
(Zhou Yun) Ma Jiaoli _ Horoscope of January 17-23, 2022


Family members and people you love may have been complaining that they rarely see you. This is when you need to grasp the cues and find time to be with the people closest to you. You have the ambition to achieve your dreams and the commitment to work or community, but you also need to live a balanced life with fun and relaxation at work. After mid-week, the sun will move towards Aquarius, and Aquarius is your circle of friends, so you won't lack an energetic and exuberant partner.


Before you can make an important decision, you have to find the right position yourself. This could mean postponing until you've considered a variety of different possibilities. Remember, if you want to do everything for everyone, it won't work, and if you spread yourself out, you'll make a superficial impression. Try to pause occasionally to catch your breath and calm your mind. You need to gain depth and breadth of knowledge.


In astrology, money and intimacy occupy the same area of the astrological chart, which may sound strange. But both of these things require real communication, and it may end in a tug-of-war. If you want to achieve a better understanding with close partners in any field, try to be both firm and flexible. After mid-week, you'll want to have lively, challenging partners for the next few weeks and broaden your horizons in other ways.


Independent or cooperative? It seems like your choice, you can't make the best decision. You know you're not willing to compromise with someone close to you, but you're equally unsure if you want to let yourself go. Wait until the dust settles before committing in any direction. The sun is in the most secret area of your astrolabe, and mid-week you will find yourself in deep thought.


You know you have to keep yourself in good health right now, but it's also important to take care of yourself emotionally and psychologically. Think about what will calm you down and make sure you schedule the activity in your journal in advance. Starting Thursday, the Sun is in charge of one-on-one partnerships in your astrolabe region, and you'll want to share and care more in the coming weeks. Getting along is the key to your happiness.


Being part of an interesting social group can be compensated because you have more people to deal with. But then you lose the reward of intimacy, the opportunity to be the sole focus of someone's particular attention. What you really want is the freedom of the circle of friends and the worship of intimate partners. This may test your creativity, but it's possible. While you need to make room during the week as hard work will come back on the schedule, it means you'll also be in optimal health.


You know the best way to get the right attention is to serve your peers at work or in the community. Give them what they need and they will be thoroughly grateful to you. But you also need to give yourself more time to discover yourself. So, divide yourself into two parts early, one is a quiet moment of rest, and the other is a busy moment, you are busy and helpful. During the week, the sun is in your area of love, child, entertainment and self-expression, and you will be full of drama and fun in the coming weeks.


If you're tired of always being with the same people, you obviously need to look for someone more adventurous who will bring you excitement and excitement. Let your imagination soar and see if you can set your goals higher. Don't go into the tiger's den to get the tiger. Although after mid-week, your family situation will also become a priority. You want to take a step back from your busy schedule lately to take stock and take a more regular break.


If you want to have a grand cleanup, try not to throw away too much. Not just literally, emotionally, you feel an urge to get rid of old baggage. Remember, if you're too impulsive, you may want to take it back in a few days. The Middle Way is always a good motto. During the week, you'll be distracted and will talk to people non-stop. Because you're being pulled in a different direction, you may have less time in terms of depth and detail.


Now it's time to take an assessment of an intimate relationship. Not everything stays the same forever. Every once in a while, you'll need to revise your understanding to keep pace with changes in your living environment. Try to figure out what's important to you in the long run, not a whimsical impulse. From Thursday sun in Aquarius, you will strive to keep your finances in order. You will make up your mind to manage what you have rationally.


Maybe you'll have to muster up your willpower and get to work on practical issues. You may be tempted by the idea that "doing less will make you feel better." But if you work hard, you will be able to polish your aura and will also find that your energy will also rise. During the week, you will bounce around with enthusiasm and enthusiasm. Recently held back by setbacks, delays, or a lack of energy and motivation, now you'll move forward.


Sometimes in the rush and chaos of dealing with everyday affairs and an active social life, you forget what you want. For at least a few days, it's more important to let your inner spark shine than to cater to the expectations of others. Although you will feel like you are retired by the weekend, you are not in any hurry for the next few weeks. During this time you need to take a step back, take stock, recharge yourself, and let someone else run for you.

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