
What exactly is the Ni function of the Jung Eight Dimensions?

author:Chi on OCE

What exactly is the Ni function of the Jung Eight Dimensions?

The Function of Ni is the most abstract of the Eight Dimensions of Jung, and Ni itself is responsible for the abstract perception and epiphany of things, which can be understood as an intuitive function.

Main functions:


1. Collect subconscious information and synthesize images, insights, answers and theories;

2. Help discover deep causes, patterns, and patterns under sensory facts.

reverse side:

Paranoid and suspicious, afraid of the future, always with the worst in mind.

Common types:



Basic features:

Deep insight, theoretical genius, analytical and focused ability to make suggestions and identify problems

Ni is by far the rarest of the 8 features, as NJ is the rarest of all types. Although INXJs are classified as J-type, their first dominant function manifests itself as an intrinsic perception (Ni). Ni synthesizes and transmits information from the subconscious, so INXJs often have a "flash of inspiration" epiphany. The inferior function (Se) of INXJs subconsciously collects large amounts of sensory information from the outside world, and ni then synthesizes and interprets this data, as well as existing subconscious information, like a puzzle, quickly and efficiently assembles these puzzles and brings the final result in the form of symbols, theories, insights, or visions. With the power of Ni, INXJs are able to assess the whole situation and quickly understand what is happening, and they foreshadow like ancient prophets how things will go.

Ni function has the characteristics of visual essence. It is often said that humans are more dependent on vision than other senses, and this is especially true for INXJs. INXJs often think through images rather than words.

They use symbols, images, or patterns to express what they intuitively feel. Due to the visual characteristics of Ni functions, many INXJs also have an aesthetic pursuit. This is manifested in the fact that some INXJs like to create or appreciate art, while others will pursue the visual presentation of information, such as uniform typography or good-looking pictures and charts. Visual processing also seems to favor reconciling contradictory opposites, an iconic advantage of Ni. The problem with textual description is that words are subject to context and are therefore prone to ambiguity.

The small partner who has not yet tested is going to test:

For the rational man, two contradictory inferences cannot coexist at the same time. But in Jung's view, the subconscious mind had innate creativity, adept at reconciling opposing theories and transcending paradoxes. The beauty of visual processing is that it doesn't have the rules or barriers that language processing has. Therefore, problems that cannot be solved with linearity or logic can also be solved by images or symbols. In fact, one of the reasons INXJs often become powerful theorists is because they can approach problems in a non-linear or non-verbal way, which allows them to consider multiple points of view at the same time. In short, intuition can sometimes solve problems that logic or language processing can't solve because it's not bound by the same set of rules or methods. The visual nature of Ni's function can also be reflected through symbolism and symbolism. INXJs often exhibit a deep sense of meaning and wholeness when dealing with symbols. Integrating ideas (N) and images (S), mental (N) and body (S), potential (N) and actual (S), symbols is a way in which INXJs (and ENXPs) try to combine their strengths and weaknesses in function.

Ni's deep insights provide a single answer and solution to complex problems. INXJs will feel that the solution comes in a moment of insight. For INXJs, believing something is completely different from knowing something. INXJs generally assume that on a deeply intuitive level, their insights are true. Once INXJs gain Ni's insight, they must work to flesh it out, such as clarifying or illustrating it in a way that others can understand, thanks to their accessibility (Fe or Te). Accessibility functions act as decompression intuition, a bit like decompressing computer files. This process can sometimes be difficult and arduous, and it can even take longer than generating the intuition itself. But in order for others to understand their intuition, INXJs must do their best to translate them. For intJs, this may require the development of technical frameworks or formulas, while INFJs may turn to analogies, illustrations or metaphors.

INXJs have a completely different view of things than other types. They don't pay as much attention or trust surface phenomena as the ESXPs do. Instead, their focus is more penetrating, digging deeper into hidden causes, motivations, and essences. People with Ni functions are like deep-sea divers, and while most people like to swim or snorkel near the surface of the water, they will seek to dive into deep water and understand a world completely different from the world that can be seen on the surface.

In gaining knowledge and insight into deeper phenomena, INXJs want others to understand their insights, and some INXJs correct others' misconceptions about people or the world. INXJs see inaccurate cognition as dangerous and destructive, because bad cognition only produces bad thoughts and bad behavior, which is why INXJs value truth so much. Some INXJs firmly believe that truth can be revealed through their Ni, so others should open their hearts to listening and listening to it. So, when others are unable to understand or respond to their opinions with a similar sense of seriousness or conviction, they may feel discouraged and frustrated.

The part that Ni functions deeply perceived is profound or eternal truth. For example, through the ideas of INXJs such as Plato, Jesus, Jung, or Stephen Hawking, we can feel the profundity and eternity of Ni theory. Plato's "eternal form", Jesus' "eternal life", Jung's theory of personality type, archetype, and collective unconscious (all of which have nothing to do with time) and Hawking's theory of "eternal life". One reason these ideas have stood the test of time is that Ni captures unchanging essence and universal truths in a way that "goes deep into things."

Because Ni functions master metaphysical and other timeless ideas, INXJs theorists are generally more interested in studying deep, general theories than small-scale, contingency theories. In contrast, ENXPs that use Ne as the dominant feature tend to show a stronger interest in local or incidental phenomena. This is because Ne works across contexts along a horizontal axis and may be interested in deeper laws and essences. For example, ENFP film critics often focus on the unique features of a film, such as the actors, authors, cultural and historical influences, etc. They tend to evaluate the film based on their own conditions and background, and give them unique characteristics.

At the same time, they may also associate other movies and compare them because of the Ne feature. In contrast, critics at INFJ may be less interested in the details of the film. For ni features, the details of the movie are just iterations of deeper human patterns. As a result, INFJ critics may be inclined to emphasize the way in which the various timeless archetypes in the film are expressed, or how its depiction of good and evil represents a projection of the moral struggles of human psychology. From their appreciation, we can see how INXJs stripped away local and historical factors to highlight conventional patterns. While ENXPs may also be aware of deep patterns such as prototypes, prototypes may play a smaller role in their thinking. For ENXPs, it's often more interesting to keep emerging new theories and ideas than to focus on something as static as a timeless prototype.

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