
Is high blood pressure completely curable? Doctor: If you want to control your blood pressure, you should do these 2 things!

For high blood pressure, I believe that everyone will not be unfamiliar, the main manifestation of this disease is an increase in blood pressure, and its pathogenesis is more complex, such as improper diet, emotional instability, etc. may induce high blood pressure.

Once the hypertension is not controlled, the patient may face complications in the heart, blood vessels, kidneys, etc., and may even endanger life. Therefore, once you suffer from high blood pressure, you must treat it in time to control your blood pressure.

Is high blood pressure completely curable? Doctor: If you want to control your blood pressure, you should do these 2 things!

So, can high blood pressure be completely cured?

In fact, with current medical treatment, high blood pressure cannot be completely cured. Clinical treatment of hypertension can only play a role in stabilizing blood pressure and reducing complications, thereby reducing the mortality of patients, but it cannot cure hypertension.

Some patients may have blood pressure drop to normal after complications of hypertension, such as heart failure and myocardial infarction, but this does not mean that hypertension is cured, but because hypertension has developed to the decompensated phase.

Is high blood pressure completely curable? Doctor: If you want to control your blood pressure, you should do these 2 things!

In addition, some patients can control their blood pressure after taking the drug, and the blood pressure has not increased for a period of time, but complications related to hypertension in their bodies still exist and have been developing, and they are likely to "break out" in the future.

Therefore, for patients with hypertension, instead of hoping to completely cure hypertension, it is better to actively cooperate with doctors to control blood pressure, reduce the occurrence of complications, and improve the quality of life.

Is high blood pressure completely curable? Doctor: If you want to control your blood pressure, you should do these 2 things!

If you want to control your blood pressure, you should do the following two things:

1. Rational use of drugs

Hypertension is a lifelong disease, only scientific and rational medication can control blood pressure at normal levels and reduce the mortality rate of patients. Therefore, after suffering from hypertension, you should strictly follow the doctor's instructions to take the drug, and it is not right to increase or decrease the amount of medicine without the permission of the doctor.

During the drug treatment, do not feel that the blood pressure drop can be stopped, the treatment of hypertension is a long, step-by-step process, if you rush to stop the drug, it will only make the blood pressure rebound, to the cardiovascular, kidney and so on to bring greater harm.

Is high blood pressure completely curable? Doctor: If you want to control your blood pressure, you should do these 2 things!

2. Pay attention to daily health care

If you want to control your blood pressure, in addition to taking medication regularly, you should also take daily health care measures. After the diagnosis of hypertension, the diet should first be adjusted, to adhere to the low-salt, low-fat, low-sugar diet principles, eat more vitamins, fiber-rich vegetables and fruits.

In addition, patients should also pay attention to controlling their emotions and maintaining a positive and optimistic attitude towards life, which will also help stabilize blood pressure.

Is high blood pressure completely curable? Doctor: If you want to control your blood pressure, you should do these 2 things!

At the same time, patients should also ensure regular work and rest, 7 to 8 hours of sleep time every day, about 1 hour of lunch break time can be arranged at noon, but also pay attention to the combination of work and leisure, not overwork, only enough rest can avoid excessive increase in blood pressure.

If patients with hypertension can adhere to some physical exercise, they can promote blood circulation and improve immune function, which is also of great help to maintain blood pressure stability, but it is necessary to avoid too strenuous exercise.

Is high blood pressure completely curable? Doctor: If you want to control your blood pressure, you should do these 2 things!

All in all, hypertension is a lifelong disease, with the current medical means can not be completely cured, but patients do not have to be too desperate, hypertension is a chronic disease, as long as actively cooperate with doctors to treat, do a good job of daily health care, proper control, although it can not be completely cured, but at least can improve the quality of life, to ensure daily life.

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