
Be a guardian of health trusted by the party and the masses

author:Overseas network

Source: People's Daily

Without universal health, there can be no comprehensive well-off. Medical and health services are directly related to people's health. It is necessary to promote the downward shift of the focus of medical and health work and the sinking of medical and health resources, promote the equalization of basic public services in urban and rural areas, provide the masses with safe, effective, convenient and inexpensive public health and basic medical services, and truly solve the problems of difficult and expensive medical treatment for the grass-roots masses. Party committees and governments at all levels should show concern and care for medical workers, create a good working environment for them, and let the vast number of medical workers be at ease, at ease, and comfortable in the sacred cause of saving lives and helping the injured. The vast number of medical workers should meticulously study their business, strengthen the cultivation of medical ethics, and make more contributions to the relief of patients by the people.

——Xi Jinping

Runyang Bridge connects the north and south of the Yangtze River, and the bridge spirals down from the center of the river to a small island - Shiye Town, Dantu District, Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province. The environment is beautiful, the cottages are like a cottage, and the hustle and bustle of cars and horses is rare. After the drizzle, the air is filled with a fresh smell.

Shiye Town Health Center is located in the center of the island, with a 4-storey yellow building that provides medical services to villagers in the surrounding 5 villages.

General Secretary Xi Jinping is very concerned about the lives of urban and rural residents. On the afternoon of December 13, 2014, the general secretary came to the Shiye Town Health Center to learn about the development of rural medical and health undertakings and the situation of villagers to see a doctor. The general secretary pointed out that without the health of the whole people, there will be no comprehensive well-off. Medical and health services are directly related to people's health.

"Without the health of the whole people, there will be no comprehensive well-off." For more than 7 years, this slogan has been hanging in the spacious and bright first-floor hall of the town health center, which is particularly eye-catching and warm.

In small hospitals, there are big people's livelihoods, and health is connected to the happiness of thousands of families. All the medical staff of Shiye Town Health Center bear in mind the entrustment of General Secretary Xi Jinping, be the trusted guardian of health between the party and the masses, and let the people in the town enjoy convenient and high-quality medical services at their doorstep.

"The general secretary and our grassroots medical workers are connected by heart"

On the first floor of the health center, Yuan Runzhi, a general practitioner with gray hair, was busy consulting.

Resident Li Ligang led his grandson who had broken his foot to the radiology clinic to find Yuan Runzhi to take X-rays. Comfort your child, ask about your condition, adjust your position... After a while, the report sheet came out, and the words "Zhenjiang First People's Hospital" of the top three hospitals were printed on the head.

"Filming was made here, and the film was simultaneously transmitted to the Image Center of the First Courtyard of the City. I do the basic diagnosis and review the doctor's adjustment and improvement. Yuan Runzhi said that if the shooting position is not correct or the judgment is not accurate, the experts will guide and correct it in time.

More than 7 years ago, the scene of General Secretary Xi Jinping's investigation in the health center, Yuan Runzhi is still vividly remembered.

Yuan Runzhi said: "General Secretary Xi Jinping walked forward and graciously held my hand, and the general secretary's hand was very warm. As a grassroots medical worker, I feel very warm in my heart. ”

On the same day, General Secretary Xi Jinping carefully understood the telemedicine system. Yuan Runzhi recalled: "I reported to the general secretary that patients can also remotely enjoy the services of the city's top three hospitals in the town health center, saving time and effort and saving money. The general secretary smiled and said, 'This is a good way to sink high-quality resources and solve some problems.' ’”

The establishment of a general specialty clinic and the invitation of experts to the island to provide services, the diagnosis and treatment capacity of the Shiye Town Health Center has been continuously improved in recent years. On the basis of the radiology department taking the lead in opening imaging consultation with the first hospital of the city, the health center has set up a remote consultation center, which can carry out multidisciplinary cloud diagnosis with the Jiangsu Provincial People's Hospital and the Zhenjiang First Hospital at any time when encountering difficult and complicated diseases.

"I work in the town health center, which is equivalent to further study in the top three hospitals." Yuan Runzhi said that after continuously "handing in homework" and "changing homework", he has more and more diagnostic results, and was rehired by the health center when he retired in 2020 because of word of mouth and good medical skills, "the sinking of high-quality medical resources makes the masses affordable, so that grass-roots doctors have gains."

"I went to See Dr. Yuan when I was young, and now I'm here with my grandchildren." Li Ligang calculated the account: seeing the outpatient clinic on the island can be reimbursed by 50%, the self-payment of this film is only 55 yuan, and there are experts from large hospitals participating in the diagnosis, saving money and being practical.

Minor illnesses do not leave the island, major illnesses are guaranteed, and the people of Shiye Town are more assured of seeing a doctor. Today, the outpatient clinics of the health center receive 56,000 outpatient visits a year, an increase of 40% over seven years ago, an average of more than 40 primary and secondary surgeries per year, and the grass-roots treatment rate has reached 83.73%.

Precious photos of shaking hands with General Secretary Xi Jinping, Yuan Runzhi has been kept in the consultation room. Asked how he felt at the time, he said: "I was very excited and felt a great responsibility. The general secretary is connected with our grassroots medical workers! ”

"There are also big stages at the grassroots level. I use what I have learned to serve patients, cure diseases and soothe the soul, which is very fulfilling."

On the day of the general secretary's investigation, wang Shengqin, the chief inspector, was also on the scene, when she was still a trainee inspector and just 26 years old.

"How many years have you been working?" "It's been more than 4 years."

"How much is the income?" "Thirty or forty thousand yuan a year."

"We must take root at the grassroots level and work well here." The general secretary shook Wang Shengqin's hand and encouraged the young medical personnel present.

The shortage of talents is a common problem faced by grass-roots health institutions. Some institutions are remote, the income is not high, and the highly educated are reluctant to come, and the young people cannot stay.

Do you want to go or stay? This multiple-choice question was also placed in front of Wang Shengqin.

"When I first entered the hospital, I didn't have a compilation, my income was not high, I left from the city at 6 o'clock in the morning, I had to change trains across the bridge, and I came home from work at night when it was dark." My family wanted me to get a job nearby. In 2016, Wang Shengqin could have applied for other units, and relatives and friends advised her to consider it. But she wanted to stay, and when the town health center recruited regular employees the next year, she signed up for the first time.

"The general secretary's earnest entrustment has always inspired me to take root in the grassroots and struggle in a down-to-earth manner." Wang Shengqin's heart was always firm.

"Every year, the town spends 300,000 yuan for the construction and upgrading of the health center and personnel protection." The relevant person in charge of the Shiye Town Government said that this is a hard expenditure that cannot be moved, and the purpose is to care for medical workers and create a good working environment for them.

Wang Shengqin looked forward to General Secretary Xi Jinping to see the new changes in the health center: the upgrading of medical equipment, the opening of new departments, the canteen meals are more delicious, and he has grown into the head of the laboratory department, and his income has quadrupled.

In her view, the income and treatment of grass-roots medical personnel have been continuously improved in recent years, and the space for career development has become larger and larger, and their growth is a microcosm -

In 2015, the preparatory party members turned regular; in 2016, they obtained a bachelor's degree in the self-examination; in 2017, they passed the entrance examination of the district health bureau; in 2019, they were promoted to intermediate titles to become the competent inspectors; in the past two years, they obtained nucleic acid test qualification certificates through training and actively signed up for the frontline anti-epidemic...

In recent years, the Shiye Town Health Center has adopted a "double training" mechanism to retain people with treatment and cohesion: those who have professional titles and no posts in the staff are given a fixed subsidy; those who are not in the staff have a professional title and a professional title; the basic salary is increased; those who participate in study and training are not only allowed to leave but also reimburse the expenses...

"The learning atmosphere in our health center is getting stronger and stronger, and the vitality is unprecedented." Dean Hu Xiaozhong said that the proportion of medical staff with bachelor's degrees rose from 35% in 2014 to 76%, and the average annual income of staff members increased from 61,800 yuan to 120,000 yuan, and the team became more and more stable.

"There are also big stages at the grassroots level. I use what I have learned to serve patients, cure diseases and soothe the soul, which is very fulfilling. "Wang Shengqin has now grown into the backbone of the business and is trusted by patients.

"Let the people enjoy high-quality medical services at their doorstep"

"The most important indicator of modernization is the health of the people, which is the foundation of the people's happy life."

"Rural medical resources are in short supply, and remote consultation should be relied on to balance medical resources, so that the people can enjoy high-quality medical services at their doorstep."


The health of the whole people supports the overall well-off. Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has visited rural and community health institutions many times, and put forward clear requirements for the development of grass-roots medical and health undertakings.

In the past few days, at the Party and Group Service Center of Satellite Village in Shiye Town, Shao Junyan, the nurse in charge, has been busy examining the villagers. On December 13, 2014, she introduced the use of TCM physique identification instruments to the general secretary in the health hut of the health center, "The general secretary said, 'You go to work during the day, and you have to go into the house for physical examination at night. ’”

Let the villagers have a place, a doctor, and a guarantee for medical treatment, and the health center has been working hard over the years. "Every year in March and September, patients with chronic diseases and the elderly over 65 years old are given free medical examinations." Shao Junyan said that medical staff formed 5 family health responsibility teams, each with a service area.

Everyone went to the village and entered the household, the physical examination was completed, the information was recorded, and they contacted the fellow villagers separately to "prescribe the right medicine". At present, 4295 households have been served, and the personalized signing rate of key groups is nearly 90%.

How to change the treatment of diseases to the center of people's health? Treating diseases is not only injections and medicines, but also the fitness of the whole people is the foundation and guarantee for all people to enhance their physique and healthy life.

Now, the health center is planning to open a new exercise prescription clinic. The town's two old shipyards have now been transformed into sports parks, a 6-kilometer fitness trail has been built around the island, and 24 fitness squares have been added in front of the home, and the concept of great health has gradually been integrated into the daily life of villagers.

Wang Yumei, a villager in Dongdaba Village, and her old sisters dance aerobics together in the square almost every day. Wang Yumei suffers from high blood pressure, and over the years, under the guidance of a family doctor, she regularly went to the health center to get medicine, and then cooperated with exercise, and her blood pressure was very stable.

Wu Junma, who lives in Xinglong Village, said that the child is naughty and usually bumps and bumps, "Take the child to the health center to see a doctor, 10 minutes away." The transportation is convenient and the doctor is patient."

During the conversation, more people came to the health center. Some patients looked for Yuan Runzhi to take a film, and the young couple holding the child took the test sheet and asked Wang Shengqin to look at it again... In the consultation room, the doctor patiently explains, and the patient listens carefully.

"Without the health of the whole people, there will be no comprehensive well-off." A health center that guards the health and happiness of the people of Gangdao. (Reporters Zhao Wanna, Yao Xueqing, Huang Chao)

People's Daily ( January 20, 2022, Edition 01)

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