
Recommend 5 psychology classics, read human nature, see through people's hearts!

author:Read Time Magazine

All human behavior can be attributed psychologically!

Recommend 5 psychology classics, read human nature, see through people's hearts!

Today's book alone recommends 5 psychology classics,

Brush them over,

You can master a lot of psychological skills,

Then understand human nature and see through people's hearts.


The Lucifer Effect

Recommend 5 psychology classics, read human nature, see through people's hearts!
Recommend 5 psychology classics, read human nature, see through people's hearts!

Lucifer effect,

It means that good people are affected by the environment, and they will also reflect the extremely evil side!

And this conclusion,

It was hosted by the famous psychologist Philip Zimbardo

"Stanford Prison Experiment".

And this book restores the process of experimentation in great detail.

In short, two groups of ordinary college students were put into a "simulated prison",

They were asked to play "jailer" and "prisoner" respectively.

The result is only 6 days,

The "jailer" really became a cruel and vicious jailer,

The "prisoner" really became a submissive prisoner!

After reading it, many readers feel creepy!

The power of the environment is too terrible, and human nature is too fragile!

If you are also afraid of being unconsciously changed by the environment,

This book is a masterpiece in the field of psychology, you must not miss it!


40 Studies that Changed Psychology

Recommend 5 psychology classics, read human nature, see through people's hearts!
Recommend 5 psychology classics, read human nature, see through people's hearts!

The pinnacle of psychology is here!

Published for 29 years, it has been dominating the Top 1 of Amazon's psychological bestseller list!

And this book can be so hot,

It's that it changed the history of psychology with 40 studies.

To tell you thoroughly the history of the development of psychology! Extremely practical!

For example, the common "bystander effect" in life,

Crowds often choose to sit on the sidelines when faced with an emergency, as it means not having to bear any responsibility or consequences.

And the "Pygmalion effect",

What a person believes, his behavior will lead to something, so those who believe that they fail will always fail, and those who believe in their success will always succeed.

What is even more valuable is that

The book not only contains theories, but also restores the experimental process and results of these studies!

When you follow this book and really understand the workings of human nature,

Naturally, you can read people's hearts and understand people's hearts!


The Elephant in the Room

Recommend 5 psychology classics, read human nature, see through people's hearts!
Recommend 5 psychology classics, read human nature, see through people's hearts!

What is an "elephant in a room"?

Refers to some shocking facts in life, but no one dares to say it.

This book was written by a big man in the field of Sociology in the United States,

A god work that has been sold out of stock several times,

This extremely terrible "silent effect" is boldly explored!

The book first gives a lot of historical and current examples,

to show us clearly how this effect occurs,

Deeper into the root cause of this effect, and the shocking consequences of the cause -

Most of the evil deeds in the world are not caused by the perpetrators of evil,

Everyone who chooses silence is an accomplice to it!

Although the book is a thin book, it reads quickly,

But the book single dog feels that it expounds on the human nature problem,

Everyone you and I should be vigilant and face together!


Obedience to Authority

Recommend 5 psychology classics, read human nature, see through people's hearts!
Recommend 5 psychology classics, read human nature, see through people's hearts!

Money or power, which do you think corrodes human nature more?

Most people will answer money,

And this Douban 9.1 psychological god work,

With the most sensational live-action experiment in history, it pointed out the fatal weakness of human nature!

A group of ordinary people is divided into 3 groups,

They serve as experimenters, teachers, and students who symbolize "authority, respectively."

Once a student makes a mistake,

The teacher will be ordered by the experimenter to give a gradually escalating electric shock punishment.

The experiment will only terminate when the teacher questions authority.

But no matter how much the students cried and begged for forgiveness, 65% of the teachers still insisted until the end.

Although the narrative of the whole book is very calm, it is very frightening to read the book!

Money doesn't necessarily corrupt human nature, but power can do it easily.

It is this book that makes the book list dog really understand:

If we are not aware of the weakness of human nature,

Then the distance between us and evil is only one step away!


《Social Psychology》

Recommend 5 psychology classics, read human nature, see through people's hearts!
Recommend 5 psychology classics, read human nature, see through people's hearts!

How good is this book?

A psychology book has sold more than 6 million copies worldwide!

Nearly 30,000 people on Douban gave it a high score of 9.0 or more!

This book is in almost any list of recommended psychology!

But this book is not academic at all.

Simply one of the most practical psychology books a dog has ever read!

The motivation behind almost everyone's behavior can find the answer in it!

Reading this book for the first time, it is really a good meal for the book single dog to raise up the understanding of human nature!

It also makes me scream all the time to see each other and hate late!

If I had encountered it earlier, I wouldn't have taken so many detours!

Source: Book list is coming (the content of the article has been deleted)

Author: Book List Dog

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