
Precautions before egg retrieval in Linyi IVF

IVF families know that egg retrieval is a very important part of IVF. So what are the precautions for expectant mothers after egg retrieval? And how should we scientifically regulate our bodies? Today Hengjian overseas to give you science popularization.

Precautions before egg retrieval in Linyi IVF

Precautions before IVF egg retrieval

A, before the egg retrieval to eat lightly, the day of egg retrieval, if you are doing painless egg retrieval, then you need to keep an empty stomach before the egg retrieval on the same day, if you do not anesthesia, you can eat a little food.

However, it should be noted that do not eat enough or too greasy, eat some light and digestible food appropriately, recommend porridge, clear soup noodles, bread, boiled eggs or steamed buns, avoid heavy fried foods, and drink less milk, soy milk and other drinks that are easy to cause flatulence and discomfort.

Precautions before egg retrieval in Linyi IVF

B. Rest well the day before egg retrieval, do not catch a cold, and adjust the body function to a good state.

C. One month before egg retrieval, both husband and wife should stop drinking, staying up late and other bad living habits.

d. The night before the egg retrieval, please do a good job of personal hygiene, bathe, change clean underwear. Please wear comfortable, loose clothing and avoid tight pants on the day of egg retrieval. The man should also pay attention to cleaning the vulva the night before sperm retrieval to ensure that the semen removal process is not contaminated.

Precautions before egg retrieval in Linyi IVF

Factors that affect egg quality, in addition to age and genetics, lifestyle impact is the greatest, healthy diet, proper exercise, regular sleep, and maintain an optimistic and cheerful attitude, all help to improve egg quality. It is recommended that patients who do IVF begin to prepare for egg raising before entering the week to raise good eggs and lay the foundation for the success of IVF.

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