
Sophie's World: Most people are no longer willing to risk climbing back to the top of the fragile rabbit hair

author:Open-minded bystanders clear

"Sophie's World" is a novel about the history of Western philosophy created by the norwegian world-class writer Jostan Judd, in the form of a novel, through a mysterious philosophical mentor to a girl named Sophie to teach philosophical knowledge, a profound philosophical thinking and exploration of life and this universe.

Sophie's World: Most people are no longer willing to risk climbing back to the top of the fragile rabbit hair

In the book, the young girl Sophie comes home from school one day and gets a mysterious letter from her mailbox to herself- "Who are you?" Where did the world come from? There was also a quirky postcard with the recipient "Please sophie to pass it on to Hilde."

After that, Sophie continued to receive letters of unknown origin, and the mysterious world surrounded her ever since. Although she tried every means to try to solve these mysteries. But the magic mirror, the major's hut, the postcards sent to Sid from Lebanon, the talking Hamis, the Albert who called her Sid, the banana peel with birthday wishes written on it, the golden cross in the dream that appeared in reality, the 10 yuan coin that was picked up... The strange things that followed made Sophie go step by step. And the truth was far more bizarre and bizarre than she thought...

Sophie's World: Most people are no longer willing to risk climbing back to the top of the fragile rabbit hair

Among the mysteries and inexplicable questions, the reason I want to share the most is – who are you? Where did the world come from? ”

In fact, when we were young, we asked adults how we came, conservative parents or will say "picked up from the garbage heap", "sent by telephone bill" or "jumped out of the stone", and the more realistic parents or more direct, that is, a man and a woman mate with each other, in the stomach to give birth to you.

But you're sure you're you, not a stand-in for someone else, just as Sophie in the book discovers that there's another self.

Sophie's World: Most people are no longer willing to risk climbing back to the top of the fragile rabbit hair

And where does the world come from? I think very few people think about this question, most of them are the questions that only those who know the origin of mankind or the origin of the world or astronomers will think.

Who are you? Where did the world come from? ...... I don't think anyone will care about these questions, but I would like to say that since we have come into this world, don't we want to know where we came from and where we are going? I think the answer is no, as we grow up, we all take many things for granted, so the purity of the world is also taken for granted. Like the passage in the book" "This group of kids is a bunch of troublemakers!" Then they continued their original conversation: Would you please hand over the cream? How much has our share price risen today? What is the price of tomatoes now? Have you ever heard that Princess Diana is pregnant again?" Food, money, gossip, prices... It became all of us.

Sophie's World: Most people are no longer willing to risk climbing back to the top of the fragile rabbit hair

And throughout the core of this book is "curiosity", which is also the original intention of this book, if you ask Hawking why he wants to explore the world, I think he will tell you "because of curiosity" it is curiosity, there is a "brief history of time", we have further understanding of the mysteries of the universe, because of curiosity, there have been a variety of inventions and discoveries, to promote the development of science and technology and the progress of human society.

Sophie's World: Most people are no longer willing to risk climbing back to the top of the fragile rabbit hair

One passage depicts a particularly profound image: "The world is like a white rabbit pulled out of his hat by a magician." It's just that this white rabbit is extremely large, so this trick will take billions of years to become. All the creatures were born on top of the rabbit's fine hairs, and they were all amazed at first at this unbelievable trick. However, the older they get, the deeper they get into the rabbit's fur, and they stay. They felt very comfortable there, so they didn't want to risk climbing back to the top of the fragile rabbit hair. Only philosophers embark on this perilous journey to the pinnacle of language and existence. Some of them fell, but others clung to the rabbit hair and yelled at the people who were nestled in the depths of the comfortable and soft rabbit hair, eating and drinking. "That's the difference between someone with curiosity and someone who has no curiosity.

Because we are too accustomed to the world, we lose our curiosity about the world, so our lives begin to become plain, we begin to get bored, we start to complain that we have too little, and then we start to be selfish and calculating. Start hurting each other with our loved ones and friends.

If we are full of curiosity about this world, if we are placed in a world full of rare treasures every day, if we marvel at the exquisite grandeur of this world every day, will we still be empty and violent and try to hurt others?

Therefore, I hope that everyone can maintain a curious heart every day, do not get used to the world in which they live, do not have to explore something, do not have to get any results, we just enjoy this process and everything in this process.

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