
Another "new trap" emerges? Not only are young people being "hollowed out", but old people are also caught up in it

Internet has been in thousands of households for many years, and the changes are visible to the naked eye, whether it is lifestyle or entertainment. The popularity of the Internet has not only brought great convenience to people's lives, but also spawned a variety of short video APP, making the people's entertainment methods gradually diversified. As long as there is a little free time after work, people will definitely pick up their mobile phones to visit Taobao and brush videos, and then the time will pass.

According to the data compiled by Zhiyan Consulting, by the end of 2020, the number of short video users in the mainland has reached 873 million. In terms of per capita viewing time, as of March 2021, mainland short video users have watched videos for 125 minutes, an increase of 5 minutes over the end of December 2020. Comprehensive data can be seen that the time for citizens to brush videos is increasing.

Another "new trap" emerges? Not only are young people being "hollowed out", but old people are also caught up in it

But we all know that any new thing is a double-edged sword, and short video APPS are no exception. Although brushing short videos can alleviate people's emotions to a certain extent, in order to achieve a relaxing effect, if we can't extricate ourselves from it for a long time, it will have a great impact on our body and mind.

Because the threshold of the short video network is relatively low, and the platform supervision is not in place, it is easy to cause people to become dependent on it. Therefore, for many people, short videos are actually a "trap", which will make people unconsciously fall into it, and waste their studies and time. Yet it's not just young people who are being "hollowed out", but even the elderly.

Another "new trap" emerges? Not only are young people being "hollowed out", but old people are also caught up in it

Why you're passionate about short videos

There's a reason why people are enthusiastic about short videos. With the increasingly fierce competition, people's living space is seriously squeezed, and in addition to work, free time is too insufficient. At the same time, because of a busy day and tired and sleepy, many people want to lie still when they get home, let alone go out for a walk. Therefore, in order to relax the mood, brushing short videos has become the most convenient way for people to entertain.

At the same time, people also use the platform to record their daily lives. Because there are too many familiar people in the real life circle, in order to avoid these groups, most people choose short video platforms. According to the data compiled by Zhiyan Consulting, as of 2020, 42.3% of users in the mainland use short videos to record videos of daily life, which means that more people choose short video APP as their emotional visualizer.

Another "new trap" emerges? Not only are young people being "hollowed out", but old people are also caught up in it

Teens are addicted to it

Although the short video APP brings happiness and memories to most people, it can easily lead to teenagers becoming addicted. Because teenagers are in the growth stage, they have great curiosity about everything, and their self-control is relatively poor, so once they are exposed to things that can make them mentally satisfied, they are easy to fall into it and cannot extricate themselves.

If teenagers are addicted to addiction and cannot get out, then they will not focus on their studies, and their grades are likely to plummet. At the same time, because of excessive addiction, many teenagers will play day and night, and a long time will lead to problems with physical function. If parents do not exercise strict control, more serious situations may arise.

Another "new trap" emerges? Not only are young people being "hollowed out", but old people are also caught up in it

Older people are no exception

In addition to teenagers, there are also groups of elderly people who are deeply involved in short videos. As we said earlier, compared with other platforms, the threshold of short video APP network is relatively low, and the elderly can watch videos as long as they move their fingers. Influenced by the "information cocoon", the elderly are eager to attach themselves to what they are interested in, so they are prone to deep addiction.

If it is said that teenagers' addiction to the Internet is easy to affect physical and mental health, then the elderly addicted to short videos are easily deceived. Because the supervision of short video platforms is not in place, there are various problems in the mix, and some fraudsters will attract the elderly by releasing products such as health care. Most of the elderly do not have a strong sense of safety precautions, and it is inevitable that they will be deceived.

Another "new trap" emerges? Not only are young people being "hollowed out", but old people are also caught up in it

Withdrawal requires the right medicine

Although the relevant departments have gradually increased the supervision of short video platforms, and many platforms have also established internet protection mechanisms, in fact, they only treat the symptoms and not the root causes. Man is a thinking creature, and it is impossible to stop his activities because of these external mechanisms. So if we want to completely break free from these "traps", the key is still ourselves.

The reason why people are prone to addiction is that in addition to the rapid development of the Internet, it is also related to lifestyle. Most people brush short videos because life is too boring, or there are no friends in real life. However, the elderly brush short videos because their children have not been around for a long time, and they want to find an entertainment way to relieve their boredom. Therefore, it is recommended that everyone should enrich their daily lives and actively go into nature, so that they can quit this "Internet addiction."

Another "new trap" emerges? Not only are young people being "hollowed out", but old people are also caught up in it

In general, whether young or old, do not put all your thoughts on mobile phones. We can cultivate our favorite hobbies, such as reading, writing, drawing, etc., or go outdoors to exercise, and slowly reduce our dependence on mobile phones, so that our lives will be more colorful. What do you think? What do you think about this? Why not tell me what you think in the comments section!

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