
Stan Planet won the 2021 Shenzhen Network Festival "Most Trustworthy Brand of Net Name"_Shenzhen News Network

author:Shenzhen News Network

Shenzhen News Network, December 16, 2021 (Reporter Chen Bin) "Carry forward positive energy, sing the opening year"! On the afternoon of December 15, the "Zhen Energy" 2021 Shenzhen Network Ceremony opened in the International Conference Hall of Shangpao Building. Stan Planet won the honor of "Most Trustworthy Brand with Net Name" at the 2021 Shenzhen Internet Festival. This network festival, guided by the Shenzhen Internet Industry Federation, sponsored by the Shenzhen Internet Media Association and the Shenzhen Self-Media Association, hosted by the Shenzhen Newspaper Group Reading Client and the Shenzhen News Network, and strongly supported by the Shenzhen Platform, the Shenzhen Public Opinion Research Institute, and the Audiovisual Center of the Shenzhen Newspaper Group, aims to take stock of the new explorations, new technologies, new achievements and new experiences made by the Shenzhen Internet industry in the past year, sing the main theme, and carry forward the positive energy. At the event site, 6 awards of "Annual Charity Pioneer Force", "Annual Public Welfare Brand Activity", "Most Trustworthy Brand of Netizens", "Most Growing Commercial Brand", "Outstanding Contribution of the Industry" and "Best Creative Marketing Case" were released successively, and 98 enterprises (brands) and institutions were commended. Among them, Stan Planet was awarded the "Most Trustworthy Brand with Net Name" award at the 4th Shenzhen Network Festival. As one of the earliest batch of STEM education practitioners and explorers in China, Stan Planet has been focusing on curriculum research and development, Stan Planet draws on the world's advanced STEM education concepts and practices, and launches a science and technology education ecosystem for 316-year-old children, covering early childhood science and technology, children's programming, competition examinations, planet research, etc., to stimulate children's enthusiasm for learning, cultivate problem-solving ability, and achieve future competitiveness! It is reported that adhering to the teaching concept of "teaching for understanding, learning for innovation", Stan Planet has brought together a group of strong R&D teams, and joined hands with many global experts and professors from the Olympic Champions of mind, Tsinghua University, University of British Columbia, Simon FreserUniversity and other global famous universities to establish a North American R&D center and refine a set of integrated STEM curriculum system. Stan Planet attaches great importance to product research and development and intellectual property protection, and has obtained two national patents for design and utility model, and the whole series of courses uses more than 1600 professional teaching aids and teaching kits to effectively improve the teaching effect. At the same time, we have also obtained 17 software copyrights and 39 works of copyright, which fully demonstrates the strong scientific and technological strength and innovation ability. In addition, as a science and technology education enterprise, Stan Planet has been practicing the concept of corporate social responsibility and continuing to pay attention to the healthy growth of young children. The "Dream Classroom" donated by Stan Planet and the China Next Generation Education Foundation Healthy Growth Special Fund has been completed and put into use at present, wenchuan County Youth Palace Station, Chongzhou Jiezi Primary School Station, and Chongzhou Tingjiang Primary School Station. In the future, Stan Planet plans to donate 24 'dream classrooms' for left-behind children's schools in mountainous areas every year to continue to create a positive and healthy social environment for the healthy growth of Young Chinese children and promote sustainable social development. ”

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