
In 1985, the American man went out and asked the neighbor to come to his house to find his wife, the neighbor: dead

author:Panda Week week

The means of crime are various, and the process is also suspenseful, but in this high-IQ case, the murderer concealed the sky and the sea, there was ironclad evidence that he was not present, he deceived everyone, and he also deceived the detective Li Changyu, but in an unexpected way, he was recognized by the bear child.

The place of the incident occurred in Connecticut, USA. This is where the famous criminal detective Dr. Li Changyu works. August 4, 1985. Lane receives a call from a neighbor, Sherman, saying that he and his friend are on a yacht vacation, but his wife, who stays at home, has not answered the phone for two days and asks Ryan to come and have a look.

Ryan knew that Hillman's wife, Alan, was 5 months pregnant, she was home alone and had not answered the phone for 2 days, it was a little strange, he put down the phone and hurried over to check it out. Arriving at the door of Sherman's house, he found that his house was brightly lit, but the front door was closed, and Ryan felt surprised.

In 1985, the American man went out and asked the neighbor to come to his house to find his wife, the neighbor: dead

Because the Shermans never closed the front door. Because their family has this habit, Ryan rings the doorbell while calling Alan, and there is no other response except that the family dog is barking. He walked around the house and saw the air conditioner out of operation. Then he found a window in the backyard unlocked, so he pried it open and shouted Alan's name as Ryan rolled in.

Walking into the room, he smelled a strange stench, the floor was full of, and apparently the house had not been cleaned for several days. Ryan had a vague premonition, he looked for a large circle on the first floor and did not find anyone, rushed up to the second floor, looked for several rooms and did not see anyone, and finally opened the door of a room, a strange smell and chill made him shiver.

He was even more horrified by the sight before him—Sherman's wife, Allen, was almost completely naked and slumped on the bed, her face strangely stiff and her body strangely twisted. Most surprisingly, it was her high, but lifeless belly—she had been dead for a long time.

After receiving Ryan's alarm, the police quickly dispatched the police and investigated the situation at the scene. Sherman's wife was pregnant and died in bed. Her pants, underwear, and panties were all scattered messily on the floor next to the bed.

Allen's body was not traumatized anywhere else, but there were as many as three shocking blood marks on his neck, two wide and one thinner, and a small stranglehold deep into the skin. Upon closer inspection, Alan was strangled to death by the straps of his bra. The thin, deep strangulation marks were caused by the leather bands of her panties.

So how did the murderer get into the house? The police scrutinized the Sherman's house and found no traces of violent prying of the doors and windows, not even the chimney.

There are only two reasonable explanations, one is that Alan opened the door himself, and the other is that the murderer came in as a special identity such as a maintenance worker. There were no messy traces of the home except for the bedroom, and no belongings were lost.

The medical examiner reported that Alan had died of mechanical asphyxiation and that her nails had creases. Based on these circumstances, the police preliminarily deduced that Alan died in a love killing. Why is that judged?

First, rule out that Allen died in a burglary. According to interpersonal surveys, Alan and her husband had no enemies and could not be enemies. And Allen is that her husband Sherman is a high-quality and high-IQ talent, they are all members of the world-famous high-threshold club Mensa organization, which shows that their IQ is higher than ordinary people, so Alan did not die from some scam of impersonating himself to enter the family and commit murder.

Combined with Alan's naked death and the tightness of the underwear straps, the police currently feel that the most reasonable situation is that Allen was most likely murdered by someone else in a passionate passion with his lover.

But strangely, the police did not find the fingerprints of strangers in Allen's room or even the entire home, could it be that the murderer killed Allen, so he carefully cleaned the scene before escaping? So much so that not a single fingerprint can be collected.

In 1985, the American man went out and asked the neighbor to come to his house to find his wife, the neighbor: dead

The facts of the case are strange, clues are scarce, and the whole murder case is at an impasse. But the place is just an hour away from the residence of the famous American criminal detective Dr. Lee Chang-yu, and the police authorities have to visit him. After Dr. Li Changyu intervened in the case, he re-inspected the scene. But no traces of a third person appearing at the scene of the murder were found.

The scene was so clean, except for the dirt that no one cleaned and the dog's activities. Also, Li Changyu said that the police's previous speculations about the killing have not been further confirmed. Because he did not find anyone else's bodily fluids or sperm spots on the deceased's lower body and body, as well as on the sheets. Instead, throughout the bed, there were only bodily fluids from the deceased's husband, Sherman, and the deceased, Ellen. One notable detail is that Dr. Lee found human skin tissue in Alan's nail slits, which, upon examination, were Sherman's.

So, where was Sherman at the time of the incident? It turned out that 2 days ago, Sherman had taken 4 friends out to sea for a vacation to celebrate his birthday, and had planned to play for a week. As a result, only 2 days later, his wife died violently at home, and he had to interrupt the trip early and turn the bow of the boat to rush home.

Because there was really no trace of a third-party crime, the police began to pay attention to the husband Sherman, who had no suspicions, and began to find more and more suspicious points.

After the police entered the scene, Sherman and his friends were still floating in the sea, and the police asked him to dock at the nearest Coast Guard jurisdiction, but when Sherman was investigated, there were all kinds of suspicious things.

First of all, his 4 good friends are all short-sleeved, but Sherman alone wears long sleeves.

In 1985, the American man went out and asked the neighbor to come to his house to find his wife, the neighbor: dead

The officer asked him what was wrong, and he said it was just his personal habit. During the next questioning, the police inadvertently asked: How did the debris in your wife's fingernails come from? Sherman didn't think anything of it and said, "The night before I left, Alan scratched my back, and it should have been left at that time." The police officer was shocked, and Sherman's answer was very strange: he did not mention what the residue in Alan's nails was, let alone who the residue was, but Sherman took the initiative to admit that it was his.

Police asked Sherman to take off his long-sleeved clothes and found two scratches on the inside of his wrist. As for the cause of the scar, Sherman explained that it was because he and his wife were struggling to bathe the family dog, and Alan accidentally grabbed his wrist.

This seemingly valid reason made the police suddenly very suspicious of Sherman. So he quickly conducted a deep investigation of his background, and at the 4 friends and neighbors who went to sea, the police got 3 more clues:

1, neighbor Charles said that the day Sherman went to sea, he took the initiative to stop and greet them and chat. This kind of move has never been done before. 2, Sherman unilaterally advanced the original scheduled time to go to sea. 3, When Sherman went to pick up his friend Bill, Bill's wife was on the phone, and Bill's younger daughter waited for a long time next to her, she wanted to talk to her classmates, but Sherman called home very urgently before Bill's wife hung up the phone before the little girl. His cut-off made Bill's little daughter very angry. But when Sherman called, he said something trivial about taking care of himself and asking a neighbor for help.

In 1985, the American man went out and asked the neighbor to come to his house to find his wife, the neighbor: dead

Highly intelligent and wealthy, Sherman's suspicions are getting heavier and heavier. However, he had ironclad evidence of his absence. Because the forensic doctor presumed based on the various circumstances of Alan's body, Alan's death occurred from Saturday afternoon to Sunday morning, that is, from the afternoon of August 3 to the morning of August 4. By this time, Sherman had left the house at 7 p.m. on Aug. 2 — he had perfect evidence of his alibi.

The police were at an impasse, and even Dr. Lee Chang-yu's team was unable to identify new suspects. However, the investigation into Sherman did not stop because he had too many unexplainable doubts in him. With the disclosure of Sherman's social information, the former gentleman's famous teacher, behind the scenes, surprised everyone - he was actually a high-end sex partner activity enthusiast.

Sherman was so fond of sexual pleasure that he was obsessed with the thrill of exchanging sexual partners that he often held such parties at home. At his constant insistence, under his various threats and inducements, Alan was captured. And that's not all, Sherman also brazenly maintained a long-term sexual relationship with his female colleague Nancy, and even conceived a daughter.

In 1985, the American man went out and asked the neighbor to come to his house to find his wife, the neighbor: dead

The loving couple in front of the people is so shocking behind their backs! Ellen was very distressed, and she felt that Sherman had loved Nancy more than himself. She took the initiative to negotiate with Nancy, but the other party was also a stubborn person, just unwilling to end this improper relationship with Sherman. At work, Alan, a strong woman, is very naïve in her feelings, and she thinks that if she conceives a sherman child again, he will gradually accept it. But Sherman seemed uninterested in her and unwilling to get close to her anymore. Alan made a big fuss, Sherman agreed, and soon after, Alan became pregnant again (their first child was at camp at the time of the crime).

Alan, whose stomach was getting bigger and bigger, breathed a sigh of relief, but the nightmare wasn't over. Sherman was still with other women all the time, especially Nancy. Moreover, Nancy sees that his original wife is pregnant, and realizes that Sherman's promise to leave Ellen to marry her is a lie, so she constantly pressures him to divorce him quickly. Sherman weighed the pros and cons and chose to leave Nancy. Just after Allen thought he was finally at peace, but found that Sherman still had nothing changed, he still sneaked in to meet with Nancy and mess around.

In 1985, the American man went out and asked the neighbor to come to his house to find his wife, the neighbor: dead

So Alan often lost his temper, but Sherman was not willing to show weakness, the two often quarreled and fought, and Alan even almost miscarried because of Sherman's beating.

Sherman's eroded private life made the police grit their teeth, and although these could be used as Sherman's motives for the crime, his alibi helped him clear his suspicions again and again.

As time went on, the police did not find new evidence and the case could not progress. But Sherman happily inherited the income of the publishing company and other funds left by his wife Allen, a total of $173,000, a life insurance death benefit of 76,500 dollars, and lived a more elegant life. Coordinated by multiple department efforts, Sherman paid only $15,000 to Alan's elderly mother. And he, with a huge amount of money, was with Nancy in a dignified place, buying a new house and a new car, and his life was very comfortable.

In 1985, the American man went out and asked the neighbor to come to his house to find his wife, the neighbor: dead

The police have always felt that Sherman is the murderer, but the investigation into him has lasted for 3 years and has not made any progress. Just when they were frowning, this mysterious secret room murder case quietly tore open two openings.

The police visited again and collected 2 clues: when Sherman was on the phone at his friend Bill's house, Bill's angry little daughter went to the side plane next door and picked up the microphone to eavesdrop, and while Sherman was talking non-stop, the little girl heard the other party's voice that was not connected. In other words, the phone call that Sherman forcefully cut into the line to make home was actually not connected! The police repeatedly asked the little girl for confirmation, was she misheard or was she telling a lie? The little girl has always said with certainty, absolutely yes, the other party is not connected.

In 1985, the American man went out and asked the neighbor to come to his house to find his wife, the neighbor: dead

2, Anita, is another teenage girl whose father is one of the 4 men who went to sea with Sherman. She remembered a small incident about Sherman, on the afternoon of August 2 of that year, Sherman had visited her family's video store to look for movies, talked to her about many old movies, and finally recommended a new movie "Darkness Descends" to her.

In 1985, the American man went out and asked the neighbor to come to his house to find his wife, the neighbor: dead

Bill's daughter's information further increases Sherman's suspicions, but what is the use of the information Provided by Anita?

The police thought that it would be better to look for the movie that Sherman recommended to Anita that year, and take a look at what kind of plot it was about. Unexpectedly, it is this movie that opens the door to the truth.

The film tells the story of a vicious criminal who kills his wife and children, turns the cold air in the room to the maximum, so as to delay the zombie and mislead the forensic doctor's judgment of the time of death. Seeing this, the police are simply empowered! They asked Ryan, who had originally reported the crime, to reconfirm, and Lane repeatedly recalled that he had indeed seen the Sherman family's air conditioner in the backyard running, and when he pushed the door into the room, there was indeed a strong chill.

But he thought it was a physiological reaction to seeing the corpse, and did not realize that the room was indeed full of cold air. After he entered the murder scene, the door of the room was not closed again, so when the police arrived at the scene, the whole room was already at room temperature.

The police informed the original forensic doctor and Dr. Lee Chang-yu of this detail.

In 1985, the American man went out and asked the neighbor to come to his house to find his wife, the neighbor: dead

They repeatedly deliberated on the new situation, combined with a comprehensive analysis of undigested food residues in Alan's stomach, and corrected the time of Allen's death: 7 a.m. on August 1 to 7 a.m. on Aug. 3. The time when Sherman left the house and greeted his neighbors was 7:30 p.m. on August 2. So, Sherman has every time to commit crimes. On March 20, 1990, Sherman was arrested. By this time, five years had passed since the crime.

Based on the new evidence, Dr. Li Changyu carefully deliberated and completely restored Sherman's crime process.

He strangled Ellen's neck with his hand while she was changing clothes, and Ellen creased her fingernails as she resisted, and scratched Sherman's wrist. But Alan could not escape and suffocated. Sherman began to set up the scene of the murder, strangling her neck again with her bra straps and panty leather bands, laying out the illusion that Alan had died of sexual asphyxiation, and then turning on the air conditioning in the room to the maximum. To cover the wound on his wrist, he put on long-sleeved clothes, closed the door and left the house.

On the way, he took the initiative to greet the neighbors, and after arriving at his friend Bill's house, he pretended to call home and urged everyone to leave quickly, so the trip was advanced by 3 hours. After going to sea, Sherman still frequently calls home to create the illusion that Alan is still alive and create alibi for himself. After the incident, Ryan broke into the scene and did not close the door, destroying the original temperature environment of the room, giving Sherman a perfect closed loop for the murder, thus escaping all the investigation tests of the police. However, he never expected that the two small children would become a crack in his layout.

However, all this evidence is only indirect evidence, if it were not for Dr. Li Changyu's rigorous reasoning, all the details of the case, testimony, and evidence were all opened up to form a complete chain of evidence, and the court would not even accept it.

The same is true of actual trials. It took Dr. Lee a full six hours to fully demonstrate his inferences about the whole process of Sherman's killing in court.

Then the court combined the testimony of all the witnesses, without exception, all of which proved the correctness of Dr. Li Changyu's inference, so it adopted his forensic report.

November 4, 1991. Sherman was convicted of first-degree murder and sentenced to 50 years in prison. He had been dissatisfied with the verdict and had been working on an appeal, but three years after going to prison, he died of a heart attack.

In 1985, the American man went out and asked the neighbor to come to his house to find his wife, the neighbor: dead

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