solved the case".

It turned out that when Liu Ke was 1 year old, her mother had taken her on a train tour. Across from their seats was another family with a little boy about Liu Ke's age. Mom asked her to talk and play with the boys, but she didn't want to.

Mom was very angry, and she might also feel very rude and faceless, and immediately elongated her face.

The mother's expression made Liu Ke very scared, "I feel like she is going to hit me", and immediately established a pathological conditioning reflex of fear: once communicating with her mother, she was timid and wanted to withdraw.

Also, when Liu Ke was 3 years old, her mother taught her to write numbers, and she often wrote "4" backwards. Her mother thought she was deliberate, and loudly reprimanded her for not writing seriously, and Liu Ke was too frightened to squeak.

In fact, Liu Kezhen did not mean it. Children in infancy do not remember well the directions of the various parts of the numbers, only the main features. Many children, when they are 3 or 4 years old, write the word "4" in reverse. Unfortunately, my mother did not understand this knowledge at that time, let alone scientific guidance.

When children are young, adults often angrily rebuke and teach roughly, which is often one of the main reasons for children's timidity and weakness.

Her depression and bipolar condition were complex, and after 57 hours of psychological intervention, she achieved drug withdrawal!

Therefore, Liu Ke's timid personality began to bury hidden dangers from the age of 1. Moreover, since then, her mother has repeatedly inflicted superimposed psychological trauma on her and has not established a good parent-child relationship with her daughter. We believe that this is the main reason why she did not tell her parents about what happened in kindergarten.

On the question of Liu Ke's timid personality, Lucy found a total of 7 traumas, from the age of 1 to the age of 11. And every time a traumatic event occurs, there is a superposition effect, the more timid she is, the more nervous she is when she encounters things, and it is easy to disastrous thinking, and the more timid she becomes, falling into a vicious circle.

We told Liu Ke's mother about the traumatic events we found, and she said that those things did happen. Her intestines were all remorseful, and she didn't expect that her violent temper at that time had caused so much trauma to the child.

After so many times of deep psychological intervention in the early stages, we found that Liu Ke has a character weakness: once she encounters setbacks, her ideas are easy to go to extremes, and she loves to avoid problems.

For example, she was bullied by several classmates and was reluctant to talk to all the kindergarten teachers and children;

She was frustrated when she expressed her thoughts, and she did not like to express them later;

She will be unhappy if she does what she does not want to do, and she will say nothing in the future;

She failed the middle school exam, she no longer wants to take the domestic exam, must study abroad...

Liu Ke said, "Isn't it human instinct to seek advantages and avoid harms?" Is this also a psychological problem? ”

We guided her to understand that seeking advantage and avoiding harm is an animal instinct, but "people are socialized animals", facing difficulties, bravely and positively facing, is a manifestation of high anti-quotient, is a very critical step in the process of socialization. And Liu Ke's behavior is typical of encountering setbacks and not being willing to face them, thinking disastrously, and always wanting to change the way.

If this mentality is not adjusted, it will be difficult for her to grow and improve, and depression will easily recur. Hypnotherapist Lucy insisted on using deep hypnosis to deal with the problem and found 7 traumas.

Among them, the psychological trauma of Liu Kezhong's middle school entrance examination emerged. Liu Ke recalled that she was very dissatisfied after the results of the middle school entrance examination, although she could also go to a key high school, but it was not the best focus in the city. She cried in the room for a long time and was sad.

Her depression and bipolar condition were complex, and after 57 hours of psychological intervention, she achieved drug withdrawal!

"I think I gave so much, but I didn't get out of the level after 3 years of hard work in junior high school, and I couldn't accept it." I had no way to face it. So she decided not to take the domestic college entrance examination and study abroad.

Later, when she was a senior abroad, she had a conflict with the original math teacher because of the test scores, and applied to change teachers, and the school changed to a math class taught by a British teacher.

This teacher's style is completely different from the previous one, and his thinking is very jumpy. Liu Ke was suddenly difficult to adapt, so he completely denied himself, "I am definitely not ok", so he had the idea of quitting the class.

She had also dropped out of other classes before, and if she did this time, it would mean that she would not be able to get her diploma on time. But she was already very eager to escape, and finally withdrew from class.

The incident became the last straw that crushed the camel, and she soon had a nervous breakdown and returned home from school.

Obviously, in these setbacks, Liu Ke has the wrong perception of either-or, black and white, resulting in a lack of rationality and extremes when making decisions, and eventually forming greater setbacks.

Of course, when Liu Ke formed these misconceptions, most of them were in the childhood and adolescence, and we cannot require children of this age to have a mature mind and thoughts to conduct a rational analysis of setbacks.

Therefore, it is very important for parents to find problems in time, communicate and guide with their children. But Liu Ke's parents have done a very little bit on this point.

I pointed this out to Both Liu Ke and his parents in the follow-up intensive cognitive intervention, hoping that they would learn their lessons.

In addition to the above two major academic blows, Liu Ke also has a pathological memory of early growth that is very interesting.

Liu Ke was in the 3rd and 4th grades of elementary school at that time, and he loved to hang out after school. Mom made a good rule with her, go out to play, and be sure to go home on time, otherwise she will be scolded and beaten.

Once, Liu Ke was so excited that he forgot the time, and when he arrived at the door, he had exceeded the prescribed half an hour. She did not dare to enter the door, and lay on the door to listen to the movement of the family.

Suddenly, it was as if she had heard her mother say a "typing" word. She was suddenly frightened and scattered, thinking that her mother was planning how to beat herself up! Where did she dare to go home, ran to the neighbor's house and hid for an afternoon, always trapped in fear.

This can make Liu Ke's parents anxious! The daughters did not come home for a long time, they could not find it everywhere, and they almost ran to the police.

At night, Liu Ke could not hide, returned home, and was mentally prepared to be punished or even beaten. As a result, her parents hugged her tightly at once, laughing and kissing, very caring. Liu Ke was flattered and also let go of the big stone in his heart.

At this point, the child formed a wrong perception: he thought he was going to be beaten, but after hiding for an afternoon, his parents not only did not beat themselves, but they were also so good to me. It seems that escaping is also a good thing!

When lucy, the hypnotherapist, relayed this pathological memory to me, I cried and laughed.

Strictly speaking, this matter is not a psychological trauma, but like a pathological positive emotional experience, Liu Ke tasted the sweetness in the escape, he strengthened the motivation and behavior of escape, and the thought of escaping the heart is relaxed and pleasant, a little "escape from addiction" feeling.

Later, I told her parents about this matter, and my parents said that of course they remembered that they thought that the child had an accident, scared half to death, and the child was already thankful when he came home, where he was willing to fight!

After this problem, lucy, a hypnotherapist, and I also dealt with her low emotional intelligence and three minutes of heat, and also found a lot of pathological memories. We have written about this point before, and I will not repeat it here.

Liu Ke's deep psychological intervention is coming to an end, and it is time for psychological intervention for her life planning. I think she can also take this opportunity to talk about the topic of her return to school.

At that time, Liu Ke felt that his writing skills were relatively good, "I thought, can I be an online writer, but I don't know what kind of subject matter to write."

I think her idea is very good, immediately give her affirmation, and suggest that she can consider finding an entry point from her own experience first, writing about spiritual and psychological themes.

I told her about the Japanese writer Osamu Dazai's "Human Disqualification", Osamu Dazai, a patient with bipolar disorder, which reflects the author's painful experience and outlook on life, and became a bestseller.

However, the mood and ideas conveyed in the book are very negative, and the author eventually commits suicide, which will have a negative impact on young readers. I suggest that If Liu Ke writes a book, he should not choose this path.

And Bi Shumin, a famous writer on the mainland, is an example she can consider learning from. Bi Shumin herself is a doctor and psychotherapist, based on her experience and feelings in clinical and psychotherapy, she has written many popular and socially valuable works, such as "Saving Breasts", "Female Psychologist" and so on.

I said to Liu Ke, "You have suffered from mental and psychological disorders, and now you are basically cured, and you must have a lot of your own feelings about illness, pain, setbacks, and life." If you can write down the recovery process and add your own feelings, you will definitely bring positive energy to many people, which is of great social significance. ”

Liu Ke was greatly encouraged at the time.

Her depression and bipolar condition were complex, and after 57 hours of psychological intervention, she achieved drug withdrawal!

Of course, to write a good work, it is of course not enough to write your own story, but also need a lot of knowledge reserves, experience, and observation, understanding and thinking about society. Simply put, her abilities need to be improved.

I suggest that she should not be in a hurry, but should accumulate slowly, and also consider taking some courses to contact different people and things. This can exercise emotional intelligence and is also a good opportunity to accumulate material.

Then, naturally, we talked about whether to go abroad to complete the credits and get a diploma.

Liu Ke said that she did want to escape before, but now she feels that she should face it calmly, in fact, she is already considering this matter, but how to do it step by step, and then we have to understand it later.

I'm so happy that this shows that before her love to escape the problem was basically solved!

However, I also guided her to do her best to study abroad and resume school, and for the results, even if we really can't get a diploma, we will accept it calmly. That's not the only way in life, and the time spent studying abroad is not completely wasted, looking positively, and striving to turn bad things into good things.

Basically, this is the last time we give Liu Ke psychological intervention. After she went back, she called her mother and said that she would consider going abroad to get credits for the last subject, get a diploma, and discuss with her parents how to do it.

Liu Ke's father told me that when Liu Ke's mother heard the news, she was so excited that she cried. The couple's heart knot for so many years, has not dared to say, dare not mention, do not know how to solve, and now finally there is hope to resolve. They have repeatedly expressed their gratitude and we are pleased.

Liu Ke's father also told me a lot of good news. He said that his daughter's memory was obviously restored, "That day we went out to take a taxi, she looked at my mobile phone, immediately remembered the license plate number, the car came and greeted me, I still haven't figured it out!" ”

Also, Dad said that before she ordered takeaway at home, she never wanted to take it herself, because she was afraid of seeing strangers and did not like to move, so she let Dad go. Now, she took the initiative to get the takeaway herself, "becoming active!" ”。

Liu Ke's parents felt their child's obvious recovery and were very happy. Her dad told me many times that my daughter was really lucky to receive our psychological intervention, like winning the lottery! And the effect far exceeded their expectations!

In fact, we just did what we had to do, which is inseparable from the high trust and cooperation of their family.

Liu Ke was originally very talented and had ideas, and after these experiences passed, they would become the wealth of her life. If she does become a famous writer, the works she writes will definitely have great significance to society!

At the last intervention, I even told Liu Ke that she was welcome to continue to contact us after becoming a writer, and even to become our contracted writer, specifically interviewing patients and families who had recovered and were willing to share their experiences.

Now, according to liu Ke's father's feedback, her daughter continues to study for a degree alone abroad, whether it is her independent ability, communication ability with teachers and classmates, and ability to resist pressure, all aspects must be greatly improved.

She will not blindly avoid things when she encounters things, but actively face and deal with them, and her academic performance is no problem, and she will graduate in May this year! Liu Ke's father's tone was full of happiness and pride!

I hope that after graduation, she can find a development route suitable for herself, transform her illness experience into a life wealth, become a talent useful to the country and society, and realize the value of life!

In the clinic, there are many depressed/bipolar patients who have similar situations to Liu Ke, who have excellent grades from childhood to adulthood and are "other people's children", but suddenly suffer from depression/bipolarity after being admitted to college. I believe that among our readers, there are many parents of such patients who are feeling anxious and helpless for their children's illness.

In the follow-up, we will analyze the characteristics of Liu Ke's condition, provide some common suggestions for the majority of patients and families, and hope to help patients speed up their recovery, survive hardships, and return on a sunny day!

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