
Psychology: When you have more of these things in your head, it means that you have been "brainwashed" by others.

When communicating, there are 3 situations, don't doubt that you are being brainwashed


I believe that we always unconsciously doubt ourselves in life,

For example, why is it that every time you buy something, you listen to the salesperson say a few words and your heart begins to waver?

Why are there long queues on the streets, and we must follow the trend?

In fact, these can show that we are "brainwashed" by the people around us in psychology.

This is actually a psychological tactic, using the psychology of the other party to change the other party's consciousness and cognition by changing their subconscious. This can achieve the purpose of conquering the other party.

It sounds like we feel a little fearful, and unconsciously we are manipulated by the people around us in a certain situation.

In fact, we are often brainwashed by the people around us through the following 3 sentences,

After reading this article, I hope that everyone will have some judgment on their own lives.

Psychology: When you have more of these things in your head, it means that you have been "brainwashed" by others.

Every day in this society, there will be deceived people, and some people will be deceived in their financial management.

Pyramid schemes were sold and helped people to make money.

Therefore, in the process of getting along with each other, people must not be brainwashed by each other, and they must always remain sober.

After all, language is the most basic way of communication between people, as long as the other party speaks, there is a problem of speed and slowness.

There is still a problem of inner thoughts, so at this time we must have the ability to think independently and adapt.

Brainwashed people are often unable to discover the truth of their control,

Because in the process of brainwashing, people will gradually lose the ability and will to think.

If we don't circumvent it in time, it is likely to lead to the consequences of ruining our family.

Psychology: When you have more of these things in your head, it means that you have been "brainwashed" by others.

1. Black and white

The more black and white a person's thoughts are, the easier it is to be "brainwashed" by the people around them.

People with this emotion can say that they are very unstable, and they will listen to the opinions of those around them in life.

So at this time, we may as well stand in the middle of the belt and may give ourselves a breather.

People who are emotionally unstable seem to me that they can't have a clear logic of thinking.

Their brains are always emotionally controlled and have no autonomy to talk about.

Therefore, this kind of person is often turned upside down by the people and things around him, and cannot make the right choice.

Psychology: When you have more of these things in your head, it means that you have been "brainwashed" by others.

2. Rarely reflect on yourself

In life, we will find that there are very few people who will reflect on themselves.

Most people are often very confident in themselves, so there is a lot less reflection and thinking.

The process of reflection is itself a process of creating a free consciousness,

If we don't reflect on ourselves, then the brain will be filled with all kinds of foreign things.

Only by constantly reflecting on oneself can one make oneself better and better.

Clarify your goals and life direction, so that you will not be swayed by the people around you.

Therefore, in life, we must not be implanted with some wrong ideas by the people around us, otherwise we will destroy ourselves.

Psychology: When you have more of these things in your head, it means that you have been "brainwashed" by others.

3. Repeated emphasis

In life, we often hear people around us repeatedly emphasize one thing,

Slowly, our hearts will remember this matter, and we will even say it to the people around us.

Because this society is a very interesting group between people, everyone will involuntarily listen to the words of the people around them.

Therefore, people are always willing to do things with the thoughts of the people around them, but in fact, this is not a good thing for us.

In life, we must distinguish between reality and avoid being brainwashed by wrong views.

Something that a person repeatedly emphasizes, then we must be worth pondering.

Each of us must recognize the reality of things in order to avoid being swayed by the people around us.

Psychology: When you have more of these things in your head, it means that you have been "brainwashed" by others.

Brainwashing actually refers to the use of some inherent psychological weaknesses of human beings to instill certain thoughts into others.

In reality, all kinds of brainwashing phenomena are very common, if you encounter the above three points, you must be careful and watch out.

There may be many people who will take advantage of our psychological weaknesses to persuade and induce us.

In fact, in my opinion, a successful brainwashed person has no opinion in their hearts, so they are always easy to be deceived.

Psychology: When you have more of these things in your head, it means that you have been "brainwashed" by others.


Independent thought and a free soul are two invaluable qualities of each of our time.

It is indeed very difficult to have an independent mind, because each of us will always be susceptible to the influence of those around us.

So in order to avoid this situation, we need to understand some psychological knowledge.

Through some flaws in life to really cope with and face.

If we unconsciously change our thoughts, it means that our behavior affects our minds.

The above 3 points are the most common ways of brainwashing. If a person tries to change you, then we can definitely see the flaws.

At this time, you must learn to stop losses in time.


Today's Topic:

What situations occur when communicating with people that indicate being "brainwashed"?

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References | Journal of consulting and clinical psychology

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