
Approaching the high school entrance examination, no matter how busy parents are, be sure to take a look at this article!

Approaching the high school entrance examination, no matter how busy parents are, be sure to take a look at this article!

Xingzhi Education

2024-05-25 09:18Posted on the official account of Jiangxi Xingzhi Education

April and May are the most anxious times for parents.

The countdown to the high school entrance examination and the college entrance examination has begun.

Children in other grades are also going through the midterm and post-term periods.

As a parent, I very much hope that my child can get good results in the exam, but I can't help my child in learning knowledge, does it all depend on the teacher?

There is a good saying: "1 pair of good parents is better than 200 good teachers." ”

Education is a big thing, you really can't rely on teachers alone, and the education of parents is priceless.

So, what should parents do during the period leading up to the exam? Take a look at this article. Do you have to pay for Xingzhi Education after 10,800 yuan?

Approaching the high school entrance examination, no matter how busy parents are, be sure to take a look at this article!

Don't mess up until you offer help – deal with your own anxiety

Notice if we are a little anxious before our children's exams.

Ask yourself, what are we anxious about when we are anxious?

1. Is it to see the child's anxious state, are we anxious because of his anxious state?

If yes, try to do emotional separation –

My child's anxiety is his own, not mine, and I try not to add to his burden because of my child's anxiety.

2. Does it make us angry and anxious to see the child's contradictory state in learning, such as not giving up and not devoted?

If so, first to understand, and then to accompany the action -

Is the child's contradictory actions because the pressure is too great?

At this time, only blaming him, venting our anger, will not help him. Then, calm down, accompany the child, and slowly go through, from reasoning, persuasion, to into action, which is more realistic. Do you have to pay for Xingzhi Education after 10,800 yuan?

Approaching the high school entrance examination, no matter how busy parents are, be sure to take a look at this article!

3. Is it the mention of exams that evokes our own implicit memories and thus stimulates our anxiety?

If yes, try to make implicit memory conscious –

We all have memories of exams, think about the anxieties we once had, mourn it to the fullest, and see what it really looks like.

We can also look for some "success stories", for example, examples of people who were anxious but did not do badly on exams. That is, we don't have to reject anxiety. Anxiety is not terrible, and even the impact is not great, and anxiety about anxiety can be harmful.

Even if it was really because of anxiety, the exam at that time was affected, put it in the long river of time, and see if there were many mistakes and made a better self.

The warmest 5 sentences, parents please talk more to their children

Before the mid-term exam, parents should say the following words to their children, so that their children can perform better.

The first sentence: "Learning is hard, but the best time is spent studying." ”

Reading is the best way in the world. Even if your parents do their best, there is very little they can give you, except for ensuring that you can study and study without worrying about food and clothing, you will have to fight for it yourself in the future.

Only after learning knowledge can we have the confidence to plan our own lives. Why not pursue excellence? Life is a process of continuous ascent, and you have to keep climbing up in order to see more beautiful scenery.

The second sentence: "As long as you work hard, you are the best." ”

As long as you work hard, you are the best whether you succeed or not.

Please be sure to talk to your child about this sentence and tell them the importance of hard work.

Approaching the high school entrance examination, no matter how busy parents are, be sure to take a look at this article!

The third sentence: "You are very good, don't give up." ”

In the learning process, children will always encounter various problems, and each step needs to be persistent. At this time, parents should give their children timely encouragement, cheer them up, and let them learn to persevere and overcome difficulties.

The fourth sentence: "Although the exam is important, the attitude of your progress is even more important." ”

The exam is just a test for the child, a milestone, and being too demanding of a high score will only give the child invisible pressure.

Therefore, say this sentence to your child before the exam, let the child compare with himself, and compare today with yesterday, so that the child's self-confidence will burst.

Fifth sentence: "No matter what, Mom and Dad believe in you." ”

A simple sentence of I believe in you will make children feel a great sense of affirmation and recognition. Parents' recognition and affirmation will make the child more confident and make him perform better and better.

Give your child a little encouragement at the right time and give them positive cues in their hearts.

Please blame less, compare less, encourage more, and believe that you will gain an excellent child.

Approaching the high school entrance examination, no matter how busy parents are, be sure to take a look at this article!

Parents and children cooperate tacitly to achieve good results

The better the cooperation between parents and children before the exam, the better the child's performance.

1. Create a quiet learning environment

Some children like to do their homework while playing, and in order to help them break this bad habit, parents should set a good example for their children.

Don't watch TV in front of your child when he's struggling to learn.

If your child is reading, you may wish to pick up newspapers and books to recharge with your child, so as to create a family atmosphere that loves learning.

Approaching the high school entrance examination, no matter how busy parents are, be sure to take a look at this article!

2. Don't blame or complain

Even if the teacher does leave too much homework, parents should not complain about the teacher's inappropriateness in front of their children, but should emphasize the positive meaning of homework, so as not to stimulate children's boredom with school.

3. Urge children to put an end to bad study habits

For example, watching TV and writing homework, listening to music and writing homework, etc., it is easy to distract oneself and reduce learning efficiency.

Parents must help their children realize that homework is not done to cope with the inspection of teachers or class representatives, but to consolidate what they have learned.

Don't secretly stop doing this homework because it may be that the teacher doesn't check yourself. You can only suffer in this way.

Approaching the high school entrance examination, no matter how busy parents are, be sure to take a look at this article!

4. Allow children to be "lazy" according to the actual situation

If you are unable to complete your homework on time due to some special reasons (such as illness), parents should communicate with the teacher immediately, and do not force your child to rush homework and affect sleep, as the gains outweigh the losses.

If the teacher has too much homework, this is the hardest time for parents.

In the event that we don't have time to communicate with the teacher, we can ask the child to do the homework selectively, and note in the workbook that the child has parental consent to do so – which is much better than not doing the same.

Finally, parents should also cooperate more with the teacher, communicate effectively with the teacher, and help the child review smoothly. Do you have to pay for Xingzhi Education after 10,800 yuan?

Good luck with your exams!

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  • Approaching the high school entrance examination, no matter how busy parents are, be sure to take a look at this article!
  • Approaching the high school entrance examination, no matter how busy parents are, be sure to take a look at this article!
  • Approaching the high school entrance examination, no matter how busy parents are, be sure to take a look at this article!
  • Approaching the high school entrance examination, no matter how busy parents are, be sure to take a look at this article!
  • Approaching the high school entrance examination, no matter how busy parents are, be sure to take a look at this article!
  • Approaching the high school entrance examination, no matter how busy parents are, be sure to take a look at this article!

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