
"Above the Clouds": The absurd tragic core, reflecting the brilliance of human nature 01, Story: A bizarre experience that changed the fate of two families 02, Human nature: beauty does not only exist above the clouds, small people also exude the brilliance of humanity 03, Growth: Life is shrouded in dark clouds, but also to grow inward, to complete the journey of self-redemption written at the end:

author:Dusty movies

In May 2019, "Above the Clouds" was released in China, this film tells an absurd and bizarre story, the bad boy Emile hid in the laundry room where his sister worked in order to escape the pursuit, and the boss helped and then blackmailed his sister, and in the panic, the sister accidentally injured the boss and was sentenced to prison. In order to save her sister, Emile had to take care of the "enemy" in the hospital, while also taking care of the "enemy's" mother and daughter.

This film is the first work of the famous Iranian director Majid Majidi to be introduced into The Country, which may be unfamiliar to everyone, but the work that touched hundreds of millions of people, "Little Shoes", is from his hands, and "Above the Clouds" is also seen as a continuation of "Little Shoes". After a gap of ten years, the director finally made the second part of the "Growth Trilogy", which still conveys growth, warmth and emotion to the audience.

The director was asked in an interview why he often chose the role of a child in his own work. He replied: "I have always liked the world of children very much, because the world of children is very simple and pure, and the world of children can build a bridge to the adult world. ”

Although the protagonist of "Above the Clouds" is no longer a child, his heart is still as innocent as a child, just as eager to be loved, and several child roles in the film also continue the innocence and cuteness of the small actors in "Little Shoes".

Everyone's viewing experience is different, and the audiovisual language and details of this film are handled well, which not only reflects the current situation of the life of the low-level women in India, but also expresses the feelings of the low-level people yearning for beauty and longing to be loved. The protagonist also completes the process of self-redemption in this bizarre story. Whether it is from the perspective of story, human nature or growth, you can feel the charm and value of this film.

"Above the Clouds": The absurd tragic core, reflecting the brilliance of human nature 01, Story: A bizarre experience that changed the fate of two families 02, Human nature: beauty does not only exist above the clouds, small people also exude the brilliance of humanity 03, Growth: Life is shrouded in dark clouds, but also to grow inward, to complete the journey of self-redemption written at the end:

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" >01, Story: A bizarre experience that changes the fate of two families</h1>

The film opens with a bustling highway and a huge billboard address revealing that the story takes place in Mumbai, India. As the camera slowly descends, a very different world appears on the screen: many people live in the bridge hole, and adults and children live together. The Emile did not show surprise when he crossed the passage, indicating that he was accustomed to this living environment.

Emile is a jerk with his parents dead, and he lives with his sister Tara. Tara's husband often beat up the siblings after drinking, so Emile ran away from home at the age of 13 and mingled with a group of bad boys.

At the beginning of the story, Amir and his friends ride motorcycles through the streets of the city, they earn money by running errands for drug dealers, and then Amir has some disputes with the boss, resulting in him being hunted down by the police. In a panic, Emile runs to the laundry room where Tara works, and with the help of her sister and her boss, Amir escapes the attack.

But Tara also owes the boss a favor, the boss wants Tara to follow her, Tara refuses after the boss does not spare to use violence, Tara in a hurry smashed the boss's head, and was therefore arrested by the police on suspicion of murder, waiting for the verdict. In order to save his sister, Emile had to take care of the "enemy" in the hospital, and the story began with this.

The overall tone of the film is relatively depressing, full of poverty and violence, from the beginning of the short 20 minutes we receive a lot of information, such as the contradiction between Emile and sister Tara, their origins, such as the bottom environment of the sisters and brothers and the low status of women, the director shows the audience the real living environment of the low-level people in India through realistic shooting methods.

Tara told her brother that the verdict depended on the boss's injuries, and if the boss died, he would also be sentenced to murder. So emile had to go to the hospital to take care of the injured boss in order to save his sister. This dramatic reversal makes people can't help but sigh that Ming Tara is the one who was violated, and in order to protect himself, he accidentally injured others, and finally needed his brother to go to the hospital to take care of the "enemy".

Every day, Emile hopes that the boss will get better and prove her sister's innocence. Although he hated the boss for bullying his sister, he also had to swallow his anger, at this time Emile saw the three grandchildren who came to visit his son, and saw that the three grandchildren did not have a place to live, and Emir kindly took them in.

The sister is bullied and imprisoned, the enemy is injured and has to take care of him and his family, and the director expresses humanity vividly through the absurd storyline. Because of this bizarre experience, the two families have embarked on different paths, one losing a loved one and the other living in fear.

The beginning of the story reveals that this is a tragic story, but the director's pen and ink is not the reason for the story, but the transformation of everyone in the process and the brilliance of humanity reflected in the story.

"Above the Clouds": The absurd tragic core, reflecting the brilliance of human nature 01, Story: A bizarre experience that changed the fate of two families 02, Human nature: beauty does not only exist above the clouds, small people also exude the brilliance of humanity 03, Growth: Life is shrouded in dark clouds, but also to grow inward, to complete the journey of self-redemption written at the end:

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >02, human nature: beauty does not only exist above the clouds, but also small people exude the brilliance of humanity</h1>

The title of the film "Above the Clouds" is also very connotative, and the audience who has a little understanding of the plot will know that the film is about the emotional entanglement of the low-level family. The beauty of the movie name and the heaviness of reality form a huge contrast, and at the same time reflect the vision of the family at the bottom to look forward to beauty and single-minded goodness.

The core of the tragic story makes people feel the cruelty of life and the injustice of fate, but director Majid shows the brilliance of human nature through delicate emotional expression. Starting from the three clues, you can feel the warmth conveyed by the director using the story content.


The story revolves around the protagonist Emile, a teenager who grew up with both parents dying and living with his only sister. His fate did not change with his sister's marriage, and her husband began to beat them after drinking, and Emile was angry with his sister's scepter, and he left home at the age of 13.

Life did not treat Emile well, and the lack of family warmth and the oppression of the boss put him on the path of bad boyhood. However, Emile did not have a heart for evil because of this, he still anxiously slapped the car door and defended his sister with his throat when he was in prison; when he saw the enemy's mother and daughter sleeping on the street, he would still open the door to take them in; his heart itched with hatred for his sister's boss, but he still fed him medicine and talked to him.

What kind of force made the Emir behave incomprehensibly? In fact, Emir is only a child who has not yet grown up, he longs for the warmth of the family, the attention of others, and hopes that he can live a better life with his own efforts.

In the face of the cruelty of life, he thought about doing bad things, but in the end he would still choose kindness. Overcoming the desires of the heart and being good is not a simple thing, and because of this, the Emir's actions are even more warm.

"Above the Clouds": The absurd tragic core, reflecting the brilliance of human nature 01, Story: A bizarre experience that changed the fate of two families 02, Human nature: beauty does not only exist above the clouds, small people also exude the brilliance of humanity 03, Growth: Life is shrouded in dark clouds, but also to grow inward, to complete the journey of self-redemption written at the end:


Tara is the source of all tragedy and a victim of life. The change of family made her enter the society early, and the status of women in the environment was low, and she not only did not have a skill but also had to raise her brother, which was enough to prove how difficult her life was. She thought it might be better to marry a good husband, but she didn't expect that her husband not only abused himself but also beat his weak brother, and she could only swallow her anger in order to survive.

After Tara left her husband, she had no financial resources and no place to live, and was even hated by her only brother, who must have been helpless and desperate at the time, but she still longed for a good life. Through a few details in the film, we know that Tara borrowed her boss's money and bought her own house by selling hue, and the cruel life forced her to make such a choice, which caused tragedy.

After being imprisoned, Tara's cellmate fell ill and died, leaving behind a young child, Tara gave all her love to this child, playing with him, taking him to see the moon, and feeling the experience of rain falling on his hands.

We can be used as Tara to make up for her neglect of her brother, or as a natural outpouring of motherhood, but from another point of view, she is already in prison, but she still loves others, and how touching this powerful energy is.

An in-depth analysis of Tara's image shows her determination to fight against the patriarchal society, leaving her husband and rejecting the threat of her boss seems easy, but in the social environment at that time, it needed enough courage. At the same time, her love for her brother and the son of her fellow prisoners highlights the maternal side of her, gentle but full of charm.

"Above the Clouds": The absurd tragic core, reflecting the brilliance of human nature 01, Story: A bizarre experience that changed the fate of two families 02, Human nature: beauty does not only exist above the clouds, small people also exude the brilliance of humanity 03, Growth: Life is shrouded in dark clouds, but also to grow inward, to complete the journey of self-redemption written at the end:

Three grandchildren

The three grandchildren in the film are the mother and two daughters of Tara's boss, who rushed over after learning that the boss was hospitalized. When they saw Emile taking care of the boss with all her heart, they were full of gratitude to him. After the Emile took them in, the three grandchildren trusted the Emir more and more and treated him like a family member, and their arrival accelerated the self-growth of the Emir.

Later, when the grandmother learned that her son had been injured by Emil's sister, she did not ungratefully accuse the emir, but felt guilty and took all the responsibility on her son. When her son died, Grandma sat outside the hospital corridor, her eyes red and tired under the camera, and the pain of losing her loved ones did not make her blame Emile.

The loss of relatives is certainly painful, but they see what Emile did in those days, and suddenly understand why Amir is so painful, Emir may have a purpose in taking care of the injured boss, but the treatment of the three grandchildren is completely selfless dedication.

Because of this, the three grandchildren also gave their love back to Emir, and it was each other's care and love that made Emir's heart grow into an adult and have the ability to love.

The families at the bottom still yearn for beauty, and family affection is a feeling worth paying and protecting for them. No matter how cruel life is, no matter how fate robs them of happiness, they still have hope, living on the bottom, but love is above the clouds.

"Above the Clouds": The absurd tragic core, reflecting the brilliance of human nature 01, Story: A bizarre experience that changed the fate of two families 02, Human nature: beauty does not only exist above the clouds, small people also exude the brilliance of humanity 03, Growth: Life is shrouded in dark clouds, but also to grow inward, to complete the journey of self-redemption written at the end:

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" >03, Growth: Life is shrouded in dark clouds, but also to grow inward and complete the journey of self-redemption</h1>

Oscar Wilde said: Even if you live in the gutter, you have the right to look up at the stars.

The film's script is absurd and bizarre, but it feels real, because it seems as if every scene really exists in a corner of the world. One of the scenes in the film that impressed me was that the sky was pouring heavily, the three grandchildren were snuggled together to keep warm, and Emile struggled internally, tossing and turning, and then decided to put on clothes and run out, letting the three grandchildren go to the house to hide from the rain.

This plot vividly shows the inner activities of Emile, and his helplessness, entanglement, and intolerance are all shown through the lens, although people cannot choose their own origins, but they can choose to be good. This paragraph really touched many people.

Compared with "Little Shoes", "Above the Clouds" designs more character conflicts and emotional peaks, and the director expresses the deeper content of the film through the entanglement and choice between the characters, such as the social environment and the nature of human nature. This film brings me three points of thought:

(1) We can't choose where we are born, but we can choose to be good.

Whether it is Ali in "Little Shoes" or Emile in "Above the Clouds", they both live in poor families and have no choice, but we can choose to be good or evil. Emile could have continued to live regardless of the three grandchildren and the fate of his sister, but after his inner struggle, he chose to extend his hands to help others.

The preciousness of kindness is more reflected in the quality of Emir's self-care and willingness to help others; it is reflected in Ali's willingness to run hard for his sister and win back a pair of small shoes; it is reflected in Tara's treatment of his own son as if he were a prisoner's son; it is reflected in the great love of the three grandchildren who have lost their loved ones and voluntarily choose to forgive the sisters and brothers.

(2) At all times, you must have the ability to love others.

After experiencing the devastation of life, many people are prone to close themselves off and disregard the safety of others. With the passage of time, the ability to love people is gradually lost, which will make their hearts lacking and become indifferent and selfish.

Having the ability to love people can make your heart soft, and you can have an optimistic attitude in the face of life, and your heart is not only rich but also full of love. It is this ability to love people that makes the emir single-mindedly good, gradually getting rid of the shadows and shackles of the past.

(3) Even if life is cloudy, we must embrace the beauty.

Emile lives in the slums, he has seen the poverty and helplessness of the bottom life, but from many details of the film, Amir has always longed for beauty in his heart, and he is eager to live a better life through his own efforts.

After a series of changes such as his sister's imprisonment and the betrayal of his friends, he still found his own sense of value in life, and taking care of his grandparents and grandchildren also made him feel the warmth of the family, they got along together, chatted together, and relied on each other in the uncertainty of life.

Their stories tell us that even if life is cloudy, we must embrace the good.

"Above the Clouds": The absurd tragic core, reflecting the brilliance of human nature 01, Story: A bizarre experience that changed the fate of two families 02, Human nature: beauty does not only exist above the clouds, small people also exude the brilliance of humanity 03, Growth: Life is shrouded in dark clouds, but also to grow inward, to complete the journey of self-redemption written at the end:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > written at the end:</h1>

The movie "Above the Clouds" is not only full of warmth, the story is also very touching. Poverty and violence aside, the family at the bottom represented by Emir conveys positive power to the audience. No matter how cruel life is, we must also actively embrace the good. The power of life and goodness embodied in the film is deeply moving, and it also triggers the audience's deep thinking.

Both the audiovisual language and the story content are well worth seeing. In the cruel and cold world, may the children's clear eyes and innocent smiles bring some warmth to the adult world.

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