
Ministry of Justice: Strengthen strong rule of law guarantees Accelerate the construction of a modern public legal service system

author:Overseas network

Source: People's Daily News

Ministry of Justice: Strengthen strong rule of law guarantees Accelerate the construction of a modern public legal service system

People's Daily Beijing, January 19 (Reporter Xiao Jinbo) Keeping a close eye on the "key minority" to improve the system for leading cadres to study and use the law, organize and carry out the 2022 rule of law supervision, strengthen the rule of law education for young people, and balance the allocation of urban and rural legal service resources... The National Conference on Judicial Administration held on 16 January painted a picture of this year's judicial administration work.

According to the meeting, this year, the judicial administrative organs will perform their duties and fulfill their responsibilities, vigorously grasp the implementation, and make every effort to do a good job in all work.

Create a safe and stable political and social environment. Keep a close eye on the "key minority" and improve the system for leading cadres to study and use the law, deepen the rotation training of the rule of law work departments on the whole front and with full coverage, and raise the ability level of the rule of law work team. Thoroughly carry out political security risk investigations and social stability risk assessments for major decisions. Make every effort to ensure the safety of prisons, strengthen the implementation of the system, strengthen the investigation and rectification of hidden dangers, and carry out emergency response drills. Complete and improve the normalization mechanism for the standardized operation of the unified drug rehabilitation model, and continue to improve the standardization, scientificization, and modernization of drug rehabilitation work. Organize and guide social forces to widely participate in community corrections, and comprehensively investigate and rectify hidden dangers. Adhere to and develop the "Fengqiao experience" in the new era, and effectively promote the prevention, investigation and early warning, mediation and resolution of the source of contradictions and disputes. Strengthen the resettlement, assistance, and education of persons released after completing their sentences in the new era, and prevent and reduce the recurrence of violations and crimes.

Promote the comprehensive rule of law to create a new situation. Take the "one plan and two outlines" as the general starting point for promoting the construction of the socialist rule of law system with Chinese characteristics, promote the formulation of supporting implementation plans by all regions and departments, and ensure the implementation of key tasks. Strengthen the establishment of deliberative coordination bodies for the establishment of the rule of law in all local party committees, focusing on promoting municipal and county-level party committees to comprehensively govern cities and county committee offices and personnel in place, improve work mechanisms, and effectively perform their duties. Strengthen the establishment of the rule of law at the grassroots level, with the focus on standardizing grassroots law enforcement and justice, to enhance the ability of the grassroots rule of law to serve the overall situation, serve the masses, and maintain stability. Organize and carry out 2022 rule of law inspections. On-site feedback, follow-up guidance for the provinces to be inspected to carry out rectification in 2021. Keep a close eye on the key points of the work of the Central Committee for Governing the Country in Accordance with the Law in 2022 and the division of labor plan to solidly promote supervision. Carry out targeted supervision of major rule of law incidents, strengthening the application of inspection results.

Strengthen strong rule of law safeguards. Formulate the State Council's 2022 annual legislative work plan with high quality and efficiency. Accelerate legislation in key and emerging areas. Establish and improve regional coordinated legislative work mechanisms, truly avoiding ultra vires legislation, duplication of legislation, and blind legislation. Continue to carry out the second batch of national demonstration and creation activities for the construction of a rule of law government, and promote the construction of a government governance system with clear responsibilities and administration according to law. Give full play to the role of legal advisers and public lawyers in major administrative decisions. Study and revise the filing regulations of laws and regulations, and deal with the problem of local and departmental legislation violating higher-level laws in accordance with law. Comprehensively strengthen the construction of standardized and standardized informatization of administrative law enforcement and law enforcement supervision. Deeply promote the implementation of the three systems of administrative law enforcement, the administrative punishment law, and the administrative discretion benchmark system, and organize the clearance of "unreasonable" fines.

Accelerate the construction of a modern public legal service system. Promote effective coverage of public legal service entity platforms, and accelerate the establishment of a public legal service network covering all businesses and all time and space. Deepen the structural reform of the supply side of public legal services, balance the allocation of urban and rural legal service resources, strengthen the construction of public legal services in old revolutionary areas, ethnic minority areas, border areas, and poverty alleviation areas, and promote the activity of "rural revitalization and rule of law together". Strive to optimize the business environment, give full play to the functions and roles of lawyers, notaries, legal aid, judicial appraisals, arbitration, etc., form legal service groups, and carry out special legal services. Earnestly implement the communication and contact mechanism with the Federation of Industry and Commerce, establish a long-term cooperation mechanism of "Wansu Wanwan Association", promote the normalization of "rule of law physical examination", and provide high-quality and efficient legal services for private enterprises. Deepen the popularization of law and governance in accordance with the law, draft action plans for improving citizens' rule of law literacy, promote the establishment of a system of lists of laws and regulations that leading cadres should know and should know, and strengthen rule of law education for young people. Establish a number of rule of law publicity and education bases with the theme of red rule of law culture, cultivate rural "people who understand the law", carry out the ninth batch of "national democratic rule of law demonstration villages (communities)" declaration and naming work, and release the first batch of guiding cases for the construction of rule of law villages.

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