
WeChat Special Article | Shadow: The Mirror of Light and the Speculation of Black - Reading Zhou Qingrong's "Ten Shadows on Earth" (Huang Enpeng)

WeChat Special Article | Shadow: The Mirror of Light and the Speculation of Black - Reading Zhou Qingrong's "Ten Shadows on Earth" (Huang Enpeng)

Huang Enpeng

● Member of China Writers Association. He is the author of "Finding a Mountain on a Cloud", "Notes on the Frontier", "The Secret Of Sani", "Passing the Old Man's Village", "The River of Time", "Discovering Texts: Prose and Poetry Art Aesthetics" and other books. He has won awards such as the People's Liberation Army Literature and Art Award, the First Chinese Prose Poetry Award, and the Chinese Prose Poetry Theory Construction Award. Live in Beijing.

Shadow: The mirror of light and the speculation of black

——Read Zhou Qingrong's "Ten Shadows on Earth"

When Zhou Qingrong talked to me about "Ten Shadows on Earth", he said: "Shadow" is not only an appendage of the subject, but also an important evidence of the essence of the subject, especially in the present. In his "Explanation of "Shadow", he believes that every kind of "shadow" has an entity, and all entities actually have only one, that is, "real life". Real life is the main evidence of social significance writing, and creation is the "deep presence" of reality. But in fact, the person as the subject or the image of the real world bet has become an object, or a vassal of the real world. In "Ten Shadows on Earth", the poet uses "light" and "darkness" to set the meaning of the poem, which is a spiritual existence and a thought existence. However, where the "light" comes from is a very important question for the "shadow". "Light" is neither an object nor a subject. It is a spirituality, or a symbol and identity of the spiritual realm. Without "light", humans crawl like bugs in the darkness. "Light" is material, a subject of life with bones and flesh. "It's not that darkness surrounds me, it's that I break into the darkness." About black, about light, about how to extract the "material steep part" in speech ("Standing with the Lamp") is the foundation of Zhou Qingrong's meaningful writing.

"The influence of realism made me want to find out, has Qu Zi been swimming in the Miluo River?" Why couldn't the Du Gong Department catch up with the bouquet of thatch that had been blown away by the autumn wind? Snakes are poisonous, so why do someone always catch them? "As it slows down, the shadow squirms forward little by little, like a silent stream swimming into thirsty dirt. Occasionally I would laugh at myself, how the shadow in the wind was like snakeskin under the shed, hollow and dry. However, in this life, I will never learn to be like a snake and scorpion. "Interesting thoughts, metaphorical discernments, unexpected words. Black-and-white speculation based on overall intuition shows many themes in literary works. Saramago's novels "The Tale of Blindness" are in "The Melancholy of Paris" and "Haibiao" and "Jitanjali", and Lu Xun's "Weeds". Brodsky's The Dark Horse says, "The black vault is also brighter than its four legs." It cannot be integrated with darkness. That night, we sat by the campfire and a black horse came into view. I don't remember anything darker than it. Its four legs are as black as black coal. It was as black as night, as empty as it was. (Brodsky's "The Dark Horse") Haizi's poem also includes: "After the harvest, the desolate earth, the night rises from within you" (Haizi's "Tribute to the Night - Dedicated to the Daughter of the Night") The philosophical thinker Jung also has a description of "Night": "Before I can climb to the place of love, there is a condition that must be fulfilled, and this condition is manifested as a struggle between two serpents." On the left is day and on the right is night. Light is the kingdom of love, and darkness is the kingdom of foresight. Two essentially different, even hostile to each other, are the form of the snake. The form of the serpent shows its demonic nature. I recognized from the fight that it was a reproduction of the battle between the sun and the black snake. The continuation of human civilization is the constant struggle between light and black, and the existence of two attributes of different natures. The "difference" of expressionism is to obtain some kind of enlightenment from the language of similar ridicule. "The shadow cannot stand up, it is my body creeping in the light. It therefore cannot stand tall. "Is it you, my master, that your body is crooked?" "If you suspect my firmness, I'll lie down softly." From which direction the light shines, you can only be pressed by me. As the two characters in Shakespeare's Twarot and Cresida say, both clear and unsightly, the Greeks and Trojans' discussion of war and chiefs is actually very interesting, and the world dispute is seen as a quarrel between two drunks. The "black" of language strings together the plot, and the "black" metaphor refers to the dark qualities and metaphors refer to the sense of spiritual rupture. God had prophetic awareness, and for this reason He admonished mankind, "Let there be light!" "Then there is light." "Light" is a kind of wisdom, a spiritual key to open up darkness. In the "shadow" world everywhere, the humanistic spiritual vein is already short. There is no order, no principles, lack of reason, concealment of the truth, abuse of regulations, passive compromise, and so on. A "shadow" or a big lie; a ray of "light" or a truth.

How to solve the problem of Cup Bow Snake Shadow?

Take the bow off the wall, take the arrow, and shoot it out.

There is also a simpler way to sprinkle wine in a cup and pay tribute to those who die of snake venom.

("Bow Shadow")

Masking and unmasking. Trajectories and veins. The high walls and low-lying of time tell the traces of the soul. "I heard the morning wind coming over the mountains. The night has passed, and all my life has been entrusted and entangled in eternal confusion, hanging among the poles of the flames. "The completion of [Jung's] long road requires shadow verification. It was Salome who was filled with ecstasy at seeing the light emitted by the prophet, and Elijah turned into a powerful lightsaber that stabbed at the power of the serpent. Light exists, shadows exist, black exists. Without black or shadow, the presence of light seemed meaningless. Borges said that as long as it is proved that the mirror can no longer see our figure, then we know that we are dead, but I can't see the mirror, the world is a bad mess. Shadow's rebuttals, interrogations, and criticisms speak in poetic metaphors. A wall, a gray dusk, accentuates the smell of redemption. "I" was surrounded by darkness. "When you look at me, you know where the light is." (Shadow Question) A kind of "inner dawn" spiritual force of modernism. "Shadow asked well." However, in the eyes of some people, any inappropriate words and deeds are wrong. However, the world should not be "just like this", nor should it be assumed that human beings are always making all kinds of mistakes and thus embarking on a "spiral" path, which is an epistemological problem. Therefore, for human beings, the "cup bow snake shadow" is a trembling picture of life that should not appear, and there should be another picture of a calm life. The psalmist deeply understands or tastes the problem that the shadow does not always lie on the earth, it can actually "stand up." As long as it is "the shadow of a bone". But, "some people are shadows of others." In order to live, so, the shadow found a reason. "Living for someone else in a way that loses yourself, you seem to be someone else." ("Shadow Man") The shadow walks like the wind, the shadow is not independent, and the shadow is critical. Jung uses the metaphor of a man wrapped in an evil serpent to illustrate the picture of the world: "This material man climbs too far in the spiritual world, where the spirit of the heart pierces him with golden light." He happily dropped and disintegrated. The evil serpent cannot linger in the spiritual world. Zhou Qingrong used Kafka-like metaphors to describe incomprehensible human spiritual signs. The body that had just emerged from the darkness was once again wrapped in shadows, forgotten by human beings. "From the early hours of this morning, I will take three parts of my body every day, and be wary of the apparitions making my body bloated and deformed." ("The Phantom") attaches to the idea of it, bringing about the subversion of values. So, who has the confidence to make a complete judgment with their own fallacies?

One cut down, and the irrelevant content is stripped away from it.

Wouldn't it be nice!


"Is the focus of the silhouette me?" wrong! The external environment that is deliberately obscured cannot be used to live up to it. "The inadequacy of the real world and the staging of redemption. The shadow that cannot be shaken off, human beings have experienced. The shadow is their own and someone else's. The shadow is the "other" and the "being." Living in the shadows and living in the light, then, became a topic. In a witty quote from Borges, God hid the fossils beforehand in order to deceive geologists. Human self-deception: the body is not afraid of the shadow crooked. In the face of reality, it should be a fallacy. Human beings have duality, dream and lucidity, paranoia and reason, are antagonistic ideas. The spiritual world of man is always antagonistic and interdependent. Sometimes, when one force is at its peak, the other will lurk and wait for the opportunity, but sooner or later it will jump out again, and the power will become greater. "Influence, is it an aesthetic trap, or is it a logical complexity?" ("Influence") The duality of opposites of things is owned by man and can be integrated. As Jung said: The side of the light is the white snake, the dark side is the black snake, and the two snakes are terriblely entangled, and finally the black and white disappear. The metaphor itself is powerful: "Every individual in the shadow country, if he wants to be independent and clear, must maintain an effective distance." Mutual respect can also be summed up as indifference. Russell also has a reason: if there is no world, no ancestors, no childhood, the world only exists in the present, and then begins to exist, can we share the past again? Hume believed that the existence of the table is the existence of the whole reality. When the soul is personified, it has to walk with the changes in the body. In a sense, a "shadow" is a dark substance. Who would doubt whether Dante had ever been to hell? Hell is the existence of darkness. Death is the end of the shadow. The body is the shadow of the soul. Chaos is the shadow of order. "Sometimes, I walk in the sun. Don't look up at the sky, just look at the shadow. As soon as I looked, I knew the location of the sun. "When Gu Ying becomes addicted to self-pity, a person and his inside and outside go wrong." In fact, the shadow of the heart is more frightening than the shadow of the body. The tiger in the dream is a million times more terrifying than the real tiger. The poet points out that the "shadow" of the human world is both terrible and illusory. And when the world is filled with blood and fire, the fierceness of the madness means the destruction of light and the coming of darkness. "I often open my mind. Only let yourself be in the light, everything comes, just should come. Because they are not afraid of ghosts, those who come are all guests. "(Shadow Wall) Humans should be able to correct their own figures. But sometimes, the body of the spirit and flesh as the subject seems to be ignored, and the "shadow" is important. Of course, we do not forget the existence of shadows because of the grandeur of the light. Sometimes we lose our spirit itself under the coercion of a shadow, and we become people who are judged, people who are lost, people who are hurt. Man's wounds are in the shadows, the shadows are not painful, the soul is painful. Only when the soul is acheditor can it see the world clearly, and only then can it be reasonable to understand the difference between the living and the dead. But in a world without light, can you see shadows? In fact, the shadow ghost exists in people's hearts: empty and exaggerated, hypocritical deception, desire for profit, and poisonous plague are all the shadows of the black snakes in each other's world. The question is how do we find some kind of salvation between light and shadow that can intelligently solve some of the world's problems. "Some people throw themselves away in the light, and others work in the light while raising a glass and drinking." "Although the history book is closed, the ancients in the book have not left." "It's a bone first and foremost. Not soft bones. ("Shadow of a Man"), a profound metaphor for the essence of salvation. People should be tough, and shadows should be "bones." However, in order for the "shadow" to stand up, there needs to be a "wall" to test the inner magnanimity:

One day, as I walked to the front of a wall, I found my shadow standing up.

As if to replace me, over the wall.

Do I still think I'm walking my own shadow?

Yes, in the face of the obstacle, I walked the shadow out of its dignity.

("Walking shadow")

"Why do I tilt? Because of the light, because the direction of the light is not correct. "(Shadow Question) Only in the dark does the existence of light be perceived. And there is nothing else that allows light to enter, the only thing that is darkness. Light and black prove each other and look at each other. Reality gives the poet the experience of using words to reach the power of metaphor directly. Therefore, in this world, the time when light replaces darkness will eventually come. The inner perception of the world is the image, the atmosphere, the rationality that cannot be lost. "As long as life goes on, there will always be many mirror images that are 'inseparable' from us." ("Explanation of the "Shadow") The twelve shadows on earth, or more "shadows", are the carriers of the poet's metaphor of reality. It is not illusory, but tangible. Zhou Qingrong said in the "Creation Talk": "It seems to have shifted from a kind of ridicule to a spiritual seriousness. "As long as life goes on, there will always be many mirror images that are inseparable from us." Those omitted "shadow emperors", "shadows", "ghosts", "projections", etc., let them play out in time. But I don't think this group is a "whim" work. Thinking is like a shadow, and all the "shadows" in the world are already familiar to the heart. In the early years, the first poem I remembered when I read "Dream of the Red Chamber" was "Hantang Crane Shadow, Cold Moon Burying Poetry Soul". Subtle, all-you-can-see. The development of the human world, remembering some shadows, despising some shadows, fighting against some shadows, will progress.

"Deep presence" gives Zhou Qingrong's text an extraordinary meaning. Like many chapters such as "We", "People with Ideals", "Band-Aids", "Poetic Soul" and so on, "Ten Shadows on Earth" is a real poem about the human spiritual world!

Written in Beijing on 2022-03-18

WeChat Special Article | Shadow: The Mirror of Light and the Speculation of Black - Reading Zhou Qingrong's "Ten Shadows on Earth" (Huang Enpeng)


2022-2 "October"


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Morning bird with sunflower/220 field grass

Kunlun and others/223 Guo Jianqiang

Ten Shadows on Earth/226 Zhou Qingrong

Spring, now it's your turn to express/230 Zhang Hongbo

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Cover design by Zhao Pingyu

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