
I, the county man and the tax woman together, are not only in need, but also want more emotional sustenance

author:The humorous anecdotes of the shoveler
The old man in my county town, entangled with the tax woman, when he first started with the tax woman, purely because of her 36D, 170 charming figure, she was too strong, trained me as a son, more than once lost, until later, relying on the compensation left by his ex-wife, he survived, and the tax woman said to me more than once that I was just in need...

[1] Daily with a baby, nothing

I took a public holiday in the last week of 2021, and even took a total of 10 days from the previous weekend and the next New Year's Day holiday, and I didn't go anywhere, and no one contacted me. Every day or at 6:30 in the morning to get up to send the baby to school, eat early to go home, play games, or lie in bed and sleep in the dark, a little ignorant of Han, regardless of Wei Jin's isolation and trance.

At almost six o'clock in the afternoon, I went to pick up the baby from school, and lied to the baby that the food in the canteen today was not delicious and I did not go home, so we continued to eat takeaway. At night, she went to the room to do homework after eating with the baby, I swept the floor to wash clothes and shoes (of course not every day), checked her after doing homework, told her about the wrong problems, and then she played by herself for a while, I opened the air conditioner in her room for two hours, the hot water bottle was filled with boiling water and stuffed into the quilt, and took her to wash and sleep before 10 o'clock.

For a week my daughter didn't notice anything out of me, she didn't realize that I had been staying at home this week except to pick her up and drop her off at school, and no one had contacted me or contacted anyone. As soon as she saw me, she talked endlessly about all kinds of interesting things that happened at school, and I listened quietly and smiling, and from time to time said a few comments.

On Friday, a colleague with a good relationship sent me a message saying that he should hurry up and apply for an only child certificate, today is the last day, and he will not apply for a new certificate in the future. I said that my daughters are 11 years old and still do this thing, don't you add 5 yuan and 10 yuan of only child fees every month? She said you know a fart, not to say that you have not done less for 11 years, and when you retire, the pension with an only child certificate will be 5% more, then you can also have 300 to 500 yuan more per month, which is almost enough for you to add oil twice a month. Love to go or not, others I am too lazy to say. I said oh oh you're right, I'll do it right away.

In the afternoon, I went to the convenience service center of the municipal government to apply for a certificate, and the staff said, Why do you give me a marriage certificate? I said that there was no marriage certificate where the divorce certificate came from, thinking that you all had to read it. She said she didn't need to, just take the divorce agreement and make a copy next door. I went to pick up the baby at 4:30 a.m. on the day, and I finished school earlier on the weekend afternoon. Eva said how can you come to pick me up so early today? I said I would take a leave of absence to run errands, and I would come directly to pick you up. Then shake the big red one-child certificate in your hand, you will not have brothers and sisters in the future, you will be at ease to be your father's only baby. Well, today is the last day of 2021, what do you want to eat?

The father and daughter discussed the dispute for half a day, and then decided to eat sauerkraut fish hot pot, because the other stores in the mall were already full of people. After eating, I walked around the mall, and I chose a plaster spongebob to color, and I sat dozing off. After painting, I went to pay the bill, and the boss said that your daughter is really good at painting, have you learned it in the training class? I said that I had not learned it, and that this scum skill of drawing would not be good for the future, and it would also affect academic performance. The boss may also find it difficult to communicate with people like me, so he doesn't talk. When she came out, my daughter told me that when she was painting just now, her boss took several photos of her, and she was embarrassed. I said as long as you don't get embarrassed, the embarrassment is someone else, what's there to be embarrassed about. I went to the mall and bought a few blind boxes, and it was almost 11 o'clock when I got home. Fireworks began to light sporadically in the sky, and my daughter excitedly video chatted with her classmates on a tablet, watching the colorful fireworks on the balcony and shouting. I put my arms around my daughter and said, Baby, tomorrow is the new year, you are one year older, and your father is one year older. My daughter looked at me proudly and said, I know.

This year is the fourth year of divorce, and I have been living alone with my daughter for almost four years. After work with her, on weekends with her, almost no time of their own, and almost no social interaction with any friends, so the father and daughter are dependent on each other. The word "dependent" seems a little sad, but it is actually not so unbearable. Loneliness is all over the place, such as playing Red Dead Redemption 2 and catching all 13 legendary fish, looking around and no one can share this satisfaction; for example, a person leaning on the couch eating potato chips and watching "The Matrix 4", no one around me explains the Worldview of the Matrix while holding it. I silently felt all my joys and sorrows, in the eyes of others, it was just a middle-aged divorced man with a numb look, but in fact, no one knew how rich and wonderful my heart was. Occasionally go to meet other women introduced by colleagues and friends, most of the time they are embarrassed with each other, chickens and ducks, it is difficult to be on the same channel with points of interest, and in the end, they are all insecure and do not disturb each other. But I still insist that good love is not like this, it should be a very unexpected understanding, natural communication, and then mutual appreciation, strong attraction to each other, and finally the water to achieve together. Hmmm, it would be nice if such a person could meet him.

If you can't meet it, what does it matter? I also have a daughter who is learning to understand the world little by little, and I want to accompany her to grow up healthy and happy. There is nothing to worry about at work, anyway, at this age, promotion is hopeless, efforts are useless, in order to support the family, it is necessary to do it, and there is no mistake to wait for retirement step by step. Anxiety is similar to many parents, such a big baby has not mastered the correct learning methods and habits, said and did not listen to will resist, their own room is messy and lazy to clean up, than when I was a child and well-behaved and diligent learning and never let my parents worry too far.

In the past, when I took the college entrance examination, the class teacher told me that the teachers' university in the province had a quota for submission, do you want it? That shida was just an ordinary one, and I was dismissive at the time, what did this mean that I saw it as? Now looking at my daughter like this, I think you should be able to pass the examination for a teacher's university, although I am a party member, I also have to go to the temple to burn incense and prostrate my head to thank the bodhisattva for blessing. In the fifth grade, I still can't take the initiative to study, and my grades are not up and down in the class, but I don't have a sense of urgency, but my hair is gray. The best junior high school in the city is now also lottery, and the area where the housing is now a garbage junior high school is also a garbage junior high school. Half a year ago, I used the provident fund to buy a small two-bedroom apartment near another junior high school, and I had to repay 9,000 loans every month. I bought a supporting parking space, the money for the decoration seems to be insufficient, I am afraid that I will have to borrow some money when the time comes, and I want to get the house in order to move the house before my daughter goes to junior high school, which is really troublesome. The rest, it seems that there is nothing to worry about, right? Last night Dad called and asked if he wanted to go back for the New Year. I said that I am not sure, now that the epidemic has worsened, everything is busy, and it is more troublesome to go back to nucleic acid testing and isolation, and I may be with my daughter for the New Year. It doesn't matter if you can't cook, it's easy to buy a little food and make a hot pot, I have already calculated it.

What are your plans for the future? It seems that there is no plan, so I live with my daughter every day with peace of mind, and the days will pass quickly. She has grown so tall and has her own ideas, and the daughter in her memory always remembers that she has always been the size of a shoebox, and I am holding it around, it is really a white colt that passes through the gap time like a shuttle of time. And who will meet again in the future, who knows. It is nothing more than a soldier to cover up the water and keep his inner independence and strength. What should I do when I get old? Then let's talk about getting old, isn't that old enough?

[2] Alone after divorce

Write about some of the emotional experiences after the divorce, and prove that you will not be an old man with feelings. I have loved many people, and I have been fortunate to be loved by many people, although in the end I basically let me down, but I hope that if they will still think of me, they will remember the beautiful moments, at least when we are together, we have loved sincerely and unreservedly. Shortly after the divorce, the colleague who asked me to apply for an only child certificate introduced me to one of her little girlfriends. In fact, it is to push the girlfriend WeChat to me, saying that this is my classmate Ha, from childhood are beautiful and bully, now in the provincial city tax bureau to work, she also left, I think you should talk to. I can't help but slander, what kind of bully can I talk to as a science and engineering man? Can you look down on me a little bit? But still habitual obedience, adding each other's friends but this is an unexpected surprise. We unexpectedly co-shot, the three views are consistent and the facial features are pleasing to the eye, and there are endless words without deliberately looking for a topic. I sent her long messages every morning, saying all kinds of meaty and self-righteous sweet words, writing boring and tedious love letters like Fang Hong gradually fell in love with Tang Xiaofu, missing her urgently and passionately every night, and smiling on her face when she fell asleep.

Later, he found a time to entrust his daughter to his ex-wife and said that he was going on a business trip and let him take care of it on his behalf. Then I took a sabbatical to go to the provincial city, and she drove to pick me up at the high-speed rail station. The moment I saw her, I remembered the girl I met in Murakami, and I felt that she was the girl I needed. We held hands, chatted, unrestrained, and had no sense of distance and strangeness like lovers we had known for a long time, which was a miracle for a person like me who was a little socially intimidated. Then there's walking, eating, sleeping, getting along day and night, and attaching to each other like every day is the end of the world. Perfect experience. This feeling lasted for more than half a year, and I visited each other several times, and I was very happy and satisfied every time I met. But in the end, back to the real problem that was deliberately avoided at the beginning, we all have our own children and are in different places. We are all within the system, it is too difficult to mobilize or something, and taking children to each other's cities to start over is a huge risk for anyone.

[3] I still love you

I still love you now, but can I continue to love you like this in the future? I can't be sure myself. Although I have always told her that we must not forget our original intentions, no matter how far in the future, we should remember our original intention of being together, that is, simple love. The fuse that broke up later was that I sent her a video of a Three German Knives advertisement. The advertisement is not good, composed of several fragments, basically a pair of hot love men and women reunited together for a long time, eager and satisfied hugs, the heroine sweetly and affectionately tied a scarf to the male protagonist. Then the heroine said what do you want to say to me now? The man said, let's break up. The heroine said with a happy face, "Oh well, good, What does the man ask? The heroine pointed with her finger, my scarf. The male protagonist is very sorry to untie it and return it to the female protagonist. Sorry I forgot. Never mind. Good bye. Good bye. Then the advertising words sounded, XX Sande knife, the knife knife is clean and clean, never break the thread. She didn't say anything when she received it, but she didn't contact me again. I wished her happiness in the future, and she said you too. Then delete WeChat, just like never known, since then, two wide, the rivers and lakes are gone.

My colleague knew and said to me later, at that time you were together, I did not agree, I felt very incredible, and when I could accept that you were together, you were inexplicably separated, what a ghost. Later, my colleague enthusiastically introduced me to a girlfriend of her mahjong friend (a friend who played mahjong together), a divorced bank girl. According to my colleagues, I am as single as I am with a baby. And you're the best match, she said. In good shape, this woman? I asked my colleague. + The figure is very good, but the appearance is average, that is, the kind of person who lives a life.

[4] The stupid white sweetness with a big chest and no brain

Oh, and her big breasts? + What do you care about when you're older? Do you know what you really want, please? Sober up! How did I get old? I'm still full of buds. So it seems that she is not as good looking as you, right? +Haha, that's true. No, she still has two apartments, with you you you have no pressure in life, are you good to find a partner to live? Thinking about it all day. I now like the stupid white sweetness with big chest and no brain, who can deal with such a naïve person who has been beaten by society? You add her to see well, very simple and homely people, and do not like to go out and mess, and you are more suitable. I habitually obeyed again. Chatted with the bank girl for two days, but very enthusiastic, the information is seconds back, but said that recently very busy, but also to study the exam or something. I asked her out for dinner and met, and she said she couldn't get out of bed for another day lately. I thought about it, such a busy person has no time all day, so what do I want you to use? So I don't have to take two babies after that? I just want to commute to work normally every day and have time to cook together and shop with a baby.

In the end, I deleted her. After a while, a colleague called and asked me how I had deleted the person well, and I honestly said that she was not available to ask her for dinner. Colleagues hate the iron not steel emperor is not anxious eunuchs anxious, said me, no time to eat another day, the bank is already busy, and not all like we are fine after work. I also felt that it seemed impolite, so I added her back again, apologized vigorously, scolded myself for not knowing what to do, and spoke sincerely and sincerely. She didn't say anything, but she wasn't as enthusiastic as before, and I didn't take the initiative to chat with her again. Then one night, she suddenly sent me a message saying that she was going to say something, otherwise she would die and not be able to say it to others. I said you are actually a good listener, good at being a trash can for others to talk to, focusing on helping friends dissolve negative emotions. + She said that she met a man, fell in love at first sight, the old house was on fire so badly, and loved desperately to be together when she saw it. But when the man returned to the provincial city, she still couldn't let go of everything with him, and she would never see him again and lose him forever. Now I don't dare to tell people every day, which greatly affects my work life and I am depressed. I said don't think about it, don't think about it at all, let go of such feelings as soon as possible, and live a good life again. She said she just couldn't put it down, so she was depressed and uncomfortable. Don't want to find a place to have two drinks? You drink I drink Coke? Or do KTV open a private room and roar a throat to make you vent and sleep well tomorrow is a new day?

[5] She invited me to her house

She said she wouldn't drink and didn't want to sing. I think of Jin Chengwu in the forest of Chongqing, who is said to be able to cure lost love, so I suggested that she change into her sportswear and go to the artificial lake near her house to run a few laps, and when she was done, she went to her house to cook and eat together. She asked you if you could run with me? Go now. I looked at Trevor on the screen who had just woken up in a flower dress, thought about it, and decisively rejected her. Later, there was no contact, and occasionally I posted some very sad copywriting in the circle of friends, she would criticize me for not being positive enough, and that was it. My colleagues have asked me what type I like, and I said what type of type I like, and what type of person I like is what type of person I like. She shouldn't be what I like, I think, and it doesn't seem like a pity that she didn't start at the beginning.

[6] Life has returned to peace

My daughter took a holiday after the final exam today, and the school canceled the breakout ceremony due to epidemic prevention and control. When she received her daughter, she crackled and said, Dad, if I fail the exam, you are not allowed to scold me, if I do well in the exam, you will reward me, as for what reward I want. I gave her a blank look, did you test well, you don't have some confidence yourself? My daughter is very helpless, I am confident, I am afraid that the teacher will not have confidence in me. Let her go of the wild horse for a few days after the exam, and it won't be long before she gets bored without stress.

[7] The that the tax woman bragged about did not materialize

When I was in love with the tax woman, I confessed affectionately, I had no friends, I had not made any new friends after 20 years of work, and occasionally I sat down when a few local classmates made an appointment, and I usually did not contact anyone, I was used to being alone. I am particularly clingy, and I will not be bored by talking with you all day, if you are bored and I am bored, I will read books and play games by myself, and I will not make you feel suffocated. If we can cook and do housework together, even if I am too stupid to learn, at least I can give you a hand, I am not too lazy, and I do it myself with a baby. You want to go out and play I take leave to accompany you, you have to find friends to play I am responsible for picking you up, if you want I can tell everyone out loud how much I love you. I will treat your children as if they were my own, regardless of each other, and we will always live like a family, as long as we love each other, nothing can stop our happiness together. These words were eventually asked to be written in paper and signed with a fingerprint, which she said could be stored in her newly purchased safe, and if I couldn't do anything, she would take it out and let me read it to warn myself. Later, they didn't get together, and she didn't return this commitment to me, thinking that it was still a little sad. After I graduated, I really didn't have any friends, the nature of my work didn't have to have any interaction with people in society, the circle was simple, and my social skills were weak enough to live to a dog. College classmates only had a good girl to keep in touch, the night the US Imperialist bombed the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, I also came back from shopping with her (she always had endless KFC coupons in her hand), the campus was full of high-pitched classmates crowding the leaders to speak passionately, that night I did not understand that I followed the boiling crowd to tear down the university gate across the road (black question mark face, what did they do wrong?). )。 The next day, the school officially organized students to march on the streets, which was boring and exhausting, but when I left the line, I didn't find her, I don't know if she was looking for me at the same time, and I am still wondering. Later, she went to Melbourne to continue her studies and immigrated to get married and have children, and was active in my world as a relationship counselor until I divorced and stopped bothering each other.

After graduating in 11 years, she went back to a class reunion and invited me to go with her, but I refused, saying that if anyone asked me, I would say that I was dead. She sent me a lot of party photos, talking about the current situation and changes of the students. The only thing mentioned about me at the party was my lower bunk, graduated to Zhejiang University to study graduate school and then entered the goose factory, considered an elite successful person, asked about my current situation and contact information, but she did not say. I said that all the memories of my college career except for the game were all about you, and I was unfamiliar with everyone else, and you were the only living evidence of my existence in that life. I am a salted fish that confesses to lying flat, and even the primary and secondary school classmates around me are too lazy to take care of it, and I have traveled thousands of miles to see what my former classmates recall? But it is not without friends, and there are one or two good hair small in my hometown. Every time I go back to my hometown and sit down for a long time, I will go to find a small hair, chat at his house and drink two drinks, and what depressed weekdays will not say what I dare not say, even if it is the most ulterior motive. Laughing and scolding, acting arbitrarily, dancing with their hands, without a little gentleness and frugality in their daily lives. Oh, and while idle, you must let me go, and some madness. In a hundred years, mixed teaching was drunk, thirty-six thousand.

His wife was very polite, but every time she went to his house, she was drunk with him, and she was very helpless to see that there was always such a neurotic existence. Sometimes two people go to the bar to listen to songs and drinks, and they don't have to talk about anything, and they feel very relaxed and feel the peace. Once let the boss single loop Wang Lihong's "The Only" until closing, he drank too much and cried that he loved his wife very much, I said this I know, you love it well, no one grabs you. Although the king had been hammered into the scumbag, that was later. + He will also call me if he has not been back for a long time, saying that I am going to come to you to play ha, and then come. I took time off to go with him on a roller coaster ride to play pirate ships (oh my god, I just knew I would be seasick pirate ships), play KOF97 or Samurai Shodown. He was a first-class person, and in elementary school, he often hid a wire in his bag to poke the god man of the game console, and I was ashamed of myself.

We also met the two of us to go to the Jiangnan city cluster for eight days and ten days, for which I also carefully studied the route to formulate a strategy, and finally his wife stopped it with such behavior being too childish and incredible, and then the two of them went on their own trip and did not call me, hating and hating. As my daughter grew older, she saw him less and less, and she didn't tell anyone when she went back. I've learned more that everyone is born lonely, that everyone is just a passer-by to everyone else, the difference is only the length of time we pass by each other, and we all end up going back to the original person, just like when we came. But the beauty of the experiences we had experienced together finally illuminated that journey, and I would feel warm when I looked back.

The female classmate said to me, in fact, you are really cold and hypocritical, I said you finally did not look at the wrong person once.

This answer gradually deviated from the original intention, and became the murmur of a middle-aged man sitting alone on a park bench, dragging the figures who had distanced themselves from the blur out of their memories and showing them to the public, hoping that they would not mind. Well, they won't know anyway, I'm just being polite, and then I'm not being polite. +1, someone in the comments asked me if I was a Capricorn or something, and I didn't know what Capricorn should look like, but in fact, I was the legendary archer who indulged in indulgence and love of freedom, and my daughter was also a shooter, and my whole family was a shooter.

[8] The tax woman treated me as strong as a son

There are also many people who regret that I did not get with the tax woman, in fact, she is a Leo, sagittarius and lion are the pairing index, think it is perfect, and this is also the evidence that we felt that there would be a good future together at that time. Second, it is impossible to work with female colleagues, the personality is impulsive, and there has been no similar affection for more than ten years of working together. She was so strong that I felt that I could only obey orders in front of her like her son, even though I was a few years older than her and had no sense. Once she was training her son in the office, and it was a slap to raise her hand without a few words. All the men in the office, from large to small, were all solemn, did not dare to say a word, gasping for fear of touching her nerves, they could only exhale softly, and they could not afford to provoke. I left with my son last year, and one day I quietly told me that I was now dating a divorced slightly chubby otaku in taxes. I said that there is something good about the dead fat house, and if I want to, it will not take long to become the same model immediately. She said that the man would do housework and be considerate, pure temperament, no bad habits, and actively send messages early and late reports every day.

[9] The real idea of the tax woman is to find someone to serve her

Now I don't have any idea to find a diligent and reliable man to serve her. This man is not hungry for her body, everyone is a man, it is estimated that the enthusiasm has passed and returned to the state of death that everything does not haunt the heart. But I didn't say that, just respect the blessing. +Three, the female classmate is considered a white moonlight, but did not chase her at that time, and has maintained a strange and ambiguous relationship. Her first boyfriend at school was my roommate, tall and handsome, Wang Lihong's type, and I was a transparent person who played games every day and was out of the world. Later, they became familiar with each other because the high number was rebuilt together, and the mother grinned, and it was impossible to change the scene of the normal point, and it was really easier for the fallen people at the end of the world to feel sorry for each other. We studied together every day, and in the big class she would give me a seat, and the roommate would become a microphone for her appointment with me. She had long been ready to graduate and go abroad, and when she studied for herself, she memorized words carefully and I didn't want to read comics or sleep, and occasionally she was bored and poked me with a pen and asked me to accompany her to recite them.

Later, she and her roommate broke up, and even asked me to supervise her to eat only one apple per meal to maintain her figure, which should not be my job. Even after she changed boyfriends several times, we still maintained such a relationship, if it was not close, no one would break the paper, anyway, we all knew that each other was not a good fit. In the first few years of her trip abroad, she would often call me to talk about life trivia and all kinds of complaints, and send me some postcards and photos. Aunt in the communication room has a love of philately, and every time I receive her letter stamps, I have to be cut off, which makes me angry. Once she joked, "Or should I go to you?" If we get married, we will be beautiful to have children. I said no, we are not suitable, with people like me today and no tomorrow, don't delay you. She thought about it too, and didn't mention it again. She married a new classmate she met over there, gave birth to a daughter and a son, and taught her husband and children every day, leisurely and quiet. After I crawled out of the quagmire of online games, I felt that I should live a normal life, such as finding a wife and having a child, so I began to date various girls. During this period, she gave me a lot of reference opinions, analyzed practical problems such as what girls think, and let me try to overtake from another angle, of course, the last one did not work.

[10] Pregnant before marriage

Later, I met my ex-wife, and I got pregnant before I got married, and she strongly opposed it but it was useless. I can't shake the pot, I can only say that it is good to have a child, I love children. Once, when she traveled back to China, she said that if she came to see me, she would never see me again after graduation, and she didn't know how they had actually changed. What do I say to meet? Isn't it to reminisce about the common past and sigh again, and the love is so strong that you can't help but come to a hair and then go on a strange road, so why bother? She was very angry and said that you thought too much, you met just to have a shot? I said no need to say goodbye. What reassured me was that in the end she did not come, went to Sichuan to see the panda and took a few photos of me, looking in a good state, good look like the first encounter. While this is just my personal stubborn feeling, I don't accept a rebuttal. Later, I continued to contact, at that time, I was becoming irritable and irritable because of various contradictions in the marriage, and I almost collapsed with despair, and slowly chatted with her became perfunctory, and often did not reply to the news. She should have felt my indifference, less and less information and finally no more news, like clouds that drifted across the sky until they faded forever. You didn't come back as scheduled, and that's what parting means.

After all, it is still not enough to like it, it takes a lot of likes to make up a love word, so the ending is very good. That's the best ending. I didn't dare to say that I actually had that much too. I hope they will not brush up on my answer, I am afraid that I will not have to be anonymous. At first, I wanted to tell me how I lived a poor life, but I wrote more about it when I confiscated it, and if someone was willing to read it, I would change it next time.

[11] And the life of his daughter

The daughter's face grew a small white spot, looking like a small flower cat, and she took a peeling guard to see it after worrying. The examiner who did skin imaging finally diagnosed pityriasis white, saying that it was because of the lack of vitamin B caused by eating too few fruits and vegetables, except that it was not an obstacle to the ugly point, and it would slowly heal itself. Then I opened some vitamin tablets and ointment to rub my face, and when I went to get the medicine, I found a box of 160 masks that could be restored. Before going to bed, let my daughter wash her face with a hot towel, open the mask to see that there are only 5 tablets, and I feel good pit. The daughter put on the mask and played quietly with the tablet, not daring to speak or laugh.

In the past, the tax girl also had to apply a mask every night, and at that time, she always surrendered without resisting and asked her ex-boyfriend not to waste it. I asked her why she called her ex-boyfriend mask such a strange name, she said that the skin of the mask would be radiant and confident, and the ex-boyfriend was shocked when he saw it and then he cried and rolled back to ask for a reunion. I was a little dismissive, I used a bottle of dabao ten dollars until it expired, and the same water spirit skin can be broken. She pulled my face and said I love you for being so smelly and faceless. Later I learned that she used the name SK2, when I saw her buy a small light bulb, I secretly calculated how many G memory sticks can be exchanged to play cyberpunk 2077 stable FPS to 60 frames, so the comparison is more intuitive. Women always seem to like to toss that face happily, in fact, there is nothing wrong with getting old, what you like is still like, and how you don't like it no matter how you pinch your face again, how proud you are 36d.

I reviewed it myself, the female classmates were the emotional throbbing of the student period, there was no beginning and could not talk about the end, although there was contact later, but after graduation, I never saw it again. Female colleagues have worked together for more than ten years, know each other's roots, have not had any transgressions and ambiguities, and even if they are friends who can talk more than ordinary colleagues, they have always maintained a good distance. The bank woman is an introduction to people she knows, similar to the ordinary drama of divorced old men going on a blind date, and she has not met and has not been in contact with her again. Only tax women have thought about each other for a lifetime, even taking their children to dinner and interacting, and my daughter likes her daughter too. Although they didn't end up together, they were also good to get together and disperse. I was still alone, and every time I wandered the bustling streets like I was walking alone in the wilderness, fearless and sad. Like Borges said, my flesh is just time, time that keeps passing, and I myself? I am nothing more than every lonely moment. Side hustle is impossible to have any side hustle, go to work for a long time to think back to find that they really can't do anything, if you suddenly thrown into the cruel and fierce social furnace is estimated to be swallowed slag left, and finally starved to death on the street. The low-level men who are despised and spurned by all kinds of self-reliant, self-reliant, positive and aggressive modern women who do not seek progress, have no money and no tomorrow, and the DNA that should be most eliminated by the laws of nature is the survival of the fittest. After a cold sweat, it seems that I can't change any established facts, so I have to play games with fear while feeling guilty, and continue to eat and wait for death.

The divorced ex-wife asked for a sum of money, which of course wasn't that much at the time. The agreement had been written in installments, and it turned out that within a few months she did not know what good girlfriend she had instigated me to let me give money, immediately. After knowing the tax woman, he cheekily borrowed it from her to pay it back, which also ended the failed marriage and has no entanglement since then. After paying off the debt of the tax woman began to save money, although the salary is stable but not high, eating and drinking Lasa can only save a 5K per month as a family reserve, watching the rise in deposits is actually quite satisfied, not divorced before almost always moonlight. However, soon we will have to prepare to renovate the new house, and I am afraid that I will have no money left in a year or two. Female colleagues inquired everywhere to tell me that this year to deduct 2K subsidies every month, and told me not to believe, I can't help but believe, it is really a thunderbolt on a sunny day. The only fortunate thing is to have a daughter to accompany, although the beginning is not very obedient will resist, although lazy and hungry do not love to take the initiative to learn, although ugly is not as good as when I was a child, but the child is really the most beautiful gift given to everyone by heaven, without her company I think I will be a painful and miserable and gray life behind me. + When she was just born, I hugged her thin and small in the swaddling, looked closely at the long eyes that could not be opened in a line, wrinkled little nose, and thought to myself, how is it so ugly, not at all like me when I was a child. When she was in kindergarten, I came home, and she grabbed me and tore and bit, crying as if she had just experienced one of the saddest things in the world, and shouted incoherently, why don't you come to pick me up, you said you were going to pick me up, I have been waiting for you to pick me up. I can only keep apologizing, making sure that next time I will definitely say something. On her first day of elementary school, her small figure carried a large school bag and walked silently in the direction of the classroom. I watched her at the school gate until her figure disappeared, and I didn't wait for her to look back at me. I know that she has her own world from now on, and this world will slowly become bigger and more exciting, and my shadow will eventually fade away. + She woke up from a dream in the middle of the night, sat on the bed and cried loudly, Daddy, I want Daddy. I rushed to her side and hugged her, stroked her hair and whispered, Daddy is here, Daddy is with you, obediently hurry to sleep. She curled up in a ball and arched in my arms, slowly falling asleep, tears still on her face. I grew older and darker, life and time were transferred to her, she grew bigger and bigger, bright and brilliant like a rainbow after the rain. Long Yingtai said in "Seeing", I slowly and slowly learned that the so-called father-daughter mother-son relationship only means that your fate with him is that you are constantly watching his back drift away in this life and this life. You stand at this end of the path, watching him fade away where the path turns, and he silently tells you with his back that you don't have to chase. The trees want to be quiet and the wind is not stopping.

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