
Chairman Mao hand-picked him to fight in the DPRK, and President Peng praised him even more, Chairman: I am assured that you have gone

author:History of Xixi
Chairman Mao hand-picked him to fight in the DPRK, and President Peng praised him even more, Chairman: I am assured that you have gone

Wen | History of Xi Xi

Edited | History of Hirsch

Before the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, a very important thing happened, without Admiral Deng Hua forcibly crossing the sea despite obstruction. Not only will the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea produce great variables, but even the reunification of the motherland will be greatly affected.

Therefore, Chairman Mao personally received General Deng Hua three times and said to Deng Hua: I am relieved that you have gone. After the war, Mr. Peng praised Deng Hua even more: without him, this battle would be more difficult to fight. What exactly did Admiral Deng Hua do, and where did Chairman Mao say that Deng Hua was relieved when he went?

Chairman Mao hand-picked him to fight in the DPRK, and President Peng praised him even more, Chairman: I am assured that you have gone

Admiral Deng Hua

Liberation of Hainan Island

The Korean War broke out in June 1950, and although New China was established in 1949, many people did not know that at the end of 1949, there was still an unliquirted territory on the mainland. This place is the second largest island on the mainland, Hainan Island.

At that time, although Chiang Kai-shek was defeated and fled to Taiwan, he still wanted to hold Hainan Island, the gateway to China, so he sent Xue Yue, a famous Kuomintang general, to lead an army of 100,000 to defend Hainan Island.

Chairman Mao hand-picked him to fight in the DPRK, and President Peng praised him even more, Chairman: I am assured that you have gone

"National Army God of War" Xue Yue

Originally, the terrain of Hainan Island was easy to defend and difficult to attack, and the Kuomintang had sufficient troops and was well-equipped. Therefore, the liberation of Hainan Island at that time caused a lot of controversy within our army. But there were only two people who insisted that Hainan Island must be liberated immediately.

These two people were Han Xianchu and Deng Hua, and just when many people were still hesitating whether to liberate Hainan Island immediately, Han Xianchu had already begun to prepare for the battle of crossing the sea, and said an inspiring sentence, "If hainan is not liberated, how can it be considered to liberate all of China!" ”

Chairman Mao hand-picked him to fight in the DPRK, and President Peng praised him even more, Chairman: I am assured that you have gone

Admiral Han Xianchu

At that time, General Deng Hua was the deputy commander of the Guangzhou Military Region, and he was also very determined to liberate Hainan immediately, but in fact, Deng Hua had no bottom in his heart. He was not afraid of Xue Yue's 100,000 troops, but our army had no experience in naval warfare, and it did not even have large ships, so it was very difficult to cross the sea and fight. In addition, many of the warriors at that time were from the north, so there was no advantage in naval warfare at all.

In order to be able to quickly formulate a battle plan, Deng Hua, who was only 39 years old, consulted many local fishermen and discussed combat strategies with comrades of the military region day and night, and finally Deng Hua formulated a detailed battle plan, "actively smuggling, small crossing in batches, and finally large-scale forced crossing."

Chairman Mao hand-picked him to fight in the DPRK, and President Peng praised him even more, Chairman: I am assured that you have gone

Use sailing boats to forcibly cross the sea

After all, at that time, our army did not have large ships that could only be used, so Deng Hua thought of using small sailing boats to smuggle them to the other side one by one, and when the time was ripe, then forcibly cross the sea on a large scale. As soon as the battle plan was finalized, our army began to cross the sea in batches, and Deng Hua also said after the war that we had enough ships, and with the troops who had already landed on the island, any part of the whole of Hainan could be forcibly landed.

After the last large group of troops forcibly landed on Hainan Island, Xue Yue found the traces of our army and sent a total of 5 divisions to block the attack. However, in the face of the "whirlwind troops" led by Han Xianchu, the Kuomintang army was vulnerable and soon retreated in a hurry.

Chairman Mao hand-picked him to fight in the DPRK, and President Peng praised him even more, Chairman: I am assured that you have gone

The "Whirlwind Force" led by Han Xianchu

After this battle, Hainan was successfully liberated and the whole country celebrated. But just a month after The liberation of Hainan, the Korean War broke out and the U.S. Seventh Fleet entered the Taiwan Strait. This sudden bad news made everyone feel afraid. If it were not for Deng Hua and Han Xianchuli's efforts to liberate Hainan before the US military entered the Taiwan Strait, the US military would surely blockade the Qiongzhou Strait, and it would be a fool's dream to want to liberate Hainan again.

Chairman Mao hand-picked him to fight in the DPRK, and President Peng praised him even more, Chairman: I am assured that you have gone

Liberation of Hainan Island

Moreover, after the outbreak of the Korean War, Deng Hua also received orders very quickly and was ready to enter the DPRK at any time.

That is to say, if Hainan had not been liberated in time, the liberation of Hainan would have been postponed indefinitely. For General Deng Hua, the liberation of Hainan reflected his ability to accurately predict the situation on the battlefield, and the Korean War absolutely reflected his command ability to the fullest, and Deng Hua became the only one among the founding generals who commanded an army of more than one million.

Chairman Mao hand-picked him to fight in the DPRK, and President Peng praised him even more, Chairman: I am assured that you have gone

Admiral Deng Hua gave Nengwen Nengwu

Chairman Mao summoned Deng Hua for the first time

The first time Chairman Mao personally summoned General Deng Hua was at this time. Deng Hua received an urgent telegram from the central authorities and quickly rushed to the Juxiang Bookstore in Zhongnanhai, where Chairman Mao had actually had long talks with Deng Hua all night during the Red Army period.

At this meeting, Chairman Mao even took Deng Hua's hand and said excitedly: Hainan fought a good war, and if it were fought a month or two late, the consequences would be unimaginable. Later, Chairman Mao encouraged Deng Hua to enter the Korean War, and General Deng Hua did not live up to the chairman's expectations.

Chairman Mao hand-picked him to fight in the DPRK, and President Peng praised him even more, Chairman: I am assured that you have gone

Kikuka Bookstore

At the beginning of the Korean War, Deng Hua gave Mr. Peng a proposal that would change the war situation. At that time, after the end of the Central Combat Conference, it was decided to send 2 armies to enter korea first. However, after Deng Hua knew about it, he immediately saw General Manager Peng analyze the situation, and at that time, the "United Nations Army" headed by the United States had a total strength of more than 400,000 troops, and even if our army could take it by surprise and secretly enter the DPRK, such a huge disparity in strength could not win the war at all, and suggested that all the strength of the four armies must enter the DPRK.

Chairman Mao hand-picked him to fight in the DPRK, and President Peng praised him even more, Chairman: I am assured that you have gone

The "United Nations Army" has 400,000 troops

After hearing Deng Hua's suggestion, Chairman Mao immediately agreed to Deng Hua's request, which shows Chairman Mao's trust in Deng Hua. The results after the war also proved Deng Hua's idea that if there were only 2 armies, it would indeed be impossible to win. Therefore, in the subsequent Korean battlefield, as long as it was a suggestion put forward by Deng Hua, Chairman Mao would basically adopt it, and his trust in Deng Hua was getting deeper and deeper.

Chairman Mao hand-picked him to fight in the DPRK, and President Peng praised him even more, Chairman: I am assured that you have gone

Group photo of Mr. Deng Huapeng

Chairman Mao summoned Deng Hua for the second time

After more than 7 months of fighting in the Korean battlefield, General Deng Hua came to the Juxiang Bookstore in Zhongnanhai for the second time and reported to Chairman Mao on the front line. Chairman Mao said with emotion, "The expedition of the laborers has been arduous and arduous. Subsequently, Deng Hua was asked to put forward his own views and opinions on the Korean War, and many of the suggestions were directly adopted by Chairman Mao at that time.

Until 1952, when Peng Dehuai, the commander-in-chief of the Volunteer Army, returned to China due to illness, Deng Hua succeeded Peng Lao in commanding the Volunteer Army. General Deng Hua led the volunteer army to launch a full-line counterattack, annihilating more than 27,000 enemy troops in the First World War, and later fought the beautiful Battle of Shangganling, and the American army had to resume peace negotiations again.

Chairman Mao hand-picked him to fight in the DPRK, and President Peng praised him even more, Chairman: I am assured that you have gone

Deng Hua succeeded Mr. Peng in command of the volunteer army

Chairman Mao summoned Deng Hua for the third time

However, the United States did not have great sincerity in peace negotiations, which was a complete strategy to slow down the army, so the two sides fell into a stalemate. This confrontation had to be broken, so General Deng Hua was summoned by Chairman Mao for the third time, this time not only chairman Mao himself, but also Premier Zhou Enlai and many central leaders at Juxiang Bookstore. After seeing Deng Hua come in, Chairman Mao held Deng Hua's hand tightly and then spoke of his intention to summon Deng Hua.

At that time, the most feared by the volunteer army must be the landing of the United Nations army, the korean peninsula has a special terrain, once the landing is successful, the volunteer army will be completely passive.

Chairman Mao hand-picked him to fight in the DPRK, and President Peng praised him even more, Chairman: I am assured that you have gone

Korean War peace talks

Chairman Mao then pointed out the direction for Deng Hua, believing that the west coast area along the Hanchuan River to the Yalu River would be the most dangerous place for the enemy to land. General Deng Hua immediately understood Chairman Mao's meaning: The command structure on the west coast is not sound, and our army has no experience in anti-landing operations.

Deng Hua said that he would strengthen the command structure on the west coast, and Chairman Mao said at the moment, "In the west coast matters, it is best for you to go personally, and if you go, I am assured." Obviously, General Deng Hua has a very high weight in Chairman Mao's heart.

Chairman Mao hand-picked him to fight in the DPRK, and President Peng praised him even more, Chairman: I am assured that you have gone

The west coast of the Korean Peninsula

Later, the Un Army did not forcibly land, and General Deng Hua completely ended the Korean War at the provocation of the US army. The prisoners of the other side that should have been returned in the peace agreement were released by South Korea on the spot.

This kind of behavior is obviously disrespectful to peace negotiations, and Deng Hua is also soberly aware that true peace must be built on a strong foundation. So Deng Hua pointed to a spot on the map and said, "We're here, give them a knife."

Chairman Mao hand-picked him to fight in the DPRK, and President Peng praised him even more, Chairman: I am assured that you have gone

Release prisoners on the spot

This place is the Golden City, so on July 13, the Golden City Counterattack War began, the Volunteer Army with a fierce attack to destroy the decay, the enemy line was instantly breached, the United Nations army led by the United States, no longer have the courage to continue to insist, and then on July 22, the armistice agreement came into effect.

Chairman Mao hand-picked him to fight in the DPRK, and President Peng praised him even more, Chairman: I am assured that you have gone

Golden City counterattack

General Deng Hua after the armistice showed a completely different state from the others. Probably because General Deng Hua was born in Xiangmendi and knew china's modern history very well, he thought that since China was knocked on by the Opium War in 1840, it had been constantly bullied and humiliated by the great powers of various countries, and even small countries such as Portugal had come to share a piece of the pie. Today's new China has repelled the world's first-class powers, and the sleeping eastern dragon has truly awakened.

Chairman Mao hand-picked him to fight in the DPRK, and President Peng praised him even more, Chairman: I am assured that you have gone

The Opium War of 1840

After the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, General Deng Hua was awarded the rank of general when he was awarded the rank in 1955. Until July 3, 1980, the founding general Deng Hua died at the age of 70 in Shanghai Huadong Hospital. On his hospital bed, General Deng Hua said to his wife, Li Yuzhi, "I want to do more work for the party and army building!" pity...... It's too late.... ”

Chairman Mao hand-picked him to fight in the DPRK, and President Peng praised him even more, Chairman: I am assured that you have gone

Admiral Deng Hua and his wife Li Yuzhi

Throughout his life, General Deng Hua not only participated in and commanded many classic battles, but also left a lot of precious documents for the construction of our army. Not only did he win chairman Mao's trust, but Peng Dehuai, Lin Biao, the two founding marshals, also greatly recognized General Deng Hua. Let us praise General Deng Hua and praise General Deng Hua's contribution to the reunification of the motherland.

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