
On the first day of winter vacation, 5 articles, more than 4,000 words, reading books and doing housework, this is effective

author:Midnight Sunshine FC

Great rewards on the first day of the holiday

5 small articles wrote more than 4,000 words, read 6 articles, excerpted some good words and sentences, did housework, chatted with children and big sisters, this is what I did on the first day of vacation, in general: full, happy with their own happiness.

Completion and feelings of a 1800-word Q&A

At 5 o'clock in the morning, I got up as usual to read code words, there is no self-discipline because it is the holiday to relax on myself, I need self-supervision, always remind, sleep this thing is impossible for anyone to resist, I strive to compete with it during the holiday Ha.

Suddenly, I had the impulse to code words, and for an hour, I wrote more than 1800 words of questions and answers, without modification, and stopped to do other things.

Generally after I write the article, I am not in a hurry to modify, put it for a few hours, sometimes unconsciously in the brain to think about the writing ideas, where to change, which place is not written properly, so that the later revision is more reasonable, generally modified to the fourth time I think I can.

On the first day of winter vacation, 5 articles, more than 4,000 words, reading books and doing housework, this is effective

Make breakfast and do housework for 1 hour

At 7 o'clock, cook and eat, wait for the husband to work, clean up the housework, wash the dishes and brush the pots, and prepare the lunch ingredients.

The moment of solitude and solitude that belonged to me has finally arrived

After my husband went to work, I was alone in the family, and this was the time when I was alone, which was so beautiful.

The reading environment should be beautiful. Tidy up the desk, wipe the table top clean, very clean lisso kind, look comfortable.

A cup of hot tea accompanied my reading. Brew a cup of hot tea and sit down to read word by word. While reading, I copied at the same time. When he read a good sentence, he copied it down and read it on his back, just like the old man from Lu Xun's private school in the past, "Reading this, he always smiled, and he lifted his head and shook it." Throw yourself behind, screw over", I'm actually like this, because I'm also middle-aged.

The 300-word journal was written into a thousand words. I feel really good about myself, and whenever I have some inspiration for reading, I will sit in front of the computer and start code words.

This was followed by a "challenge 300-word journal per day". I strive to break through 300 words and write thousands of words, and I think the same way.

First of all, there is an idea, there must be action, first boldly write, there is something to say, only by writing it out, can there be a possibility of modification, with this idea, my journal of flowing accounts came out, a total of 1183 words were written, and finally barely passed.

Read and excerpt 10 sentences. Reading, excerpting, reading word by word, code word by word, first memorizing it, then writing it again, always to remember a little, about 377 words.

Inspiration suddenly appeared, and there were more than 300 words of micro-headlines. When replying to the comments of friends, seeing a sentence of friends and friends resonated in my heart, and there was a 363-word micro-headline, which is also the inspiration brought to me by friends! Thanks from the bottom of your heart.

Stick to a good habit every day. I wrote one "100 Good Habits of Loving Beauty Students" in a row, and now I have written 9 of them, and today I wrote 437 words of this good habit.

summary. At the end of the day, stop a stop, write a write, read a reading, memorize a back, there are 5 small articles, more than 4,000 words, or a sense of achievement, the most pleasing to me is that I can put down the mobile phone, give up the idea of buying and buying, quiet the heart, calm the emotions, and do a thing quietly.

On the first day of winter vacation, 5 articles, more than 4,000 words, reading books and doing housework, this is effective

"Positive" character reading method of understanding

Yesterday, according to the "positive" reading method, I read about an hour of books, and I felt very satisfied, whether it was in terms of reading speed or memory comprehension, I had a sense of accomplishment.

I don't want to take reading as a kind of manual work, and I don't want to copy the book word by word, I think that good paragraphs and sentences can be copied, there is no need to copy them all, not every sentence, every page of the book becomes a classic, I only need the part I like to use for me.

I don't want a vacation, reading only one book a year, I need to read a lot of books, search for my knowledge, broaden my cognition, cultivate my emotions, and shape my soul.

I need to calm down and talk carefully and statically in words, talk about my thoughts and admiration for it, I want to follow it, I want to accompany it all night, I want to have it alone, I want to engrave it in my memory, I want to write it in my excerpt book.

Reading is this feeling, meeting, dialogue, pleasure, possession, reading is to read yourself, read the unknown, meet to think, into a kind of internal needs of their own.

Children must know the importance of reading

In the afternoon, leaving the desk, I want to take a break, the so-called rest is to do housework in disguise.

I sang songs, cleaned, wiped the floor, wiped the table, very excited, it seemed that as long as it was something I was willing to do, every minute was a happy factor, beating a cheerful and charming note.

I thought, how nice it would be if the children knew the joy of reading! It is the golden age of life, it is a good memory, it is the time to learn long skills, if they have my current reading state, how lucky should they be in life!

I have been wandering around for half a century, I was tired of learning before, and now I have begun to read and learn again, although it is the same person, but there is a world of difference in time, situation, and mentality.

Now I also understand The poem that Yan Zhenqing said in "Persuasion" that "the black hair does not know how to study diligently and early, and the white head regrets reading late".

By the way, the first two poems are sent to the children who are on vacation, may be brushing their mobile phones, playing games "three more lights and five more chickens, it is when the boy reads", the age of reading must not be wasted!

Time to chat with your kids

Around 4:30 the child leaves work, it is a fixed time for me to chat with the child, about 25 minutes a day, there is no fixed theme for chatting, work, family, eating, wearing, using, everything is a very intimate topic, until the child sits on the subway home, our chat is over, which has become our daily task.

I can't just be happy with my happiness, I also have to be happy with my children and husband, I am a happy busy person!

On the first day of winter vacation, 5 articles, more than 4,000 words, reading books and doing housework, this is effective

What I diagnosed was that my eldest sister was emotionally ill and that she should read the most.

When I was cooking dinner, I suddenly remembered my eldest sister, and my mother said that she was sick and uncomfortable all day.

I dialed my eldest sister's phone, and the chat took more than 30 minutes. The theme is the discomfort of the eldest sister, in fact, there is nothing wrong with it, that is, the sentence that Mr. Yang Dai said to the eldest sister is very appropriate: "Your problem is that you read too little and think too much." ”

Under my persuasion, the eldest sister said that she would start looking for something to do tomorrow, and would not sit at home to experience the pain here and the itching sensation of the body there. That's right, it's purely that there's nothing to do and panic, and it's good to have something to do with the body.

Coincidentally, yesterday's comments in the comments section were also important to me by a friend who said that reading is too important for women. Just such a sentence, but also said my feelings, reading for women is important, many problems in life, family trivia, difficult to say in the heart, can find a solution in the book, the book is the refuge that women carry with them, read more, see other people's lives more, the heart is big, can tolerate things, can reconcile with themselves, can self-persuasion, can cure their own heart diseases, reading can heal their own foolishness is this truth.

Read more books, naturally the heart will be more open, yesterday's excerpt copied to everyone:

A broad mind is a kind of spiritual high-grade nourishment that can be obtained without investment; it is a kind of "vitamin" that maintains physical and mental health and never fails; it is a sobering agent that does not shock and laughs at the flowers before the court; it is a kind of wisdom and calmness that makes people suddenly come without being alarmed, and without anger without cause.

How vast the heavens and the earth are, how many things are waiting for us to do, only with the mind of "swallowing the eight wildernesses", can we open up a vast world of our own between heaven and earth.

You don't have time, you just don't have time to read

Some people say that I don't have time to read and write, I can't read books for a while, in fact, you have not let go of the obsession with trivial matters in your heart, you have not put down the temptation of mobile phones, you have not put down the brand-name clothes in the mall, and your heart is chaotic.

You don't have time, you just don't have time to read, because reading is not important in your heart, your time may be brushing your phone, playing games, buying and buying.

Now it's 6:40 in the morning, and I've read 3 articles, excerpted 8 good sentences, and written about 1200 words of "tofu blocks."

Once people are interested in doing things, people's power is infinite, and people's fun and excitement are hidden in the inner imperceptible happiness.

(2578 words, which is the number of words I just revised)

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